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Aug 22, 2022 at 1:24 PM Post #23,896 of 24,690
The Roundup - 7.7/10

Another violent Korean action flick. This is the sequel to "The Outlaws" which was pretty violent as well. Given it's success in the box office in Korea, it was a big hit there.

But for me, I didn't find it that great. The main thing going for the film is the star of the movie. Don Lee. The guy is amazing. He's probably the Rock of South Korea. The action scenes with him was spectacular. But, other action scenes excluding him was just avg.

It has very impressive box office numbers for a small country like Korea. gross of US$100.06 million and 12.59 million admissions

Don Lee is awesome! I would place him as the best Korean action star. Or one of the best action star I've ever seen.
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Aug 22, 2022 at 5:21 PM Post #23,897 of 24,690
Generation War - 10/10

Probably one of the best World War II movies i've seen in a year or more. It's a TV series and each episode is about 1 1/2 hours long.
It's better than Saving Private Ryan and even Band of Brothers.
Felt kind of like a mix of those along with the 90s version of Stalingrad.

The one thing that didn't make sense to me in the film though is that the Polish resistance members were portrayed as all anti-semites.
They wouldn't even bother to free Jews on a train on the way to the concentration camps. Yet all they had to do was open the train doors.

A lot of people complained that there was not enough mentioned about the Holocaust. I think the film had a very narrow focus on only a few people and what they had experienced. They all committed or witnessed a lot of war crimes against Jewish people and other civilians.

One thing i've noticed in USA WWII documentaries is they never portray the Russian soldiers during WWII in any negative way. I wonder why.
In the Frank Capra propaganda film during the war they portrayed them as some sort of freedom fighters and the good guys.
I was never even aware of all the war crimes committed by them when they entered Berlin etc towards the end of the war.
There is rarely ever mention in the US documentaries of when they invaded Finland in 1939. Strange.

Breaking Bad: Season 1 (7.5/10)

I think this is the first time I watched any entire season of anything in one day.
I've seen this series so much it just becomes a chore to watch it, but somehow I managed it.
I think my problem here is that I don't like or find any of it's characters in this season all that interesting.
Marie is supper annoying and her problem with stealing doesn't really add much to the story.
Skyler's character is OK, but the home scenes are just rather dull and there's too many of them.
This season is just really a family drama with not much else.
I find this season just so extremely slow paced.
So few scenes stand out as being anything great.

Jesse Pinkman I kind of like and he has some sort of funny lines.
I always thought Walter treated him like dirt just to make the story more dramatic.
Remember when Jesse Pinkman visited his house after the "events" in Season 1? I guess for that visit it's understandable.
I'm just not buying the split personality thing. The tough guy thing that Walter gets into is not very convincing.
Especially when he's telling people to get off his turf.
All those people are aware of who Heisenberg is but somehow the DEA has no clue.

Unfortunately my favorite character in Season 1 is Hank. He manages to be offensive to many different people but I still like his character.
Every scene he's in is great IMO.

I've found the series gets better when they bring in new characters/actors. All the new ones make the show even better.
Ones like Saul, Mike and Gus. Even smaller ones like Ted and Gale.
I'm really missing Nacho already somehow too. Even super small roles like Daniel (Squat Cobbler guy!).

I think my favorite character is Mike. Never liked Saul much until the spin-off, now he's my favorite for sure.
Aug 24, 2022 at 5:49 PM Post #23,898 of 24,690
Top Gun Maverick - (7.8/10)

It was good enough, not great, not bad. I still like the original better because the original came up with the ideas. The opening scene is pretty much like the original (I luv the opening from the original), and some scenes are done that's taken from the original. And then the later half of the movie, changes into it's movie. I didn't care for the plot. It seemed cliche, and like I mentioned, they repeated certain concepts from the original. With the new filming technology, the film is better captured, but I still like the content of the original better. I didn't care for the new soundtrack, but when the original tracks came on, it got me pumped.

Cruise and Hamm put out good performance, but the rookie pilot's acting isn't good. The characters felt flat. I like the original better because iceman and mavrick dynamics, but this one doesn't have that level of dynamics for the rookies. And the dynamics are just not interesting because the focus is on Mitchell.

'Iceman' and 'Mavrick' are classic names that sound cool, but 'Coyote,' 'Hangman,' bla, bla?

Original Top Gun is one of my all time fav movies, and I can watch it over and over again, but I really dnt' care to see Maverick again if I can see the original. It was a meh experience overall, but not a terrible movie.

Don Simpson/Jerry Bruckheimer production was putting out fun stuff back then. I liked 'Days of Thunder' from those days as well.

This opening was great like Top Gun's. Tony Scott made things look so cool. He's awesome! He knows how to introduce a world to us. He makes the world look interesting. I actually don't care for Nascar, but the film makes it look interesting, and that's what effective film-makers do.
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Aug 25, 2022 at 11:56 AM Post #23,899 of 24,690
Decision to Leave - (7.9/10)

New Park Chan-wook movie. He's one of my favorite directors that directed some great movies like 'Oldboy' and 'The Handmaiden,' which is my top favorite of his movies. He certainly knows how to do a mystery movie with unexpected plot arc.

He did the same unexpected plot arc in this movie, but the reveal happened in the middle which confused me, and then the rest of the movie I didn't care for. I was hoping after the mystery reveal, the plot would get even better with more unfoldings, but it didn't.

All in all, I found the film interesting. Something about the way Park tells a story that just seems so interesting. The acting and casting I didn't care for as his other films. The two top movies I've mentioned had better acting. This one felt a bit exaggerated and odd.

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Aug 25, 2022 at 6:57 PM Post #23,900 of 24,690
Finding you net flix 2021

yes I’m a sucker for rom coms. Due to the state of things sometimes you don’t want anxiety, blood cuts, or aliens. This is one that can cause a few well ups, laughs, and of course, a happy ending. Irish tilt and lilt with aspiring violinist meets movie star. 3.5 puffs out of 5 the wifey liked it with a so cute comment at the end.
Aug 26, 2022 at 4:57 AM Post #23,901 of 24,690
Running with the Devil: The Wild World of John McAfee - 5/10 (new on Netflix)

It's as someone took all their old video footage of his life they could use and said "Hey, let's make a documentary out of this but don't actually tell people anything useful about his life". Ohh and "Let's just make stuff up what MIGHT have happened and provide no actual facts about anything".

Also..why is it called "Running with the devil"? Is he the devil? Is there any proof he murdered anyone? I don't even know about what crimes he has committed without googling it after the movie. Apparently the movie tells me it's Insider Trading and Tax Evasion.

Is this guy really paranoid and crazy? I have no idea and your guess is as good as mine.

What we need is people to make an actual crime documentary about all this. Now that would be worth watching.

I don't suggest watching this non-sense.

I'm sure they could make a good documentary about his life and being on the run though.

I do hope they find out who really murdered his neighbor. If that's even possible now. Probably not.
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Sep 1, 2022 at 2:50 AM Post #23,902 of 24,690
Saving Private Ryan - 7.5/10

I never really liked this one as much as most. I just find it's story kind of generic and nothing special. Same with everything else. Everything feels realistic enough, it has good cinematography and acting, but that's about it. I've seen it somehow at least 4 times now.

I did like the first battle scene on Omaha beach but i'm surprised at how short it was in the movie!

The worst thing about this movie is the non-sense about Steamboat Willie and Corporal Upham.
Oh and that annoying guy who says a prayer just before he shoots a German soldier in the head!
They actually did the right thing by not shooting the POW since he surrendered. It's like the movie is almost trying to say "Nope, big mistake. Should have killed him."
Well yes, in a way it was. You kind of would have to expect the German soldier to get back into combat later.
My favorite character was probably Corporation Upham who was dealing with severe shellshock. It's easy to think he was just a coward and should never even been there "and just scared", but it happens to nearly any soldier eventually. How he got revenge on Willie in the movie is just kind of stupid. The ending relies too much on too many coincidences. It would have been far better if Steamboat Willie did not show up to ruin the day.

I remember when this came out they also released "A Thin Red Line". Loved every minute of it and felt it was far better (but more of a drama). You've got people though who either love it or think it's the worst movie ever made! It's actually one of my favorite war movies.

If you want to watch something even better than SPR check out "Come and See" from Russia, which is strangely enough an anti-war film.
I also think "The Pacific" is amazing and better than "Band of Brothers".
Episode 9 "Okinawa" is one of the best TV episodes ever made, but it's very painful to watch.
#1 best WWII movie by far is the 9-10 hour "The Human Condition".

The German film "Stalingrand" from the 90s is also great. Same goes for "Das Boot" but be sure to watch it subtitled and as the extended version.

Also, don't hate me but I actually enjoy "The Longest Day" more than SPR!
Definitely not one of those "War is Hell" movies for sure. It's only PG.
I don't know if i'd call it a great movie. It has some issues.
Some of it's acting is very very bad. I'd give it a solid 9/10.
This may sound weird, but I used to watch it at work as "background noise" every week.
I couldn't pay 100% attention to every minute, but I alway liked watching it this way.
I often do a lot of extremely tedious things at my desk for up to 8 hours per day or more.

Unrelated note, but the other day I watched 3 movies in one day! No joke. They were long ones too.
It was The Great Escape, Battle of the Bulge and Speed.
The Great Escape is in my top 10 and one movie i've seen possibly hundreds of times.
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Sep 3, 2022 at 12:51 AM Post #23,903 of 24,690
Looks like I will be skipping Amazon Prime's Lord of the Rings for now. Looks like the new House of the Dragon is what I will be getting into. Good starting IMDB score to give it a shot. Over 70k reviews should have good enough weight in opinions. I really hope it's production is like GoT. GoT looks so gorgeous!
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Sep 3, 2022 at 11:01 AM Post #23,904 of 24,690
Looks like I will be skipping Amazon Prime's Lord of the Rings for now. Looks like the new House of the Dragon is what I will be getting into. Good starting IMDB score to give it a shot. I really hope it's production is like GoT. GoT looks so gorgeous!

Lol why?

I wasn't expecting anything but The lord of the rings show is pretty good.

I watched the first two episodes. Production values are extremely high, they went all out on that show. Hit or miss, they spared no expense.

I'm watching House of the Dragon and its good. Although I'm biased, I think anything Game of thrones I'd probably like.
Sep 3, 2022 at 1:07 PM Post #23,905 of 24,690
Looks like I will be skipping Amazon Prime's Lord of the Rings for now. Looks like the new House of the Dragon is what I will be getting into. Good starting IMDB score to give it a shot. I really hope it's production is like GoT. GoT looks so gorgeous!

Fantastic first episode! Supurb acting, and the scenes are so well done like the original GoT. I got a good feeling that this will be a great series! the cinematography and lighting is great! The fight scenes were brutal and thus realistic, just the way I like em. The costumes, we expect nothing less from GoT. Great production with great sensibilities in how acting is carried out.

Paddy Considine's acting is just great!
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Sep 3, 2022 at 5:37 PM Post #23,906 of 24,690
LOL I was watching the new lords of the rings last night. It had a very diverse cast and the first thing I knew is that some crazy people on the internet were going to complain that this series was too "woke". Sure enough, they did. As if this was actually historical events and not fantasy!

Please tell me this non-sense is a USA only thing. It has to be.

BTW really liking the new series but I only got through episode one. Visually it's pretty impressive. Just not every shot, but pretty good overall.
Acting was better than I expected too. Definitely will be watching the rest of it when it's available.

I think the most visually impressive TV series I've seen in the past year was "The Foundation". More people need to watch that! Can't wait for season 2.
Still can't wait to see Sweet Tooth Season 2. Please don't cancel that!

American Ninja Warrior (latest season) - 5/10

How do you turn something that should be so fun to watch into something so boring to sit through?
It's pretty filler-filled with all the stories of the contestants. I actually liked hearing them at first, but after story #50 I just got sick of hearing about them.
I'm not heartless, but my god they overdo it. They even do a repeat of them on every new run they do!
Plus they randomly fast forward too many of the runs if someone falls.
I'd get to the Season finale and it's like I don't even think they had shown any of that person's runs.

This show just isn't fun to watch. There is also ZERO suspense anywhere to be found in the entire season.
OK, maybe a few minutes.

Plus they have a theme for each contestant and make them dress up in some ridiculous costume and bring in props.
I know it's all for fun, but it adds nothing to the show.

Watch The Ultimate Beastmaster instead. It's similar but way better.
I've been so disappointed that they cancelled the show after Season 3.
I loved it and it was actually very suspenseful and seemed WAY more challenging.
Sure the commentary was annoying, but not that bad.
If I was a billionaire i'd fund the show for another 10 seasons. I liked it that much.
I somehow watched each season twice and going to watch it again soon.
The runs are actually pretty inspiring, especially one from Air Force Ken.
Plus another bonus is that anyone from around the country can compete if their country is selected.
PS it's on Netflix.

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Sep 3, 2022 at 5:56 PM Post #23,907 of 24,690
Lol why?

I wasn't expecting anything but The lord of the rings show is pretty good.

I watched the first two episodes. Production values are extremely high, they went all out on that show. Hit or miss, they spared no expense.

I'm watching House of the Dragon and its good. Although I'm biased, I think anything Game of thrones I'd probably like.
Reviews. Bad audience reviews are a bad sign. 6 on IMDB and 34% audience reviews on RT. If by a miracle it improves, I may check it out. I don't want to sit through a boring show. In general, Prime has bad reputations for their shows. This is why I was skeptical of their LOTR.

HBO tend to put out quality shows. Original GoT was one of the best shows ever made (if we exclude the last season)? I was actually skeptical of the HOTD at first, but seeing the first episode won me over. It's quality. Anyway, I've seen EP2 as well, and want more!!!! 'For All Mankind' Season 3 will have to wait since I'm not drawn to the latest season. Trailer don't look all that interesting. Season 2 was great though.
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Sep 3, 2022 at 7:41 PM Post #23,908 of 24,690
LOL I was watching the new lords of the rings last night. It had a very diverse cast and the first thing I knew is that some crazy people on the internet were going to complain that this series was too "woke". Sure enough, they did. As if this was actually historical events and not fantasy!

Please tell me this non-sense is a USA only thing. It has to be.

BTW really liking the new series but I only got through episode one. Visually it's pretty impressive. Just not every shot, but pretty good overall.
Acting was better than I expected too. Definitely will be watching the rest of it when it's available.

I think the most visually impressive TV series I've seen in the past year was "The Foundation". More people need to watch that! Can't wait for season 2.
Still can't wait to see Sweet Tooth Season 2. Please don't cancel that!

American Ninja Warrior (latest season) - 5/10

How do you turn something that should be so fun to watch into something so boring to sit through?
It's pretty filler-filled with all the stories of the contestants. I actually liked hearing them at first, but after story #50 I just got sick of hearing about them.
I'm not heartless, but my god they overdo it. They even do a repeat of them on every new run they do!
Plus they randomly fast forward too many of the runs if someone falls.
I'd get to the Season finale and it's like I don't even think they had shown any of that person's runs.

This show just isn't fun to watch. There is also ZERO suspense anywhere to be found in the entire season.
OK, maybe a few minutes.

Plus they have a theme for each contestant and make them dress up in some ridiculous costume and bring in props.
I know it's all for fun, but it adds nothing to the show.

Watch The Ultimate Beastmaster instead. It's similar but way better.
I've been so disappointed that they cancelled the show after Season 3.
I loved it and it was actually very suspenseful and seemed WAY more challenging.
Sure the commentary was annoying, but not that bad.
If I was a billionaire i'd fund the show for another 10 seasons. I liked it that much.
I somehow watched each season twice and going to watch it again soon.
The runs are actually pretty inspiring, especially one from Air Force Ken.
Plus another bonus is that anyone from around the country can compete if their country is selected.
PS it's on Netflix.

I thought they were pushing the woke factor a little too much but then I got used it before the end of the first episode. How come theres no asian elves or dwarves?

I say push one of or more these girls into an elf role in one of the episodes and watch the ratings hit some kind of new all time record.


I thought Foundation was an awesome show, I hate when they take so long to come out with a second season.

You know what would be an even more awesome Foundation, one of those aforementioned girls in it.

Reviews. Bad audience reviews are a bad sign. 6 on IMDB and 34% audience reviews on RT. If by a miracle it improves, I may check it out. I don't want to sit through a boring show. In general, Prime has bad reputations for their shows. This is why I was skeptical of their LOTR.

HBO tend to put out quality shows. Original GoT was one of the best shows ever made (if we exclude the last season)? I was actually skeptical of the HOTD at first, but seeing the first episode won me over. It's quality. Anyway, I've seen EP2 as well, and want more!!!! 'For All Mankind' Season 3 will have to wait since I'm not drawn to the latest season. Trailer don't look all that interesting. Season 2 was great though.
Meh, I never pay attention much to audience reviews, especially not rotten tomatoes. I think its worth it just for the production value. They put alot of money into it.

I'm not even a lord of the rings fan. Its got my attention so far.
Sep 3, 2022 at 8:38 PM Post #23,909 of 24,690
Meh, I never pay attention much to audience reviews, especially not rotten tomatoes. I think its worth it just for the production value. They put alot of money into it.

I'm not even a lord of the rings fan. Its got my attention so far.
I just saw this. Now I'm curious how bad it is for 60Mil per episode. lol. I hope at least visually impressive for that kind of budget. I can tell HotD has budget CGI, but they do make the most out of their budget looking at their design.

RT scores are usually inflated so you can imagine how bad it is if it's 34% audience score.
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Sep 4, 2022 at 12:38 AM Post #23,910 of 24,690
Rotten Tomatoes is a joke IMO.
I mean I seriously stopped paying attention to that site when Marvel movies nearly always got a 90%+ score.
But a 34% audience score makes me want to watch it even more...
It's pretty obvious by that score it's probably trolls or racists posting those negative reviews.

Have to say though, i'm getting tired of these streaming services that don't have every episode available immediately.
So glad Netflix hasn't started with that non-sense.
I guess if the service is only $6/month then I wouldn't mind so much.
I wish they'd at list list all the episodes and tell you when they're going to be available.

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