Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Jun 28, 2016 at 9:17 AM Post #19,381 of 24,714
Inside Out [6.5/10]

This was possibly the worst Pixar movie I've seen. The plot was pretty much dollar bin last picking. This is what I expect when Pixar has run out of ideas and its quality animators have left. It's superficial, emotionally manipulative, having little to no character depth and with some seriously questionable plot mechanics. Breathe on this thing by accident and it will crumble under its fragility and weight of the bed decisions from which it resulted.

That could go for any Pixar movie as far as I'm concerned. Absolutely all of these 3D animations for the last 20 years blend into one big wise-cracking CG mush in my head.
Jun 28, 2016 at 2:34 PM Post #19,382 of 24,714
That could go for any Pixar movie as far as I'm concerned. Absolutely all of these 3D animations for the last 20 years blend into one big wise-cracking CG mush in my head.

It could, but by the seat of my pants, it's gotten progressively worse. Pixar pretty much does one thing. It's hard to fault them for going with a formula that works. And they generally do that thing better than most. My issue is more with them coming up pretty quickly now on a border I'm not sure they should be so comfortable crossing.

The larger issue is more with the American film industry relegating "adult" cartoons to "comedy". It's like they think a credible mature story can't be told via animation. It's ridiculous. Or that no one would see it. They've pretty much entirely given up on 2D animation.
Jun 28, 2016 at 5:04 PM Post #19,383 of 24,714

Penumbra - 5/10
Serviceable Argentinian thriller with occult overtones. It doesn't break any new ground at all but held my attention for the most part, even if the plot twists are hardly a revelation. Most of the performances are somewhat OTT, verging on burlesques in a few cases. The film is shot in a Neo Noir style and set mainly in a cramped apartment complex that manages to be genuinely claustrophobic - the few exterior scenes come as a welcome relief! I'd find it hard to recommend this to anyone but die hard horror / thriller fans desperate for a quick fix.
Jun 30, 2016 at 1:25 PM Post #19,384 of 24,714
Mission Impossible 3 - 7.75/10
This movie is really no fun at all to watch. Some good action scenes, but that's it.
At times I felt like I was watching a "Saw" movie.
BTW this is only from 2006, but the DVD has really horrible video quality for it's age.
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol - 9/10
This one is part four and just as good as part 5. It has a lot more comedy and is way more fun/entertaining than the last one.
I could probably watch this a dozen times and not get sick of it. It's my kind of popcorn movie.
Into the Wild - 10/10
One of my favorites. It's probably in my top 10 all time favorites list.
Jun 30, 2016 at 2:18 PM Post #19,385 of 24,714
Mission Impossible 3 - 7.75/10

This movie is really no fun at all to watch. Some good action scenes, but that's it.
At times I felt like I was watching a "Saw" movie.
BTW this is only from 2006, but the DVD has really horrible video quality for it's age.

I'm just curious but how does a movie that is "no fun at all to watch" deserve a 7.75/10?
Jun 30, 2016 at 10:49 PM Post #19,386 of 24,714
Originally Posted by tdockweiler /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Into the Wild - 10/10
One of my favorites. It's probably in my top 10 all time favorites list.

Same with me! Brilliant acting, directing, character development and - to top it all off, OST by Eddie Vedder! I went off and get myself the album right away after seeing the film.
Though in regards to Mission Impossible series, I would say that the first two are still the best ones IMO.
Jul 1, 2016 at 12:19 AM Post #19,387 of 24,714
I'm just curious but how does a movie that is "no fun at all to watch" deserve a 7.75/10?

Tons of movies out there that are no fun to watch that could be rated even a 10/10
regular_smile .gif

For example, maybe something like "City of Life and Death" from China about the Nanjing Massacre or a war movie like "Come and See".
Another one that comes to mind is "The Reader". After watching that movie I couldn't sleep at all that night. Movies rarely make me lose sleep like that!
I don't always watch movies just for fun/entertainment, but these days that's what I prefer! Not enough movies really make me think too much anymore.
It seems I usually have to watch foreign films for that.
Mission Impossible 3 takes itself way too serious sometimes and I hated the scenes where they were going to to either torture or kill Ethan's wife in front of him.
Scenes like these are obviously not supposed to be fun, but I really couldn't enjoy much else in the movie.
Part 3 isn't terrible, but just not a movie I like watching.

Jul 1, 2016 at 2:16 PM Post #19,388 of 24,714
Tons of movies out there that are no fun to watch that could be rated even a 10/10

For example, maybe something like "City of Life and Death" from China about the Nanjing Massacre or a war movie like "Come and See".

Ah, I just watched "Come and See" so yeah, I get where you're coming from. That definitely makes sense.
I don't always watch movies just for fun/entertainment, but these days that's what I prefer! Not enough movies really make me think too much anymore.
It seems I usually have to watch foreign films for that.
Mission Impossible 3 takes itself way too serious sometimes and I hated the scenes where they were going to to either torture or kill Ethan's wife in front of him.
Scenes like these are obviously not supposed to be fun, but I really couldn't enjoy much else in the movie.
Part 3 isn't terrible, but just not a movie I like watching.

I think my conception of MI:3 was that it was suppose to be one of those "just for fun/entertainment" movies where, if it's not fun to watch, then there isn't really any value in it as opposed to something like "Come and See" which has more of an edification element and derives its value from what we can learn form the movie as opposed to being viscerally entertaining. (Of course there's nothing wrong with being both entertaining and edifying)
Jul 1, 2016 at 8:50 PM Post #19,389 of 24,714
A bit off the beaten path with these two but oh well, sometimes the mood calls:
The Death of “Superman Lives”: What Happened?
Not going to rate this one.
There’s a lot of interesting video footage of Nic Cage and interviews with key people involved, including Tim Burton and writers, costume designers, concept artists and studio execs. Though I think the college talk by Kevin Smith as much better delivered than his sections in the film (available here). As far as the editing goes, its pretty week, as is the pacing. The issue is that the timing and structure of the film doesn’t create any interest for what’s a pretty interesting story. There’s a lot of interesting information here as well as some insight into power dynamics and how the risk environment affects what we end up seeing, or in this case not seeing.
Her Alibi [7/10]
This was a re-watch for me and it holds up. It’s basically enjoyable lazy day fare. And one of the better ones for it at that. The concept is pretty unique and the humor is enjoyably wry and it runs the gamut. The situation set up and characters lend themselves well to the comedy and moments shown. And they’re well used for it. The movie also goes a pretty brisk pace which keeps you from dwelling on some of the ridiculousness of the plot.
Jul 3, 2016 at 12:19 PM Post #19,390 of 24,714

I Am Here....Now - 1/10
Neil Breen is a multi-talented man....writing, producing, directing and starring in this frequently hilarious train wreck of a film. Breen plays Jesus / Eddie from Iron Maiden, who comes to Earth in paperweight to observe the failings of humanity with the air of a sanctimonious idiot savant as they are played out in a series of vignettes by a bunch of people....unfortunately it seems the budget didn't stretch to hiring actors. With stilted delivery that actors in instructional language videos would be ashamed of, such classic lines are delivered (paraphrasing here) as "now that we have bribed the relevant officials, we can stop that climate change bill being passed and our evil corporation can continue being evil".
It might not be absolutely the worst film I've ever seen....but it's high up in the running. It certainly isn't so bad it's good but it is so bad it's often hilarious....for about 20 minutes. Unfortunately it goes on for 1 hour and 20 minutes. It's never explained why there are a series of dolls heads in the desert....possibly a premonition of the film's potential audience.
Jul 4, 2016 at 4:58 AM Post #19,391 of 24,714

8 out a 10

I'm sure I have rated this way-way too high. Still I saw it with my two nephews both 14. So it was what it was to them. They would have given it a ten.
Jul 4, 2016 at 10:02 AM Post #19,392 of 24,714
I think I will have to see it with my new home cinema setup. Oculus Rift :wink:.
Everything is shot in some dull factory in England if I am not misstaken. Every single scene :p
Jul 4, 2016 at 1:58 PM Post #19,393 of 24,714
I think I will have to see it with my new home cinema setup. Oculus Rift :wink:.

Everything is shot in some dull factory in England if I am not misstaken. Every single scene :p

Really. A factory in England!? That makes the movie more special to me.

I felt at home while watching it.

Jul 5, 2016 at 5:49 PM Post #19,394 of 24,714
Hardcore Henry on Oculus Rift. Should see this in first row in the cinemas for sure. Never seen so much action in a movie in my life! Sensory overload several times my brain litterary just shut off. Had to rewind to see what happened the last few minutes on some occasions. 
Incredibly violent film quite repetitive but you don´t have a second to contemplate about anything other then survival :)
Jul 6, 2016 at 12:04 AM Post #19,395 of 24,714
  Hardcore Henry on Oculus Rift. Should see this in first row in the cinemas for sure. Never seen so much action in a movie in my life! Sensory overload several times my brain litterary just shut off. Had to rewind to see what happened the last few minutes on some occasions. 
Incredibly violent film quite repetitive but you don´t have a second to contemplate about anything other then survival :)

I think you are going to have to start adding in a "Rift Factor" on the ratings so us peon's without can gauge accurately


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