Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Aug 12, 2013 at 1:18 AM Post #13,756 of 24,690
I scored 165 on the list, it was an interesting trip down memory lane. I have at least another dozen of those in my queue.
Been a while since i checked in, but I've watched a few movies.
Atlas Shrugged: Part II - 6/10, I like Part I better, they shouldn't have changed the lead actors
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind - 8.5/10, I loved this movie, great dark humor
Killing Zoe - 7/10, Decent heist/caper flick, could've been worse
Safe - 8/10, Top of the line B movie if that makes any sense, great for Statham fans
Expendables 2 - 6/10, Yawn whatever
Into the Wild - 8.5/10, Liked this better than I thought I would, very well made with a great score
The Experiment - 7/10, Formulaic, unpleasant, and effective portrayal of a Stanford prison-like study
Big Bang - 8.5/10, Loved this one as well, fun noir with a quantum twist
Life of Pi - 9/10, beautifully shot and well-told story about life, death, perspective, and faith
Beasts of the Southern Wild - 8/10, Hushpuppy! Has a lot of similarities with ^Pi, also very different
The Master - 7.5/10, Well done if difficult to connect with sometimes
In Time - 7/10, Great premise, execution could've been better
Gangster Squad - 7/10, I usually enjoy Penn but he ruined this for me
Cloud Atlas - 9.5/10 - I loved this movie, takes a bit of effort but one of my all-time winners
Killer Joe - 8.5/10 - Awesome flick, kind of reminded me of Black Snake Moan but totally different

great movie; but will make you think twice about eating fried chicken.
Aug 12, 2013 at 6:13 AM Post #13,757 of 24,690
Elysium and Oblivion during the craze of superhero comics flicks stand out as rare attempts to revive rapidly degrading genre of sci-fi. 
It is curious to read how political and social message of Elysium baffles people. For example, I found this comment on YouTube:
The white race is depicted as demonic garbage living the grand life while every minority (now majority) are angels dying in vain. This movie wants you to be a neo communist. America is depicted as Elysium, which in reality is far from it.
I find the social message of the movie to be very intense as it shows that our world is full of contradictions. I think that South African director Blomkamp was continuing to exploit Apartheid theme but this time action takes place in America which messed up things. Probably Blomkamp was thinking about abuse of power by the white race in South Africa ( Indians were doing well over there as whites) but in America the same theme brought different effect. Now a satire on European civilization appears to be on a grander scale.

Aug 12, 2013 at 7:33 AM Post #13,758 of 24,690
Understandable mix up but...white house down is the Emmerich movie...
Olympus has fallen was terrible. Yet to see WHD.

Thanks. You could never tell it´s not an Emmerich movie :D...
Okay maybe have to see White house down see if it´s a better spectacle.
Aug 12, 2013 at 10:17 AM Post #13,760 of 24,690
The Conjuring, which I will say now, is HANDS DOWN the scariest "hollywood" horror movie I've seen, me and 5 of my buddies was it recently and we ended up nearly ****ting ourselves on several occasions..... The directing on this film was fantastic though, the director (SAW's director) really knows how to grab your eye in the scene, and draw it towards exactly what he wants you to see.
Highly recommended for anyone who's a fan of horror!
9/10 -edit
Aug 12, 2013 at 10:21 AM Post #13,761 of 24,690
The Conjuring, which I will say now, is HANDS DOWN the scariest "hollywood" horror movie I've seen, me and 5 of my buddies was it recently and we ended up nearly ****ting ourselves on several occasions..... The directing on this film was fantastic though, the director (SAW's director) really knows how to grab your eye in the scene, and draw it towards exactly what he wants you to see.
Highly recommended for anyone who's a fan of horror!

Sounds interesting, I'll watch it (with my friends of course xD).
Aug 12, 2013 at 3:24 PM Post #13,762 of 24,690
Fast and Furious 6...........8-10
Oblivion ............9-10
Aug 12, 2013 at 4:36 PM Post #13,763 of 24,690
Stalker ( 1979)
Director: Andrei Tarkovsky

While Andrei Rublev ( 1966) easily and effortlessly resonated with me, Stalker was a more difficult watch. It felt more distant and cold and much less engaging than dynamic Andrei Rublev. I think that Soviet government couldn't allow to make a mistake once again when they generously funded Tarkovsky's Rublev ( the scale of the movie was really epic). Stalker feels like a movie on a restricted budget with minimalist approach. It's my guess.
The central character in this movie is a stalker played by Kaydanovskiy. I think that the stalker symbolizes a spiritual visionary in our world ( a very weak and suffering creature, an angel) who is trying to show other people the hidden truth, the essence of life but when he does so he meets with people's nihilism and pragmatism. Well, this sounds like a cliche but in the movie Tarkovsky's ideas are not that easily accessible.
Aug 12, 2013 at 4:38 PM Post #13,764 of 24,690
The Heat (2013) 6.9/10

Melissa McCarthy uses her stand up comedy background to full effect here.
No real hard belly laughs to be had, taking her time to build up the action/comedy cops routine with Sandra Bullock.
Playing out in short bursts, a fair to middling movie that works if you enjoy corny laughs.
Not a bad soundtrack here, got to love a bar that has Ted Nugent's Stanglehold kicking on the jukebox.
Bill Burr as part of a family dinner doesn't hurt either.
Aug 13, 2013 at 1:49 AM Post #13,765 of 24,690
Stalker ( 1979)
Director: Andrei Tarkovsky

While Andrei Rublev ( 1966) easily and effortlessly resonated with me, Stalker was a more difficult watch. It felt more distant and cold and much less engaging than dynamic Andrei Rublev. I think that Soviet government couldn't allow to make a mistake once again when they generously funded Tarkovsky's Rublev ( the scale of the movie was really epic). Stalker feels like a movie on a restricted budget with minimalist approach. It's my guess.
The central character in this movie is a stalker played by Kaydanovskiy. I think that the stalker symbolizes a spiritual visionary in our world ( a very weak and suffering creature, an angel) who is trying to show other people the hidden truth, the essence of life but when he does so he meets with people's nihilism and pragmatism. Well, this sounds like a cliche but in the movie Tarkovsky's ideas are not that easily accessible.

Wasn't this the movie just recommended on Reddit's foreign sci fi movie post? 
Aug 13, 2013 at 10:47 AM Post #13,767 of 24,690
Ditto with Tarkovsky's Solaris, though the sci-fi is clearer and more in the forefront than it was in Stalker.
Stalker is rather a philosophical and religious parable disguised as a sci-fi movie. 

Aug 14, 2013 at 12:45 AM Post #13,768 of 24,690
Olympus has Fallen - 6/10
Barely worth a rental. Too bad the director had to resort to turning it into a bloodbath. Too much unnecessary violence really. Lots of people getting stabbed in the throat/head etc.
Some of you will eat this up due to all the excessive violence and high death count. I think this one is comparable to a film like "Con Air" or "Air Force One".
"White House Down" is much better and not as stupid, much more entertaining/fun and even has some comedy. I'd buy that on Blu-ray.
Olympus is better if you need to constantly be bombarded with shootouts and stuff blowing up every 10 seconds.
Gerard Butler did OK in this one when he wasn't shooting people in the head.
Oh, actually this one reminds me of something more like "The Expendables".
Aug 14, 2013 at 12:52 AM Post #13,769 of 24,690
Olympus has Fallen - 6/10
Barely worth a rental. Too bad the director had to resort to turning it into a bloodbath. Too much unnecessary violence really. Lots of people getting stabbed in the throat/head etc.

Lots of people getting stabbed in the throat/head etc.

Equals high amounts of people going to see it, buy it, redbox it etc.
The amount of people who watch action movies just for gory action is TOO DAYUM HIGH.
(source: I have a bit of this problem)

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