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Nov 26, 2023 at 3:01 AM Post #24,481 of 24,690
TEAM Ninja Warrior (Season 2) - 10/10
(recent Netflix addition)

I really loved this season and it's better than the regular Ninja Warrior!
It's much faster paced, has a lot more suspense and no life stories overload.
There is an intro for some of the people, but they are kept short.
The "filler" is kept to a minimum. Less than 2 minutes between runs.

This series feels like you get 2 different shows in one.
First there is the College Madness runs, which are good, but not great.
I would actually skip that first and consider it a bonus.
The best part of the season is the second half.

Netflix is also pulling a fast one on us into thinking it's very recent show, it's not. They list as as a 2023 release.
Season 2 is very old, but I don't mind. I'm hoping they continued the Team Ninja series, but probably not.
I'll need to google that.

I'd actually be perfectly happy if they made the regular show into ALL side by side races.

In Team Ninja you have a group of 3 players. 1 woman and 2 men.
Two race side by side.

PS they have a third season, but they renamed it Ninja vs Ninja.
I wonder why they never made more seasons?

Still hoping they might someday bring back Ultimate Beastmaster (Ninja clone), but with less and better commentary.
Some of the players on that moved on to Ninja Warrior.
Beastmaster seems WAY more difficult. Too bad they completely dismantled the course i've read.
Nov 28, 2023 at 6:30 AM Post #24,482 of 24,690
Defending jacob Apple TV 2023

chris Evan’s actually and reluctantly, blew me away, sort of. His deep, nuanced, acting helped generate the tension that drives the series. Matter of fact, the acting all around carry’s this book adaption, whether it stumbles from it is moot. It’s entertaining with side bars of genetics which derail the facts of this case but that’s the point, right? Puff or no it gets 3.75 out of 5, and I never really liked chris Since push.
Nov 28, 2023 at 10:48 AM Post #24,483 of 24,690
Defending jacob Apple TV 2023

chris Evan’s actually and reluctantly, blew me away, sort of. His deep, nuanced, acting helped generate the tension that drives the series. Matter of fact, the acting all around carry’s this book adaption, whether it stumbles from it is moot. It’s entertaining with side bars of genetics which derail the facts of this case but that’s the point, right? Puff or no it gets 3.75 out of 5, and I never really liked chris Since push.

Don't like Scott Pilgrim Chris? :D Do a grindy thingy
Nov 29, 2023 at 6:43 PM Post #24,484 of 24,690
Andor Walt Disney + 2022

one can puff to this with confidence and ease. This pre quell to rogue one has an edgier darker feel, which lends itself well to the turmoil and subjections that inevitably follow cassian. This is not your kiddies Star Wars and I say, that’s just fine. It’s not a blockbuster and season 1 ends without ending nor setting up what’s coming in season 2. Maybe that’s the point. Mini series vibe worth 4 out 5 puffs.
Nov 29, 2023 at 6:55 PM Post #24,485 of 24,690
Ahsoka Walt Disney plus 2023

well pick your medicine, Ahsoka or andor. Ashoka bit more star warsy with nifty visuals, creatures, and Jedi. I guess if one puffs enough as I do, the lack of serious believability vanishes to let the force flow over me, and pass me another gummy While your at it. This post fall of the empire has dark nemesi’s with magic witches, strange but jedis are weird as well if you think about it. 3.75 out of 5. Andor has the edge till season 2 but whatevs
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Nov 29, 2023 at 8:30 PM Post #24,486 of 24,690
The new Hunger Games movie. It was good for me since I've never read the books and was worth the ticket entertainment value. I would prob watch it again if it ever went on a streaming service like Netflix or Hulu or something.
Dec 1, 2023 at 7:02 PM Post #24,487 of 24,690
Squid Game: The Challenge - 9/10

EDIT: Don't I feel silly. I posted this review before I finished episode 9, which was what I thought was the final episode.
I was positive that there was no way my review score would change just by seeing what I thought was the final episode.
Turns out there is actually TEN episodes!! Last one due out on the 6th. If my review score changes I will update it.
I finished e9 last night and my opinion hasn't changed.
99.9% of my review scores are based on having watched an entire show or series.
If I don't complete a series I don't give it a score at all.

What can I say? I really was surprised and really like this new reality show.
The idea of a reality show based on the movie sounded really demented at first!
It's actually not so bad. The show is actually fun and not depressing or disturbing.
No violence involved (well, duh). A blue ink pack goes off and they fall over.
There was no point to that and it adds nothing to the show. They should replace that with something else.
If I was in the game and got eliminated I would add this ridiculous sound when I got shot and be as dramatic as possible :)

I found the show pretty entertaining and really addicting! They were able to make it so that I didn't want to stop watching it.
I must have binge watched about 6 episodes last night!

There are some annoying things about it that are sort of nit-picking:

1) I believe some character roles are most likely semi-scripted. Meaning they gave players a suggested role to make it more dramatic.
2) The worst part of the show is the office desk interviews. They came across as just bad actors and like they were told to read a script, but not sound like it.
3) The marble episode was just a ridiculous sob-fest and hardly seemed real. Most of the people acted like they were actually going to die or something.
4) The way some of the players act is a bit over-dramatic. Again, I think maybe this was intended. It's like they forgot it's not real and nobody actually dies.
5) There may have been a lot of very scripted parts, where that person was required to get eliminated by the producers (for dramatic effect).
6) The show is about as realistic as something like the old "WWF" (wrestling). Reminds me of the somewhat fake reality show "60 days in" too.
7) There is one unintentionally hilarious scene in the 2nd to last episode where one friend gets eliminated. I laughed out loud so hard and I feel sort of bad!
8) I do think though that some of the players during events did really care about what happened to each other. I don't think they were just phony friendships.
9) Some of the players get like zero screen time. Some I didn't see once until the very last episodes.

I think the most likely scripted/fake contestant was the old guy. Can't even remember his name.
I also suspect the mom/son team was all scripted too. I don't mean the dialogue.
Don't want to spoil anything.

PS I actually disliked the movie, but loved the reality show...somehow.
They aren't similar at all in tone etc. Well obviously.

I actually wouldn't mind a Season 2. But just get rid of the silly blue blood packs and falling over.
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Dec 2, 2023 at 6:35 PM Post #24,488 of 24,690
Bad Surgeon: Love under the Knife - 8/10

Bad name for a very good documentary.
What is sickening to me is how a hospital would try so hard to hold onto their power and not lose out on money and make themselves look bad when a surgeon ends up getting patients killed. I guess maybe they are trying to avoid lawsuits. At first, when someone had complained about one of their surgeons, they just ignored it!

So many different businesses and organizations do this too. Everything from catholic churches, The Boy Scouts and even the Scientology group.
When bad things happen to a member or a member does something horrible, the higher ranking members will try to "sweep it under the rug" and hope it goes away.
In the case of churches they will just send priests to another Church or they get sent to some phony support group, when they should have instead been sent to jail.
They will be absolutely sure that bad things don't leak to the media. Some of them will try to silence the accusers in any way possible. Even making up lies about them etc.

Anyway, this is about a surgeon that was doing a medical procedure based on so little research and no animal testing. The patients were basically "guinea pigs". The patients ended up dying and having to endure something like torture until they died. The media seemed to think it all was a success and many didn't know how many people died or how soon.

One negative of this documentary is there is too much time spent on talking about the extravagant lifestyles of his girlfriends. It's somewhat important because he was a con artist and would propose to woman while he was still married.

Stamped from the Beginning - 5/10

Although I agree with most of what's said in this, I just found this documentary annoying. I hate giving movies like this such a low score.
A much better movie with similar themes is "I am not your Negro". It's based on the writings of James Baldwin.
It's probably one of the best documentaries ever made or at least in my top 5. I watched it twice in two days and think it's perfect.
It's really one movie that made me realize I was clueless at the time about it's subject and it's not like they teach those things in school.

PS one thing I would suggest is watching all of James Baldwins speeches, debates and interviews on Youtube. They're really good!
I wish more people could speak as intelligently about things as well as he can. I should read some of his books.

Dec 4, 2023 at 5:40 AM Post #24,489 of 24,690
Truth be told season 1 Apple TV 2019

each season is a stand alone, and season 1 was a good un. Aaron Paul casts nicely as an innocent bystander set up by his father for murder, or is he? Well scripted acted and with twists. 4 out of 5 puffs and let’s see if season 2 is as good. So far, jury out.
Dec 7, 2023 at 10:00 AM Post #24,490 of 24,690

Probably a 9 out of 10, though you have to watch it like a comedy for Spider Baby to make sense........and under those pretenses it is wonderful.
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Dec 8, 2023 at 3:31 AM Post #24,491 of 24,690
American Animals, very good. Good acting Barry Keoghan was excellent but not just him. The story is good and fast paced. I didnt realise it was part dramadocumentary until it started and it suprisingly worked really well and still managed to feel like both a great thriller movie and a great documentary at the end. Well worth a watch for anyone whos not seen it. I was just very lucky to be able to watch something , thanks to the guys who agreed to write my essay https://boomessays.com/ instead of me. I know that some people consider that cheating or something, but honestly for me that is the only way right now to manage my life.
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Dec 8, 2023 at 7:06 AM Post #24,493 of 24,690
The bear Walt Disney + 2022

im a foodie and the cook of the house, I’ve been asked many times, would you be a chef. I knew inherently I didn’t have the right stuff for this brutal industry, and the bear puts an exclamation point on it. Never mind drug addiction, debt to loan sharks, and violations to food and safety. The hysteria of day to day and the hysteria we learn of the matriarch family dynamics of complete mental breakdown, can make for dizzying overtalking, near crazy mixed with comedy. Always approaching the goal of a star, against the odds.
one needs a puff to lower the inherent anxiety on the way to 4 out of 5 puffs. If you dare, it’s worth it.
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Dec 8, 2023 at 7:10 AM Post #24,494 of 24,690
Mythic quest Apple TV + 2020

brilliant, funny, puffable romp. Endless fun with powerful hilarious acting. From blood ocean to shovels, it’s worth the laughs. 4.5 puffs for 35 minutes of simple hilarity
Dec 8, 2023 at 3:36 PM Post #24,495 of 24,690
Obliterated (Season 1) - 9/10

Probably the most fun/entertaining TV show i've seen all year. Critics will probably hate it and it's definitely not perfect.
Some of the acting from one person is hilariously bad. During two parts in the season finale it actually made me LOL so hard.
One actor who I won't name would have gotten something like a Razzie for worst acting.
In general the acting is slightly above average mostly.

Also, there is a lot of "bad" stuff in this one. Lots of sex related humor, which usually isn't my thing. I actually found a lot of this movie very funny.
I'm surprised Netflix allowed a lot of the stuff to get a pass and be shown in the movie. For example, it has 3 or so scenes of full frontal male nudity.
I remember back in the day that would get an instant NC-17! Oh and of course they use fake body parts, so maybe that was A-OK.
So if you are easily offended, don't watch this. It's also pretty violent.

This kind of reminded me of a weird mix between The Hangover (which is terrible IMO) and an R rated version of the Getsmart remake.
Some scenes reminded me of scenes from Die Hard or True Lies too. It's definitely an action movie with comedy.
Not much character development or drama overload.

I hope they make a Season 2. I really liked all of it's characters.

PS Whoever made this would be perfect for an Uncharted TV series. It's too bad the movie was really bad.
The show at times felt like playing a really good video game. Reminded me of the Uncharted series.
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