Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Jun 18, 2012 at 9:49 AM Post #10,352 of 24,690
Intruders 2011    with Clive Owen     8 out of 10
Jun 19, 2012 at 10:50 AM Post #10,353 of 24,690
Safe House 9 out of 10
You could not guess where the story would go next. Great movie!
Jun 20, 2012 at 12:51 PM Post #10,354 of 24,690
The Graduate - 8/10
Ridiculous and hilarious. Young Dustin Hoffman is awesome. Great soundtrack, of course.
Winter's Bone - 8/10
A somber and dark story. Teardrop and Ree were both excellent characters. Very interesting subject matter that I have never looked into before.
Jun 20, 2012 at 1:36 PM Post #10,355 of 24,690
Kramer VS Kramer ....... Saw this again the other night, wow to real for me.... Came out in 1979 (I believe) starring Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep! Four stars on the screen guide......I'd give it a 8.5 just to tense for me......
Jun 20, 2012 at 5:56 PM Post #10,356 of 24,690

9 out of 10
Jun 20, 2012 at 7:20 PM Post #10,357 of 24,690
May like Johnny Carter as well then. I sure enjoyed it more then Cowboys vs Aliens which was a bit more booring then expected :frowning2:
Seeking Justice. 7/10. Revenge movie with a twist. Quite fun. My god Nicholas Cage is ugly but part of his charm.
Red Riding Hood 7/10. Thought it would be horrible but it was actually quite enjoyable. Action sequences is not well executed
but the script is not awful twilight style as I was afraid of. Maybe I am just having a bad judgement day or something but
it wasn´t booring guessing whodunnit. you have to of course buy some really strange choices and didn´t hurt with a bit of blood
in a wherewolf movie... It´s not supposed to be Disney afterall.
Jun 20, 2012 at 8:04 PM Post #10,358 of 24,690
Jaws (re 2012) - 8.5/10
I think Jaws is a truly awesome movie and it's probably in my top 10 favourite movies of all time. I don't know whether it was the remastering or that it was being played on a larger screen than I'd ever seen it, but I loved savouring many details I never realised before. I felt as though I was in the hardware store with Brody when he was buying material for beach signs.

All in, I'd say that if you're a Jaws fan, the remastered version is worth a watch in the cinema. If you haven't seen Jaws yet, I'd definitely suggest watching it in the cinema if you want to watch a fantastic thriller. Jaws is a wonderfully-made movie that stands the test of time very well.
Jun 20, 2012 at 8:12 PM Post #10,359 of 24,690
I think Spielbergs first movies was his best and he has done a lot of superb movies. I haven´t seen him top Jaws and Duel.
Jun 20, 2012 at 8:19 PM Post #10,360 of 24,690
Picked up a BD of Thor (yes, the one with the awesome hair) a few days ago since I didn't get to watch the movie in theaters, but I was only really able to watch it yesterday night. 
From my perspective, it was a typical Marvel superhero flick, with a slightly jerky plot and holier-than-thou characters. The plot was also rather predictable, even for someone whose only exposure to the Marvel universe involves video games, cartoons, *some* back-issues, and movies (I'm actually more of a DC person). Anyway, the fight scenes were above par, and there was enough humor to keep the film going through the slower parts. The rudimentary romance grated on my nerves a bit, and seemed more of a token effort than anything else. 
Overall, an enjoyable movie with enough of a fun factor to keep newbies to the Marvel universe entertained. For the serious fanboys though, I doubt that there's very much to gain or brag about from watching the movie, apart from a slightly different storyline. Okay, scratch that, I actually have no idea if the events of the film were comic book canon. 
Rating: 78/100
Jun 21, 2012 at 6:08 AM Post #10,361 of 24,690

I finally got Salò on DVD early this week and we sat down and watched it last night. I expected to be horrified, but I wasn't. It's extremely gripping and sparks strong emotion, I kinda knew what to expect since I'd read 120 Days of Sodom by the Marquis de Sade back in college. They say the director Pasolini was "disturbed". Really? What a surprise. :rolleyes:

At any rate. Many people find it very hard to watch, others might get physically ill at certain points, but if you have the constitution for such things it's a powerful social commentary.

Rating? Geez... I suppose 4/5. That's something a little difficult to gauge with this film.
Jun 21, 2012 at 7:21 AM Post #10,362 of 24,690

I finally got Salò on DVD early this week and we sat down and watched it last night. I expected to be horrified, but I wasn't. It's extremely gripping and sparks strong emotion, I kinda knew what to expect since I'd read 120 Days of Sodom by the Marquis de Sade back in college. They say the director Pasolini was "disturbed". Really? What a surprise.

At any rate. Many people find it very hard to watch, others might get physically ill at certain points, but if you have the constitution for such things it's a powerful social commentary.
Rating? Geez... I suppose 4/5. That's something a little difficult to gauge with this film.

I have had a long relationship with the film from when it first came out on Criterion around 2000 or so. Your copy is by far the most clear! Many improvements over the look of the 2000 release.
I had already viewed his Trilogy of Life series and wanted to understand his statements regarding Neo-capitalization, fascism and in the end ultimately dada expressionism.
The movie works on a couple of different levels with his genius use of only long and short lens focal lengths, music and handling of actors. Some would say this is his masterpiece but I would say look back at maybe the Canterbury Tales for his best. Salo is just a machine delivering his dada statement and a disillusionment with modern Europe.
The worst part is when folks have to make a comedy of the movie only because they have no other emotional way of dealing with the concepts. I always wonder if there is humor in it placed as Pasolini's goal? He was serious about his statement and I see no intention as an exploitative vehicle.
Every filmmaker/producer/director I have ever known holds the flick in very high regard so this helps me hold it in a high technical light. The fact that Pasolini was maybe murdered due to his object of art here makes the movie all the more amazing. I watch it every two years and enjoy it but always wonder if he really had to go that far to help us understand fascism, humankind and the modern world we live in.   
Jun 22, 2012 at 5:36 AM Post #10,363 of 24,690
Come and See - No rating;  one of the most unique war films I've ever seen.  You'll love it or hate it.  It'll leave an impression.
Jun 22, 2012 at 8:17 PM Post #10,364 of 24,690
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World - 4/10
Started out fairly interesting in the first few minutes. Once it got to the dinner scene it just got worse from there. Basically I hated every minute of this garbage.
Who actually writes such a bad script? It's the most pointless stuff you could possibly come up with it and none of it makes any sense. I'd rather watch a documentary on typewriter maintenance.
While I'm watching scenes I'm thinking about how to make it  actually be any good, but they seem to do the complete opposite of how I would have done it and ruin it. Every scene turns into a train wreck.
The worst scene in the movie is where they go into a place called Friendlies for Mudslides(?!) and then it turns into an orgy or something and they leave. What moron thought any of the stuff in this scene was funny?
Even Steve Carrell couldn't save this one. His character is dull and has zero personality. Kind of like they added him to the movie after the script was done. Then you have Keira Knightly that seems to overact in nearly every scene for no reason. She annoyed the heck out of me. All her dialogue is worthless and she never has anything interesting to say. All pointless non-sense. What moron thought Carrell and Knightly would make a good movie couple?
I think my main problem is that the movie is it's just so totally pointless. Nothing at all interesting happens in the entire movie (yes, in a movie about the end of the world!!). Even the Martin Sheen scene is a disaster. All the dialogue is awful and mostly cringe worthy.
BTW I don't know if this is supposed to be partly a comedy or what. If so, none of it is funny.
It really does deserves a 4 and I'm not ranking it super low just because I hated it. It totally deserves it.
I hated this movie so much that i'm going to avoid anything else by the director or whoever wrote it.
I wanted to walk out several times, but stuck with it.
Jun 22, 2012 at 8:43 PM Post #10,365 of 24,690
Come and See - No rating;  one of the most unique war films I've ever seen.  You'll love it or hate it.  It'll leave an impression.

Now you just need to watch the Russian war film "The Ascent" and be depressed for a week. That one is even "worse" than Come and See (for me), but if released might only be PG-13.
I watched it before going to bed. Big mistake and I immediately destroyed the disc, yet it's some sort of weird masterpiece that I never want to see again.
Criterion released it under their Eclipse label in a set along with "Wings". Here's a scene from it:
Interesting fact: The director of "The Ascent" was the wife of the director of "Come and See".
Maybe i'll watch "Wings" tonight, which is another movie from Larisa Shepitko.
BTW I'm guessing you've seen "Stalingrad". That's a must see.

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