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Feb 10, 2013 at 8:26 PM Post #12,601 of 24,686
I'd have an easier time liking this guy if he didn't open with Proverbs 11:9. Or if he believed in evolution. Lol.
I'm breaking the rules a bit here with this one, but I came across this speech of Dr. Benjamin Carson from the Fellowship Foundation's Prayer Breakfast the other day and was totally blown away by it. For those who don't know him, he was the subject of the film "Gifted Hands" starring Cuba Gooding, Jr from 2009. No matter if you lean liberal or conservative, religious or atheist, etc., anyone from the USA should take twenty mins and listen to what this guy says. I'm going to watch the film this evening or some time tomorrow since I didn't get to see the entire thing previously. It's available on Netflix for anyone who is interested. 

Feb 10, 2013 at 8:52 PM Post #12,602 of 24,686
I'd have an easier time liking this guy if he didn't open with Proverbs 11:9. Or if he believed in evolution. Lol.

I hear ya, but some of what he says is very sobering. Case in point, he talks about getting hold of a sixth grade "test" from the 1800s that kids needed to pass in order to move to the 7th grade. He didn't cite the questions specifically but stated that probably many college grads today couldn't answer the questions accurately. I don't doubt that for a second. He talks about how our government was set up to be one that assumed its populace was educated and aware, and when the level of awareness and involvement of the people declines, they are subject to being controlled/taken advantage of. Not to mention the comments about taxation, health care, etc., that just seem to make sense, regardless of political affiliation/loyalty, religious beliefs. etc. I've always been a results oriented type of person, so that's probably a big reason why waht he said resonated with me. I also love how he says that the big push to be politically correct should be replaced with a greater effort to simply be respectful of the fact that others have different views. People nowadays identify so strongly with certain things...their sports team...their religion...their political party...etc, and they get so butt-hurt when others disagree with them or identify with something else. Hell, you even see it on head-fi in terms of the fanboy stuff...people seem to take it personally when you dislike headphones that they liked! lol  I think people need to hear stuff like this, cause it's really getting out of hand, IMO. 
I doubt that his movie will address much of this, but I'm still interested to see more of his story. I'll report back with a movie rating once I check it out. 
Feb 11, 2013 at 12:57 AM Post #12,603 of 24,686
I watched the rest of it, and while I wouldn't say that I agree with his ideas for how to rectify the situation, I do agree that more awareness about the problems this country is facing would be nice. (And I've been saying that we need more than just lawyers in politics for years.) I just find it painfully ironic that he seems to be encouraging cooperation across dividing lines, yet opens his speech with Proverbs 11.9. Maybe he meant to be ironic? Probably not, since it was a prayer breakfast. Prayer breakfasts, I imagine, are where irony goes to die. Let us know how the movie is for sure, though.
I hear ya, but some of what he says is very sobering. Case in point, he talks about getting hold of a sixth grade "test" from the 1800s that kids needed to pass in order to move to the 7th grade. He didn't cite the questions specifically but stated that probably many college grads today couldn't answer the questions accurately. I don't doubt that for a second. He talks about how our government was set up to be one that assumed its populace was educated and aware, and when the level of awareness and involvement of the people declines, they are subject to being controlled/taken advantage of. Not to mention the comments about taxation, health care, etc., that just seem to make sense, regardless of political affiliation/loyalty, religious beliefs. etc. I've always been a results oriented type of person, so that's probably a big reason why waht he said resonated with me. I also love how he says that the big push to be politically correct should be replaced with a greater effort to simply be respectful of the fact that others have different views. People nowadays identify so strongly with certain things...their sports team...their religion...their political party...etc, and they get so butt-hurt when others disagree with them or identify with something else. Hell, you even see it on head-fi in terms of the fanboy stuff...people seem to take it personally when you dislike headphones that they liked! lol  I think people need to hear stuff like this, cause it's really getting out of hand, IMO. 
I doubt that his movie will address much of this, but I'm still interested to see more of his story. I'll report back with a movie rating once I check it out. 

Feb 11, 2013 at 2:03 AM Post #12,604 of 24,686
I watched the rest of it, and while I wouldn't say that I agree with his ideas for how to rectify the situation, I do agree that more awareness about the problems this country is facing would be nice. (And I've been saying that we need more than just lawyers in politics for years.) I just find it painfully ironic that he seems to be encouraging cooperation across dividing lines, yet opens his speech with Proverbs 11.9. Maybe he meant to be ironic? Probably not, since it was a prayer breakfast. Prayer breakfasts, I imagine, are where irony goes to die. Let us know how the movie is for sure, though.

I thought the story about Francis Scott Key was really interesting...I had never heard that before. 
Feb 11, 2013 at 5:59 PM Post #12,605 of 24,686
Sound City, the movie about Dave Grohol buying the one of a kind Neve mixing board from Sound City recording studios.  Good stuff!
Feb 12, 2013 at 6:45 AM Post #12,607 of 24,686
Prometheus- 7/10  I really wanted to like it.  It seems like there could be a good story there but the characters are so rash and stupid that I started rooting for the aliens.

Lol yes that scene was so bad. The main fault is that there is no characters to like. Then you can as well route for the aliens. Perhaps noomis character is likable in theory but hate her voice and swenglish accent :p
Feb 12, 2013 at 9:20 AM Post #12,608 of 24,686
Lol yes that scene was so bad. The main fault is that there is no characters to like. Then you can as well route for the aliens. Perhaps noomis character is likable in theory but hate her voice and swenglish accent


Maybe I'm weird, but I always had a collection of Alien actors that I wanted to see terminated. They always had some bothersom quality like a Head-Fi member right before they get banned.

Feb 12, 2013 at 6:40 PM Post #12,609 of 24,686
Star Trek (2009)
Oh god, so much lens flare! Good movie, though. Prior to this I had seen only a couple episodes of Star Trek, all of TNG,  a season each of Voyager and DS9, and the first 4 older Star Trek movies. A familiarity with the ST universe is good going into this, but not really necessary. No discussions of Holodecks or Prime Directives in this film. Just a big bad ship wrecking stuff, and a crew of cadets aboard the Enterprise doing good.  Straightforward and entertaining, and I really got into it.
Feb 12, 2013 at 10:09 PM Post #12,610 of 24,686
Star Trek (2009)
Oh god, so much lens flare! Good movie, though. Prior to this I had seen only a couple episodes of Star Trek, all of TNG,  a season each of Voyager and DS9, and the first 4 older Star Trek movies. A familiarity with the ST universe is good going into this, but not really necessary. No discussions of Holodecks or Prime Directives in this film. Just a big bad ship wrecking stuff, and a crew of cadets aboard the Enterprise doing good.  Straightforward and entertaining, and I really got into it.

You should check out Star Trek VI...I didn't care for V, but loved VI. I agree that the reboot was a fun flick...I can't wait to see the upcoming sequel. JJ Abrahms is the new king of the popcorn flick for my money. I love that he's going to helm the next Star Wars film. 
Feb 13, 2013 at 2:09 AM Post #12,612 of 24,686
You should check out Star Trek VI...I didn't care for V, but loved VI. I agree that the reboot was a fun flick...I can't wait to see the upcoming sequel. JJ Abrahms is the new king of the popcorn flick for my money. I love that he's going to helm the next Star Wars film. 

JJ Abrams? Didn´t he do Total Recall also with tons of lens flares?
Feb 13, 2013 at 3:09 AM Post #12,613 of 24,686
Predator 1 (for the 10th time for me) with my 13 year old brother.....and this movie is just 10/10!!!!
Arnold rocks!
Feb 13, 2013 at 5:08 PM Post #12,614 of 24,686

Broken City (2013) 6.0/10

Mixed bag with R.Crowe,C.Zeta-Jones and M.Wahlberg,starting out strong for about an hour.
Afterwards,the film runs into pacing problems and narratives that kill the momentum.
Marky-Mark underscores his rage issues,which do not help advance the film.

Border Run (2012) 5.8/10

Inspired by true events that currently make up today's immigration headlines.
Drama unfolds along the 2,000 mile U.S.A / Mexico border.
If I didn't have such a crush on Sharon Stone,I would've dropped this into the 4 zone.
After watching the movie Parker with JLo,I realized Sharon just has that enigmatic persona that money can't buy.
At 55 years old,Stone can still be my Valentine tomorrow.

Tonight,Odeon Theater is showing an early release of A Good Day To Die Hard in UltraAVX.
One show at 10:00pm,might have to check it out.
Feb 13, 2013 at 9:38 PM Post #12,615 of 24,686
Zero Dark Thirty
While I watched this, I kept in mind that this was basically a retelling of factual events. I gave it a 10 because I couldn't find any faults with the telling of the story. The action sequences were great, the emotional stuff wasn't overdone, and I never once didn't feel immersed in the film.
Great movie.

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