Rate the video games you're currently playing
Jan 30, 2016 at 4:01 PM Post #5,342 of 6,963
I have tried playing Elite:Dangerous. The controls are very bad. I watched a youtube vid of how to get the controls working. However it was made for the Alpha version of E:D. I can't work out how to make the changes for the current version. I only have about 20 minutes playing time left on Steam before I lose the refund status. I really want to get it going though because it looks such a good game. At the moment I rate 2/10.

Elite: Dangerous controls just fine, but you have to know how to set up your controls properly. Really, for any sort of flight or space "sim", the FIRST thing you should be doing is checking the controls and remapping them appropriately. It's not too hard to do in ED considering how simple it is - yes, simple, it's hardly DCS.
Hell, it's the first thing I check for any game, even mainstream genres. Being an ESDF user enforces that.
Yeah where I said getting the controls working. What I meant was getting them working so you can do something intuitively. The controls work as it is and you don't actually have to do a fix. It's just that they are abominably hard work. I have managed to do some of the tutorials but winning any of them was pure luck. If an enemy got behind me it was either a case of wait for them to come back in front of me. In which time you could die. Or roll around endlessly around trying to re-align with the enemy.
Basically if you move mouse off centre in any direction, you roll endlessly in that direction. Mouse forward or back and you pitch up and down. Mouse to the left and you spin anti-clockwise. All unitl you bring mouse back to centre. You attempt to control speed by W and S. If you press A and D you move very slowly in a turn in that direction.
Yeah I bought it in the last Black Friday sale. £10.

Geez, no wonder you hate the default controls; you're playing a game made for HOTAS with KB+M, and on top of that, they defaulted to virtual joystick mode. You can change the relative mode options so the ship stops rotating when you stop moving the mouse.
Here, why don't you try this setup? It makes it handle more like a typical FPS and you might find it workable. Wouldn't say it's outright better this way, but hey, most people haven't dumped $1,000+ into flight sim controls, either.

Jan 30, 2016 at 5:05 PM Post #5,343 of 6,963
@NamelessPFG I did get the controls set up fairly well eventually. However I pretty much came to a shattering hault with Elite:Dangerous, with only sixteen hours played.
It was an endless battle to learn how to do stuff. Like there was a mission I did where I had to buy some beers. I looked at info on each station in a system - no beer. Yet a Steam friend was online and googled the stations in the system I was in. One of them had beer, so I docked and bought the beer. 
Almost everything in those first sixteen hours was like that. Do a bit, google, google, more google. Give up. Try later google, google.
Then I noticed a mission was to transport slaves. I was pretty disgusted at this concept in a game set in the future, and just gave up.
Last time I was playing I was a minute from running out of fuel. I had passed through system after system with no stations to  refuel at. What could I do?
What's the point?
It's a space-sim, and not a game. Shame I didn't think that mattered. £10 gone.
Feb 3, 2016 at 4:52 PM Post #5,345 of 6,963
I recently finished realMyst: Masterpiece Edition which is an official remake of the 1993 classic Myst.  It's a first-person puzzle adventure game for those who don't know.  Amazing game with some of the most distinct and incredible art design I've ever found.  I love the premise and setting and now want more... let's hope a remake of Riven comes out.  The industry needs more remakes.
Since then I moved onto another remake, Baldur's Gate Reloaded, this one a community remake built as a custom module for Neverwinter Nights 2.  It's another 1:1 remake in script and level design, and it even uses the same soundtrack and voice clips and movies, and they even remade the feats, spells, and sub-races that weren't included in Neverwinter Nights 2.  It's actually my first time playing Baldur's Gate though, and man is it overrated.  Nostalgia is definitely the only reason people love it, as there's really nothing to the game.  Not much role-playing (no dialogue checks it seems) beyond basic character creation and combat (which are all significantly better with the NWN 2 platform), no character development at all, clearly not story-driven.  BioWare has improved a ton since those days.  I can't wait for Baldur's Gate II: Reloaded though.
Feb 4, 2016 at 11:00 AM Post #5,347 of 6,963
Been playing The Witness recently, and when I'm not playing it, I'm still thinking about it. Been quite a while since a puzzle game really grabbed me. I could see myself spending dozens of hours with it.
Feb 5, 2016 at 5:35 AM Post #5,348 of 6,963
I've been playing DarkMaus recently and quite enjoy it. The dev doesn't hide that it's heavily inspired by Dark Souls and while it's a simpler take on that formula I like it.
Feb 14, 2016 at 7:42 PM Post #5,349 of 6,963
Started up Morrowind again.  Many of you probably remember it like this:

But I'm playing it like this:

Also, this is only the second character I've made in Morrowind.  I never knew how much dialogue changes depending on your Speechcraft level, like more story driven RPGs.  My first character was a Pilgrim who specialized in Speechcraft, and he was the most outgoing person in Vvardenfell.  My current character is a Nightblade with essentially the lowest possible Speechcraft, and many NPCs are just unwilling to talk to me now.  It's an obvious change and nothing like Fallout 2 or New Vegas, but pleasant nonetheless, and this aspect is totally absent in all of the newer Elder Scrolls games.
Feb 15, 2016 at 3:16 AM Post #5,350 of 6,963
Morrowind, I finihed that game I think 4 times?
Yes, the overhauls are amazing. 
Feb 15, 2016 at 12:58 PM Post #5,351 of 6,963
I got bogged down last time I played Morrwind. It was just too hard getting about. The fast travel system that Oblivion added made all the difference, then got criticised for hand-holding.
I was however very into the game and might try to carry on. I have an issue though. The save file I have means I need to re-install Morrowind and the Overhaul pack identically. It worked the first time I re-installed. Then the second time I got major errors. Lighting and the map were way off. I fixed it by replacing the main installation file with the previous one still on an old HDD, in Programs x86. I dunno if I have that anymore.
The Overhall Pack did look spectacular. However I would probably say go with Morroblivion to get fast travel included.
I am however glad that folk like @catspaw did finish it, and four times. It's a very involving and intriguing game.
I am still having a really great time with The Withcer 3.
Feb 15, 2016 at 3:17 PM Post #5,352 of 6,963
  I got bogged down last time I played Morrwind. It was just too hard getting about. The fast travel system that Oblivion added made all the difference, then got criticised for hand-holding.
I was however very into the game and might try to carry on. I have an issue though. The save file I have means I need to re-install Morrowind and the Overhaul pack identically. It worked the first time I re-installed. Then the second time I got major errors. Lighting and the map were way off. I fixed it by replacing the main installation file with the previous one still on an old HDD, in Programs x86. I dunno if I have that anymore.
The Overhall Pack did look spectacular. However I would probably say go with Morroblivion to get fast travel included.
I am however glad that folk like @catspaw did finish it, and four times. It's a very involving and intriguing game.
I am still having a really great time with The Withcer 3.

The Elder Scrolls is all about exploring.  It's not there for no reason.  You'll never know what you find, the world is incredibly detailed and alive (although Morrowind and Oblivion need mods to be this good).  Anyone who says it's "too hard getting about" or "there's too much traveling" doesn't understand the games.  Morrowind has it best with its "taxi services" (netches, boats) so in essence there is fast traveling, it's just logical (like renting a wagon in Skyrim).
Never reuse save files in a different installation of the game.  This applies to Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout 4.  It's a sure way to break the game.  Always start fresh.  These games are all about making new, unique characters and role-playing differently every time.
Feb 15, 2016 at 5:08 PM Post #5,353 of 6,963
Yeah whatever but Morrowind and Oblivion always manage to raise heated debate. What I said above is how I see Morrowind. There is fast travel but often you have to walk way too far to use it. When I was last playing I was doing some tasks about of self-proof. That will makes sense to anyone who has played it. However it required me to travel back and forth many times and the journey was hell. I just couldn't do it anymore. The solution was about being able to levitate to cut about half the time off the journey. It still left a nightmare journey though. Otherwise you had to navigate along tracks in mountain range and it was maddening. It took ages and often lead you off target. Plus unless you mod it, (which I didn't) you're endlessy being attacked by re-populating enemies.
I just gave up. Each time I came back and tried I remembered why I gave up and quit again. However I think I played over a hundred hours. To me it was great for much of it, and the difficulty getting to places was OK for a long time.
The main point I think is, that every game made by whoever, after Morrwind had proper fast travel. Or a horse to get to travel points faster and easier.
Neither do accept on me that I don't understand the principle of Morrowind. Exploration is a way sometimes to pick up quests. Same in The Witcher 3. I explore every site of interest. Morrowind with Overhaul Pack is definitely good looking enough just to go wandering. However I would always recommend play Morrowind with Morroblivion so that you can get around easily. Or Skywind. I know that there are many people would disagree, and that's fine. However I stand by my opinion. I just got bored of having to walk five minutes to get to tricky places, constantly backwards and forwards. Stuck doing the same bad journey for doing quests and intermittently needing to leave to sell stuff.
About re-installing though. Point blank there is no way I would start Morrowind again. Stuff like Vivec being a maze, there is no way I would go through doing all those quests again. If I can get the installation back working I would be temepted to try continue. I think I still have the save file. However I think I would give up again.
Feb 15, 2016 at 6:44 PM Post #5,354 of 6,963
The traveling is the focus of the game, not the quests.  Did you ever notice the hundreds of locations hidden all throughout every region?  Whether it's dungeons or whatever.  It's not The Witcher 3 which is more story and quest driven.  It sounds like you just walked along the main roads in The Elder Scrolls games and never thought to explore.  
The quests in The Elder Scrolls games aren't designed to be enthralling in their own right, they're meant to take you some place incredible and the player is expected to explore the place, find the interesting tidbits of unique stories within, and kill things and loot.  So the quests rely entirely on the locations they take you to.  That's the design of the games, whether or not you like it is up to you of course.

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