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Oct 22, 2015 at 11:11 AM Post #5,266 of 6,968
  I think Assetto Corsa looks better. But I think it´s because I am on a 50" 1080p and Assetto Corsas higher res pays off. Of course it lack the rain effects, day night cycle and all that goodies :)
Currently I have time for neither of them :frowning2:

Project CARS looks way better on my 2560x1440 monitor.  It's definitely got the edge, graphically.
Oct 22, 2015 at 11:15 AM Post #5,267 of 6,968
how many inches? It´s size that matters you know :D
Oct 22, 2015 at 11:57 AM Post #5,268 of 6,968
Impressions for Metro 2033 Redux. That's the updated version of Metro 2033, and doesn't include Last Light.
Short at only about eight hours play time. Bit cheeky them charging owners of the original game full price, given how short it is.
Better graphics overall in 2033 Redux, though just occasionally the graphics looked fractionally better in 2033. (I have played 2033 eight times and noticed stuff I loved. When I looked for it in Redux I thought OK, it looks OK but different. (Eg when you set off in a four group on the cart first time. You come to a right hand bend and the green light from the left looked better in 2033, to me.) Somehow the sheer desolation of the post apocalyptic world was portrayed better with 2033. However nothing is missed from Redux and you wondered if they over-did it in 2033.
Better because you don't get stuck at brutal checkpoints like with 2033. I would be still in the same place 50 deaths later in 2033. Whereas in the same place in Redux I would pass first time with careful tactics. 2033 was one of the least forgiving games ever for checkpoints. The place where the Nazis and the Reds had a frontline was nearly impossible to pass.
If there was a choice to buy either, clearly I would say buy the new version. However you really have to budget when the game is so short.
Oct 22, 2015 at 12:09 PM Post #5,269 of 6,968
  Impressions for Metro Redux. That's the updated version of Metro 2033, and doesn't include Last Light.
Short at only about eight hours play time. Bit cheeky them charging owners of the original game full price, given how short it is.
Better graphics overall in Redux, though just occasionally the graphics looked fractionally better in 2033. (I have played 2033 eight times and noticed stuff I loved. When I looked for it in Redux I thought OK, it looks OK but different. (Eg when you set off in a four group on the cart first time. You come to a right hand bend and the green light from the left looked better in 2033, to me.) Somehow the sheer desolation of the post apocalyptic world was portrayed better with 2033. However nothing is missed from Redux and you wondered if they over-did it in 2033.
Better because you don't get stuck at brutal checkpoints like with 2033. I would be still in the same place 50 deaths later in 2033. Whereas in the same place in Redux I would pass first time with careful tactics. 2033 was one of the least forgiving games ever for checkpoints. The place where the Nazis and the Reds had a frontline was nearly impossible to pass.
If there was a choice to buy either, clearly I would say buy the new version. However you really have to budget when the game is so short.

Metro 2033 Redux is 8 hours if you rush and don't explore the levels, which have been redesigned and expanded on with many new areas (definitely the most significant improvement).  It took me almost twice as long, not that I struggled or anything (I probably never died) but because I explored and found just about every hidden location.  I play slow and really immerse myself in the world.  I played it on Survival mode, and most likely Ranger mode opposed to Ranger Hardcore since having invisible menus in Ranger Hardcore is just stupid.
Graphics are actually substantially better than the original.  The original looks really outdated now, it looks like a 2010 game.  The biggest difference is in lighting; 2033 barely used any DX11 effects while much of Redux's visuals aren't possible in DX9.  Lighting, shadows, ambient occlusion, and shader quality is all hugely improved in Redux.
50 deaths later eh?  I never found either game hard.  With the original (which I also played many times), I beat it on Ranger Hardcore using my knife and throwing knives almost exclusively.
Also in case you didn't know, those who owned the originals and preordered Redux got Redux for 50% off.  However I feel it should always be 50% off for people who own the equivalent original (2033 Redux being 50% off for people owning 2033 for example).
Oct 22, 2015 at 12:34 PM Post #5,270 of 6,968
Yeh it is called 2033 Redux, my bad. I was calling it Metro Redux which I think is the name for the whole package. I will go back and edit. I noticed just now when I fired up the game to finish it (for the second time).
If you are saying you can get 16 hours out of it, then I must replay again which I will anyway. However I am surprised by this claim.
Yes I knew of the offer of 66% off when Redux was released but it was a poor offer. I paid £3.50 for it recently, which is better than 66% off full price. If there's new stuff though, then I guess it adds value. (I think there should be a permanent discount too.)
I don't see where the new stuff is though. For most parts it's the same. It took me eight hours or more depending on getting stuck in 2033. Same time in Redux. I can't think where you can double play time. Neither do I rush either game. In fact the opposite because I am a graphics tourist - sightseer.
Oct 22, 2015 at 12:42 PM Post #5,271 of 6,968
The original took me about 10 hours to complete, and Metro 2033 Redux 15-16 hours.  Almost every level has been redesigned with quite a few new areas added.  It takes this from Last Light, which also has more exploration than the original Metro 2033.  Also I like how 2033 Redux it uses Last Light's mechanics (especially weapon upgrading) and has many of the weapons from Last Light.
Last Light Redux, for those wondering, is not much different than non-Redux at all and actually has worse graphics (less tessellation).
Oct 22, 2015 at 12:53 PM Post #5,272 of 6,968
Heh heh, I guess I am lucky I bought Metro: Last light then, and not bought LL Redux. Haha.
Last Light really has its moments with graphics. There are times when you just have to stop and have a look. Unfortunately most of this is outside and you're conscious of filter time. The outdoor area around the half frozen river is really special.
Oct 22, 2015 at 1:02 PM Post #5,273 of 6,968
  Heh heh, I guess I am lucky I bought Metro: Last light then, and not bought LL Redux. Haha.
Last Light really has its moments with graphics. There are times when you just have to stop and have a look. Unfortunately most of this is outside and you're conscious of filter time. The outdoor area around the half frozen river is really special.

Yeah, Last Light and Crysis 3 are still on a level of their own when it comes to technical graphics (well, and some parts of Ryse, but others look like a console game).  But Crysis 3 has rather poor artistic design, following the modern trend of shoving a ton of glare and lens reflections in your face, and the sky is usually just too bright in general.  Last Light excels on a technical level and has amazing art design.
I'm actually in the middle of replaying Last Light.  I was shocked to see how inferior its graphics are compared to various Unreal Engine 4 tech demos (official and unofficial).  I cannot wait for UE4 to replace UE3, since so many mainstream games use Unreal.  It's so easy to use, so flexible for all kinds of genres, and as far as graphics go, any small level you throw together will have better lighting and shading than any game out there.
Oct 22, 2015 at 1:15 PM Post #5,274 of 6,968
Yes there are parts of Last Light where you think, hang on these graphics ain't so hot. I think it comes when you replay, like I have played three times now. First play you are more transfixed and overawed on the game and wow factor. Subsequent plays and the cracks start to show. However LL's graphics do excel in many places, and it's a feast of experience. Like when you are on that long bridge type structure and nosalises are attacking. It all sums up to a terrific play.
During my replay of 2033 Redux I noticed that in some places it might as well be cinematography. Like when I was looking at three dudes on the lifts near the end. Their suits had enough detail and colouring to look real. The metalwork around looked real enough. However getting really close and you see the textures don't cut it.  
Oct 22, 2015 at 1:22 PM Post #5,275 of 6,968
You should try this, just to see how far game engines have come visually:
It's a standalone download, not requiring the UE4 SDK.  The biggest problem I think is the chromatic aberration which UE4 just loves, but it can be disabled.
Oct 22, 2015 at 1:32 PM Post #5,276 of 6,968
  You should try this, just to see how far game engines have come visually:
It's a standalone download, not requiring the UE4 SDK.  The biggest problem I think is the chromatic aberration which UE4 just loves, but it can be disabled.

Nice webpage.
I already think that graphics now are only really limited by the artists abilities. The technology is mostly here I thought. Your link seems to prove that unequivocally.
I finished Metro 2033 Redux just this now for the second time. I have 14.5 hours on the Steam clock, so average seven and a quarter hours each play.
I found this just a few days ago while reading this online rag.
It goes to show that the technology is here. I made a comment in the comments section on that page. I said how Lara croft in Tomb Raider 2013 was a good design. We appear to have surpassed Tomb Raider comfortably now. 
Oct 22, 2015 at 1:50 PM Post #5,277 of 6,968
  how many inches? It´s size that matters you know :D

It's a 27" monitor and I can overclock it to 120hz so it's smooth as butter.  As I'm sat just a few feet from it, it's plenty big and with 77% more pixels than 1080p, it's even debatable whether you need anti-aliasing engaged.  I couldn't go back to 1080p having had 1440p.  For desktop applications, I run it alongside a 24" 1080p screen and you really appreciate the extra screen real estate, especially for music producing.
Oct 22, 2015 at 3:08 PM Post #5,278 of 6,968
I just started playing Putrefaction, which is a £2 sale price game on Steam right now. It looks like a cross between Doom 2 and Doom 3, with some Quake thrown in. It's a new game with oldish style play and graphics. However it does look like a short game, that's playable in about three hours.
Oct 23, 2015 at 5:14 AM Post #5,279 of 6,968
  You should try this, just to see how far game engines have come visually:
It's a standalone download, not requiring the UE4 SDK.  The biggest problem I think is the chromatic aberration which UE4 just loves, but it can be disabled.

I was mostly impressed by The vanishing of Ethan Carter, especially since lower settings till look amazing. I got Redux for free since I own the original but unfortunatelly the Rasterization used on Ethan carter does not benefit much from the engine overhaul.
That being said, Redux matro does look better than the Original, but in many areas the details feel oversaturated. (weird to say something like that, huh?).
The original metro 2033 (not even last light) had weaker graphics but the atmosphere felt more realistic.
What i especially HATE about redux metro is the updated soundtrack. In too many areas it feels as if they wanted to make it E P I C ! ! ! and ended up destroying the mood of the game.
I still think that UE4 is in its infant stages (most of the best UE3 games came from modified versions of the engine, I wont be surprised if the same happens with UE4).
It will take time thou... a lot of time.
Oct 23, 2015 at 8:38 PM Post #5,280 of 6,968
I started replying Metro: Last Light now. I have been taking a closer look at textures and they are mostly brilliant even right up close. At normal viewing distance it's such a well designed game. It's practically a work of art.

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