Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Mar 9, 2010 at 4:01 PM Post #5,476 of 24,690
"The Accountant"; dark, warped, and conspiratorial without being evil;


only 40 minutes long, it won the best short live action Oscar in 2001; 8.5/10
Mar 9, 2010 at 5:17 PM Post #5,477 of 24,690
Moon - 5/10. Mixed feelings about this because I complain long and loud about hollywood's inability to produce actual science fiction anymore (space opera and space western don't count - and neither do action films about funnylooking aliens) - but i just wish they could have found a science fiction story that wasn't a mashup of 2001 and Solaris.

At least we now know that in the future, patronizing robots will be voiced by Kevin Spacey.
Mar 10, 2010 at 8:25 AM Post #5,479 of 24,690
Alice in Wonderland 8/10
Mar 10, 2010 at 12:51 PM Post #5,481 of 24,690
The September Issue - 2/10

Almost embarrassed to say I watched this documentary about the woman who runs Vogue, the fashion magazine. From start to finish, you can tell that the mag had control of the final cut, and the bonus DVD, which contains outtakes better than anything in the actual film, confirms it.
Mar 10, 2010 at 2:33 PM Post #5,482 of 24,690
Food Inc. - 8/10


Originally Posted by jax /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you can find it at your local video rental, check out this amazing version by Czech animator, Jan Svankmajer. The English title it goes by is "Alice". This is one of my favorite films. I guess it's not for everyone though.

I haven't seen it yet but its also available in Netflix streaming, been in my queue for a while.
Mar 10, 2010 at 8:07 PM Post #5,483 of 24,690

Originally Posted by Zodduska /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Food Inc. - 8/10

I like a good documentary, and i even like opinion pieces, but there was a big part of "Food Inc." that confused me.

We learn about how horrifying the chicken industry is, and then it jumps straight to the pork industry and they explain how modern hog confinements are horrifying for the exact opposite reasons that chicken barns are horrifying.

The chickens are always sick, the people who care for them are also always sick. the chickens die left and right and they have to cull out the dead ones daily.

The pigs live in a sterile environment, and are NEVER sick. The people who care for them aren't allowed to come to work if they so much as have a slight sniffle.

They go over how you can order pigs from a catalog and imply (but don't actually say) that the pigs are genetically engineered - they're not engineered in the recombinant DNA sequencing sense. They're engineered by breeding.

These two factors are how the pork industry ended the scurge of trichinosis and gave us lean white meat instead of the fatty stuff we used to get 30 years ago.

And what's the scene that caused the camera man to swear off meat? Witnessing the miracle of birth.
Mar 10, 2010 at 8:34 PM Post #5,484 of 24,690
What I took away from the pork sequences was the massive scale of Smithfield's operation.
Mar 11, 2010 at 9:09 AM Post #5,486 of 24,690
'Men who stare at goats' the best laugh I have had all year. seriously guys 9.5/10 massive cast and all of them really relaxed into the roles. George Clooney, Ewan McGregor, Jeff Bridges, Kevin Spacey etc. McGregor, Clooney and Bridges are fantastic!! I think they must have had a great time filming this movie and by the looks of it some 'method acting' involving psychedelics
Mar 11, 2010 at 7:57 PM Post #5,487 of 24,690
2012 - 1 star out of 5.

What a bloated, preposterous, ludicrous, sappy turd of a movie.

You know you have a bad movie when you care so little about the characters that you are hoping that they ALL DIE. I can't believe that I wasted 2.5 hours of my life watching this "movie". Shame on EVERY single person who was involved in making this movie (*except maybe for the CGI team).

Avoid this Hollywood drivel at all costs.

* If you are a masochist, and feel that you absolutely must watch this piece of trash, I would suggest fast forwarding through the movie and watching only the CGI, as that was about the only thing in this movie that was even remotely entertaining.

P.S. For the "believers" : When 2012 rolls around, everything is going to be just fine. So take a deep breath and relax.
Mar 11, 2010 at 9:51 PM Post #5,489 of 24,690

Originally Posted by Zodduska /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What I took away from the pork sequences was the massive scale of Smithfield's operation.

I don't see what's wrong with that.

Lets be honest - the intent of the film in a lot of spots is to induce fear and/or sympathy.

The chicken sequence showed us a lot of reasons to be very careful when handling raw chicken meat, some reasons to feel sorry for both chicken and farmer, and some reasons to hate Tyson.

Solving the problems with chicken farming would probably require an operation not unlike we saw for the swine. Or 1000x as much land dedicated to chicken farming.

Frankly, what i saw in the pork sequence was the march of technology. That's not something that makes me feel fear, though i understand that it does make a lot of people afraid.

I also took offense to the whole fistula sequence with the cow. They implied - by omission - that this is a relatively common bovine body modification. I guarantee you that there are thousands of people (who scored low on reading comprehension in their standardized tests) who took that message away from the fistula sequence. This sort of thing is only done at research and education facilities, and the total number of cows in the world with their stomach open for the world to see is vanishingly small. It's not pretty, but science is rarely pretty. The cows that do end up in that state suffer a little, but the honest truth is that they don't feel it. And millions of cattle benefit from what is learned from it.
Mar 11, 2010 at 10:01 PM Post #5,490 of 24,690
I kind of liked the Informant. I'd give it strong 7/10, maybe 7.5 considering it's supposedly based on a true story. It's hard to go wrong with Steven Soderbergh.

I also saw All the President's Men a week or so ago, when it was on TCM for "Oscar week" or whatever. I had forgotten what a good movie that was - 9.5/10.

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