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Dec 10, 2023 at 12:35 PM Post #24,496 of 24,690
Blue Beetle..It was fun but not enough for multiple viewings..
Dec 10, 2023 at 10:08 PM Post #24,498 of 24,690
Leave the World Behind - 5/10

What a disappointment! This had so much potential and started out so well!
There were so many great ideas in the book (probably) or the screenwriter's brain but it's like they left them out of the movie.
This is barely even a movie. So little substance was added to the actual movie and it felt like they were stretching the run time out.
Now this doesn't make sense after what I just said, but this would have been better off being an actual TV series and only "inspired by the book".
The movie just feels like a summary of an actual movie. By the end you're like "That's it?".
I actually hope Netflix makes this a series. Maybe the start will be like an episode 2.
Start where they left off. Who cares if it's not in the book.

There's a lot of problems I had with the movie:

1) Julia Roberts character is just really annoying. Couldn't stand her. She rented a house from some people and would barely even let them stay in their own house when they had to return early. If I was the owner I would have just kicked them out and said "Vacation is over!" :)
The dialogue for the entire female cast is just terrible.

2) The soundtrack is so obnoxious and makes a lot of scenes even worse. It's just distracting. Should have been a little more subtle.

3) Most scenes are just so poorly made. Especially the one where Ethan Hawk's character meets the doomsday guy.

4) Worst one involves lots of deer and screaming.

5) Camera angles were just weird. Doesn't add anything to the movie.

6) The characters just seem to make the most stupid decisions ever at all times.
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Dec 15, 2023 at 9:38 PM Post #24,499 of 24,690
World War II: From the Frontlines - 6/10

This is a brand new Netflix documentary that's in color.
Most of the footage seems to be newly restored and a lot of it is really impressive.
Not as good as something like "They shall not grow old" but pretty good.
A lot of the B&W footage is colored.

To me it feels like they found a hodgepodge of footage and made a story around it.
It's not very in depth or informative at all. It's just a quick summary of some events and that's basically it.
For those that don't know a lot about WW2 it wouldn't be that educational.

What is very unfortunate is they interviewed a lot of WWII veterans (not just Americans) and gave them so little screen time.
It felt like some had only a few quick sentences.

What is rare to see is some sections about war crimes committed by the allies (yet none by the Russians, strange).
For example, the British firebombing of Hamburg. They ended up killing an estimated 37,000 civilians and injuring 180,000.
60% of the houses destroyed.

There is some footage of the aftermath of the Atomic bombs being dropped, but none of the firebombings if I recall.

There is also some scenes of the Nazis destroying villages in the Soviet Union. Some of it looks like something straight out of the masterpiece "Come and See".
There's even a shot of some Nazi soldier eating lunch while the village behind him is on fire.

The documentary is still worth watching just for the new footage.
I've seen a ton of WWII documentaries and most of it was new to me.

BTW one of my favorites is called "World War 2 in HD".
Not really HD of course, but it's one of the best ones i've seen.
There is also "The World at War" which is 100000 hours long.
The most in depth ones i've seen are in the Battlefield series.
They're all on youtube and in the public domain now as far as I know.
Dec 16, 2023 at 2:36 AM Post #24,500 of 24,690

Rating: 1/4

Alternate title: The Miyazaki and the Dementia.

Long incoherent collage of Miyazaki motifs. The story lacked gravity and charm.

The movie’s score was pretty heavy handed, too loud and trying too hard to tell us that we should feel something significant is happening. Perhaps if there were no dialogue then maybe it could serve as Studio Ghibli’s Fantasia.

Miyazaki went full throttle in blurring fantasy and reality. Never a character phased by the strangeness of anything. The story felt dream-like and perhaps that was the intention. Miyazaki did seemingly brush gently against slightly heavy topics but if so it was seemingly meant to be subtley hidden in surreal silliness. The movie mostly made me think about not falling asleep because then I might snore.

I am a Miyazaki fan but even for me this was hard to watch even with the wonderful animation.
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Dec 16, 2023 at 4:47 AM Post #24,501 of 24,690
Suicide Squad (2016) - 7.5/10

I was surprised that I actually liked this somewhat and found it entertaining.
These days I avoid anything similar to a superhero movie. Most of them just bore me to death.
This one actually had a few funny lines. I also kind of liked Harley Quinn as a character. Now the Joker..not so much.
The ending for some reason reminded me of something out of a Ghostbusters movie.

I remember when this came out it got nothing but bad reviews.
I should go back and read some of them.

I'm going to watch the 2nd one tomorrow and see if it's any better.

PS Wow 26% on Rotten Tomatoes. It's weird how all the ones rated 90% or higher I disliked, but this is OK? Strange.
I think the last one I loved was "Guardians of the Galaxy 2". I even prefer it to the original. Haven't seen the third.

FYI I also watched Asteroid City last night. Only made it one hour in before I gave up. Not surprised.
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Dec 16, 2023 at 10:37 AM Post #24,502 of 24,690
The little mermaid 2023 Disney +

come on what’s the stink, halle soars in this live animation undersea romp love story. Ok Melissa a hoot as a witch octopus that sets up the impossible task to be completed in 30 hours. For whatever the knock is about mermaid, it past the eye water test for 3.75 puffs out of 5. Just bubble gum for the soul
Dec 16, 2023 at 12:46 PM Post #24,503 of 24,690
Suicide Squad (2016) - 7.5/10

I was surprised that I actually liked this somewhat and found it entertaining.
These days I avoid anything similar to a superhero movie. Most of them just bore me to death.
This one actually had a few funny lines. I also kind of liked Harley Quinn as a character. Now the Joker..not so much.
The ending for some reason reminded me of something out of a Ghostbusters movie.

I remember when this came out it got nothing but bad reviews.
I should go back and read some of them.

I'm going to watch the 2nd one tomorrow and see if it's any better.

PS Wow 26% on Rotten Tomatoes. It's weird how all the ones rated 90% or higher I disliked, but this is OK? Strange.
I think the last one I loved was "Guardians of the Galaxy 2". I even prefer it to the original. Haven't seen the third.

FYI I also watched Asteroid City last night. Only made it one hour in before I gave up. Not surprised.
John Cena is hilarious as peacemaker.

You should check out his show.
Dec 16, 2023 at 8:04 PM Post #24,504 of 24,690
The Suicide Squad (2021) - 3/10

By far the worst movie i've probably seen in the last 5 years.
I just found it to be no fun at all to sit through. I tried my best.
There were a few funny lines, but I can't honestly say I enjoyed any of it.
It's also unnecessarily gory, which adds nothing to the movie for me.
I was finding the movie very boring, paused it and checked the time. Nearly 55 minutes to go!
Somehow I made it to the end, but just barely.
It's also strange how I like Harley Quinn's character so much in the first movie, but not here.
I didn't like any of it's characters at all. The Shark had a few amusing parts at least.
It's too bad Michael Rooker wasn't actually in the movie for more than 5 minutes.

This series sort of reminds me of "Obliterated".
I guess some say that show is like The Expendables meets The Hangover. I think it's much better than that combination.
That was the most entertaining TV series i've seen in awhile.
It's too bad that series got such bad reviews, but I loved it.
I'm sure many of you might hate it though.
I really hope they improve on it and make a season 2.

PS Wow. 28% for the first Suicide Squad and 90% on rotten tomatoes for the 2nd.
Strange how I liked the first one, but not the second.

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Dec 17, 2023 at 10:56 PM Post #24,505 of 24,690
Gran Turismo - 10/10

My expectations for this were really high. I'm a huge fan of both Gran Turismo and Neill Blomkamp as a director.
He nailed it and the film ended up being near perfect to me. While watching it I honestly could not think of one thing I would change.
I started it at 5am when I was tired and didn't expect to be able to finish it. I was glued to my screen and finished it with no problem.
This could have been very easy to ruin. They could have just dumbed-down the screenplay and just aimed it at only teenagers with it's "inspiring" message.
Neill seemed to take the story seriously and also didn't make it too over-dramatic. It felt a bit more low-key in a way than some similar Hollywood movies.

He also managed to get some good acting from everyone. Even the younger actors did a really good job.
For me, what made this movie even better is the character of Jack Salter played by David Harbour as their coach/mentor.
It's a fictional character but I didn't mind. I liked how tough he was on them, but without being mean. Reminds me of an NBA coach.

So glad this turned out well. Neill's masterpiece is "District 9". I was blown away by that movie when it was released and I ended up seeing it 3 times in the theaters.
His next 2 movies I didn't like that much and felt like were a bit too heavy handed and not that much fun. Certainly not bad movies at all.
It's too bad he never got to direct an Aliens movie.

Would be cool to see him direct a new Uncharted movie. I hope they start from scratch with a new cast and let him have nearly full creative control. Actually I'd prefer to see him make a sequel to District 9 instead. I've read that he has some ideas, but probably no script.

He'd also be perfect for another sci-fi movie about space exploration. Something similar to The Right Stuff or Apollo 13 and based on true events.

PS there is an F1 Racing documentary series on Netflix. This movie's scenes reminded me of that a lot. It's a good series, but the latest season was very bad.
I might actually buy this on blu-ray. Worth watching a few times.
Dec 18, 2023 at 1:42 AM Post #24,506 of 24,690
Birds of Prey: Harley Quinn movie - 3/10

I think I need to just stop watching comic book based movies or just try harder to find good ones.

Hard to believe this got a 78% score from both critics and audiences on RT!

PS Anyone remember Darkman from 1990? I remember watching that and liking it. Need to watch it again. It's based on a Marvel comic book.
They made so many sequels and they were so terrible!

I think I might like the Punisher series too. I missed it when it was on Netflix.
Dec 20, 2023 at 1:41 AM Post #24,508 of 24,690
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom - 8/10

It took awhile to really get into this. It slowly got better and better.
Felt like I was taken back in time to what things were like in the past.
It's worth watching just for the great acting of Chadwick Boseman.
The movie made me want to read up on it's history and see which parts are true.
It's based on a play, so the movie is quite different than what most of us are used to.
The entire movie takes place in a recording studio.
Early on it may come across as a bit pointless. It might require some patience.

Love and Monsters - 7.5/10

This one was a lot of fun to watch. If I was a lot younger and couldn't yet watch rated R movies i'd probably be giving it a 10/10 and be watching it over and over.
It feels like whoever wrote the story for this movie really loved the Fallout series. It feels like a more family friendly Fallout inspired movie.
There is really not much violence at all. Some swearing. It's PG-13.
Instead of zombies or super mutants the entire planet's popular is nearly wiped out by giant monsters.

It's main character Joel lives in a vault and communicates with his old girlfriend living 85 or miles away. One day when her radio signal goes silent he decides to go out and find her. Remind you of anything? He even has a dog as a companion.

Joel is a bit different for sure. A lot of the times when he talks it comes across as awkward (intentional). He's not a tough guy and shouldn't even be out there by himself because he doesn't have the required skills.

The monsters look pretty convincing to me. I never once felt like this was a low budget movie with bad special effects. Every monster looks pretty cool.

The only fault of this movie is that it's a bit bland/generic at times with it's story. Even the bad guys feel a bit generic.

The story and Joel actually reminded me of the old video game Star Tropics and it's character "Mike" (if I remember right).

Joel even has a similar very weak weapon that barely functions. In the game his first weapon was a.....Yo-Yo!

This would actually be a really great TV series. Just bring back Michael Rooker.

His character here is completely different than his role in The Walking Dead. A lot more likable for sure.

Black Adam - 4/10

What the heck did I just watch? Nobody can convince me that AI didn't help generate this non-sense script.

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Dec 21, 2023 at 3:27 AM Post #24,509 of 24,690
Living with Yourself - 8/10

Really funny Netflix series about a guy who ends up with a clone of himself on accident.
Starring Paul Rudd. I actually liked it so much I watched episodes 1 to 5 in one sitting. They're short though.
I bet few people have heard of this. I watched it at random and am glad I did.

Jaws - 10/10

Probably my favorite Spielberg movie with Close Encounters being 2nd best.
"AI" is also severely underrated.

Also in the middle of Jaws 2. Haven't seen acting this bad in a very long time.
Every line comes across as if it's read by a robot. Unlike Jaws 1 it hasn't aged well.
The dialogue is the absolute worst.
Dec 21, 2023 at 7:51 AM Post #24,510 of 24,690
The creator Disney + 2023

yes the visuals, landscape, and shocking realism play out in dystopian post AI society. Good versus evil? Not so sure. Human struggle for freedom and redemption? Maybe. Is it a hoot to toot too, yup. Is it draggy, sure a bit. Kinda flirts with dissapointment, but flashes another rockin visual and you’re hooked. Hard to say what puff rating this is, 3.75 out of 5. Interesting distraction cool story.
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