Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Jul 18, 2010 at 1:32 AM Post #6,047 of 24,687
I will probably end up liking it, but you're definitely not the only one that didn't:
"Inception": A clunky, overblown disappointment

Mostly agreed with the review. Inception's great fun as a "turn off your brain" action thriller level and certainly is stylish, but doesn't quite make the grade otherwise. The movie never got to a point where I engaged with the characters, and looking back, I'm not quite sure it ever tried.
Jul 18, 2010 at 1:38 AM Post #6,048 of 24,687
I don't think that it was the point at all of the movie to engage with the characters. I came out only knowing 3 names; Cobb, 'Ellen Page,' and Mal. Character interaction wasn't a big part for me, it was trying to wrap my mind around the concept that Nolan was illustrating (lame comparison, Ayn Rand's novels being a vehicle for her philosophy, I know that Inception isn't on that level, but that was the point it was conveying). If you just want to sit and watch a movie, there are plenty of alternatives, but Inception made me really think while it was going on.
Jul 18, 2010 at 10:02 AM Post #6,049 of 24,687
Yeah, I'm starting to hate it when people say that the characters were too shallow or something of the like...
C'mon guys, I don't think Inception was meant to be friggin' Magnolia...
The premise... the story... the whole concept... that's the point of the film. It's what makes you think and talk about it.
FWIW, I think Inception is so spectacular, innovative and refreshing that it will be remembered in 30 years in the same way Blade Runner is remembered today.
Jul 18, 2010 at 12:01 PM Post #6,050 of 24,687
Planet Terror - 7/10 
Pure nonsense, damn fun even if i'm not a big fan of the genre.
Jul 18, 2010 at 1:00 PM Post #6,051 of 24,687
Planet Terror is epic! Im a big fan of cult movies :)
Predators - 6.5/10 some good action scenes and kill scenes but the story line... Wait there was a story line...

Planet Terror - 7/10 
Pure nonsense, damn fun even if i'm not a big fan of the genre.

Jul 18, 2010 at 3:03 PM Post #6,052 of 24,687
Predators - 7/10
Enjoyable but rather pointless.  I'm a huge fan of the original Predator, though, and I liked the little references the new movie made to the original.  "I'M HERE! COME ON! KILL ME! DO IT! DO IT NOW!"
Twilight: Eclipse - 8/10
But my review should be completely disregarded, since I'm a big Twilight fan.  And yeah, I know that makes me a thirteen-year-old girl.
I thought it was mind-blowingly good.  I saw an 11:45am IMAX showing yesterday morning, and I so enjoyed it that I went back again for the 9:30pm showing later that day.  Almost six hours in the theater in one day, and I wasn't bored for a single minute of it.  And now I'm rocking the soundtrack.  (And I might go see it again Tuesday.)
Jul 18, 2010 at 6:30 PM Post #6,053 of 24,687
2 latest movies I've watched
Not a bad watch at all. [size=medium]the main problem with this movie is that nothing much really happens. it's got a bit of a "twist" around 1/3 the way through, which i won't spoil here, but suffice to say that the conflict the main character faces is never really urgent, and the dearth of [interesting] characters combines with this to make a fairly dull movie. several important aspects of the film's latter half are also left unsolved/undiscussed, which ends up being frustrating rather than an occasion for further reflection. it ends on a similarly underwhelming and underdeveloped note. the music was fine.

overall i give it 6/10, but wished it could've been better
[size=medium]Let the Right One In:[/size]
[size=medium]So i got a recommendation from a friend to watch this. I had NO IDEA what i was going to watch when i started it. boy, was i in for a surprise. [/size]
[size=medium]this film is about a kid that gets bullied at school and has no friends or family (his parents are separated and pretty terrible at raising him) to help him out. he meets a girl one night while playing outside who befriends him and helps him gain his courage to grow up. she also happens to be a vampire. now before you guys wail out on me about twilight and all that bull, this is NOT a movie for kids. the kill scenes in it are pretty brutal and the overall cinematography is very suspenseful and creepy.  [/size]
[size=medium]It's a wonderful film that seems to be getting more recognition. I loved the dark-chilled atmosphere from the beginning to the very end. This is one of those slow burner films that should be watched during a brisk, chilly evening night. [/size]
[size=medium]It get a 8.5 from my behalf, but there was some aspects in the movie that annoyed me. [/size]
Jul 18, 2010 at 7:01 PM Post #6,054 of 24,687
Another good post from David.M. BTW, Matt Reeves (director of Cloverfield) has an English  LTROI remake titled Let Me In all wrapped up and ready to go. It's kind of in release limbo because the studio Overture is on the brink. It should come out in some form soon, maybe straight to video. Apparently it is faithful to the original and might be a good choice for those afraid of subtitles.
It was a great movie.
Jul 18, 2010 at 10:16 PM Post #6,056 of 24,687
"At the Movies" just reviewed Inception and concluded that it was just an average heist film wrapped in an intriguing science fiction/reality-bending package. That sounds like it will appeal to me at least, I will go and see it in iMax this week!
Has anybody seen The Last Airbender? I am thinking of making it a double feature; iMax and 3D back2back for a sensory overload!
Jul 18, 2010 at 11:19 PM Post #6,058 of 24,687

Has anybody seen The Last Airbender? I am thinking of making it a double feature; iMax and 3D back2back for a sensory overload!

I like the show, but I've heard awful, awful things about the movie. If you go, make sure to let me know what you think, though.
Jul 18, 2010 at 11:55 PM Post #6,059 of 24,687

Has anybody seen The Last Airbender?

like the plague.
M.N.S ruined the [size=medium]only near-perfect animated show, what's there to talk about?[/size]
I won't even bother discussing this movie since virometal has everything pretty much summed up[size=medium].[/size] I'm actually glad I didn't pay for this movie since i was dragged in by some relatives. What would happen if i did pay & i was not reimbursed my money? Well.... that chapter of the discussion might not be well suited to talk about in a PG-13 forum
normal_smile .gif

Maybe.. and i mean... maybe... if he had re-named the title to '[size=medium]The Girl Sure Does Love To Bend Over' , he would've snagged more sales and gotten more publicity, but it is what it is. [/size]
[size=medium]M.N.S has lately been on a [/size]1/X curve. I don't even respect him anymore.
[size=medium]I think he makes the plot too complicated for its own good. It's like a glass knob.. you can keep twisting it, and yes, it will get more secure, but eventually it will break[/size]
[size=medium]edit: anyone seen this trailer of M.Night's new movie called 'Devil' ?  [/size]

4 people stuck in an elevator and one of them is the "Devil" The storyline looks semi-interesting and it does have a great concept, but yeah, yeah, yeah, "It's an M.Night movie and it's gonna turn out terrible" [insert windbag excuse here]
I have a feeling this is gonna fail so miserably.  Don't let it fool you guys tho, trailers can do AMAZING things to a movie. Look what happen to 'The Crazies' Anyone with a half working brain that loves sci-fi movies would be inclined to think that it would be a decent enjoyable flick. You see a skitzofrenic man in the midst of the baseball field, you think it's a unique, original, compelling, enjoyable flick, turns out all you see was the complete opposite with a plot so unbelievable, even Alex Jones would spit on (and this guy is a conspiracy theory king) 
so never judge a movie by its trailer. I'll probably skip Devil since it looks dumb, but who knows, maybe I'll cave in, for better or maybe for worse?
Also want to see Inception so bad. Maybe next week tho !
Jul 19, 2010 at 12:12 AM Post #6,060 of 24,687
Up. I didn't much like it, honestly, and it makes me feel like a heartless person. 6/10. 
I don't think that I am capable of empathizing with sadness, because I didn't feel that Toy Story 3 was sad at all, and Up didn't do anything for me emotionally (I know that it was sad, but it didn't get to me at all). 

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