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Nov 5, 2015 at 8:35 PM Post #5,297 of 6,974
The backtracking in BL2 contributed to much of the repetitiveness. Also the combat takes the worst aspects of ARPGs and puts them in a FPS and it made the gameplay tedious.

I am interested to hear this about BL2 because I was never bored. I loved BL2 from the moment I started it up, to the moment it finished. The only time I was less than enamoured was before I really explored upgrading and needed to learn it. During the part where you meet the first bloke/sheriff-type person who gives you tasks. At that point I was lost with the system, and thinking OK let's see what this is about. 
Nov 6, 2015 at 9:29 AM Post #5,298 of 6,974
The problem with Borderlands 2 is that it's an action RPG taking too much from the FPS genre. I did like it (a lot), but the bullet-sponginess could be frustrating, and that could easily be solved with a few more active abilities, IMO.

Been playing more Isaac now that Afterbirth is out. Greed mode is a ton of fun, and there are plenty of new items to mix and match. Definitely worth getting if you liked Isaac before.
Nov 8, 2015 at 12:32 PM Post #5,300 of 6,974
Even though many of us have different tastes and I don't agree with all of you (which is a good thing!), all of you seem to be keen on getting the most value for your gaming dollar. Also, a good thing.

With that said,I should have asked the group if MGS5: Ground Zeroes was a good value at $15. I don't think it was. It's probably the best game demo I've ever seen, but I would have been annoyed if I paid $30 for it. I think it should have launched at $15, and $10-ish is probably a fair price.

The most interesting thing to me about it was that it didn't really punish you for not being stealthy as other games in the series did. MGS traditionally punishes you for trying to go through the game using brute force, as you would in a traditional third-person game.

I'm excited to play The Phantom Pain, but I doubt Ground Zeroes will add much to that experience.

I'm curious what others think of GZ. Please, no Phantom Pain spoilers!
Nov 8, 2015 at 12:42 PM Post #5,301 of 6,974
Even though many of us have different tastes and I don't agree with all of you (which is a good thing!), all of you seem to be keen on getting the most value for your gaming dollar. Also, a good thing.

With that said,I should have asked the group if MGS5: Ground Zeroes was a good value at $15. I don't think it was. It's probably the best game demo I've ever seen, but I would have been annoyed if I paid $30 for it. I think it should have launched at $15, and $10-ish is probably a fair price.

The most interesting thing to me about it was that it didn't really punish you for not being stealthy as other games in the series did. MGS traditionally punishes you for trying to go through the game using brute force, as you would in a traditional third-person game.

I'm excited to play The Phantom Pain, but I doubt Ground Zeroes will add much to that experience.

I'm curious what others think of GZ. Please, no Phantom Pain spoilers!

I think GZ should have been part of the game.  Separating the prologue from the main game and selling it is such an obvious cash grab that you'll only see from a console studio like that.  Apply that logic to other games; Dragon Age: Origins for example has six playable prologues, and the shortest one is 90 minutes and the longest can be nearly twice that.  Had that game been released today, imagine them selling each of those six separately for $10 lol.
If you really like MGS then it is fairly important to play GZ before The Phantom Pain, although one can just read about GZ online and they wouldn't be missing much in my opinion.  
I definitely do like to get a good bang for my buck.  I prefer to get at least 1 hour of gameplay for every dollar I spend on a game.  I've only spent $60 or more on very, very few games... off the top of my head they are Fallout 4 and Dragon Age: Inquisition.  No others I think.
Nov 8, 2015 at 12:43 PM Post #5,302 of 6,974
I bought Cargo 3 in the last sale of it. Grrr, I lost £1.50. It's menacing as hell, but it keeps making me restart the game from the beginning. I binned it and left a negative review on Steam.
Nov 10, 2015 at 1:30 AM Post #5,303 of 6,974
Battlefield 4
9/10 if you play on good servers (clan servers/mostly infantry servers)
6/10 if you play most public servers with all maps included as most people there either camp all the time or use newb annoying weapons all the time
Nov 10, 2015 at 4:45 AM Post #5,305 of 6,974
War of the overworld - 8/10
A decent dungeon keeper clone with fun elements, but has some limitations that are holding it back.
Nov 10, 2015 at 9:13 AM Post #5,306 of 6,974

I preordered it last month.  I found myself awake at midnight, but all I did was launch it, configure it, and then shut it down and go to sleep.  I have tomorrow off at least, so that day will be dedicated entirely to Fallout 4.
Nov 10, 2015 at 2:31 PM Post #5,307 of 6,974
I have to say...Fallout 4 seems pretty awesome so far, but it's really not especially well tutorialized. I spent forever trying to figure out the town-building mechanics before I realized you craft furniture by walking to where you wanted it, not standing at the crafting table. IMHO, the early game isn't nearly as well crafted as New Vegas. I also miss the cowboy+Fallout feel New Vegas had going...of course, you'd have a hard time doing something analogous with Boston, but going back to just straight Fallout is kind of sad. Also, I'm not sure how I feel about the power armor as its own feature rather than just another set of armor...I'm not seeing it adding that much so far.
Nov 10, 2015 at 10:09 PM Post #5,308 of 6,974
I have to say...Fallout 4 seems pretty awesome so far, but it's really not especially well tutorialized. I spent forever trying to figure out the town-building mechanics before I realized you craft furniture by walking to where you wanted it, not standing at the crafting table. IMHO, the early game isn't nearly as well crafted as New Vegas. I also miss the cowboy+Fallout feel New Vegas had going...of course, you'd have a hard time doing something analogous with Boston, but going back to just straight Fallout is kind of sad. Also, I'm not sure how I feel about the power armor as its own feature rather than just another set of armor...I'm not seeing it adding that much so far.

I thought the opening/tutorial/intro of New Vegas wasn't well crafted at all.  You just wake up in a house, and then off you go!  Perhaps with some very basic quests from Sunny Smiles.  I found its intro to be so lackluster that I was initially turned off by it and ditched the game (playing mostly unmodded back then).  Then I came back with mods and now it's in my top 3 most played games.
Fallout 3 on the other hand had an amazing intro that trounces both NV and FO4 in my opinion.
Nov 16, 2015 at 4:42 PM Post #5,309 of 6,974
I wanted to share a trailer I found quite exeptional in audio :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_XwzBMTJaM
The game seems to not be at the level of the trailer (something common nowdays) but the trailer and its audio track look quite good.

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