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Jun 22, 2016 at 1:15 AM Post #19,351 of 24,714
Filmed locally or no, I have huge reservations about this one. First off Asspik as Batman is still a no go. Robbie as Harley I just do not see and from the trailers she seems to have missed the mark by a fair bit.  After seeing Freeway Reece Witherspoon would have probably been a better pick. Then again petite actresses with talent are in pitiful supply on the big screen these days.
   This one has all the hallmarks of formulaic film where the whole thing is a set up for the next 30 sequels and the best of it being in the trailers. Shoulda ditched the now overused and out of style batman and just had Smith play in for him as Hancock instead:wink:
Demolition 2015  6/10
         This may be a case of one film too many too soon for Jake playing the dysfunctional antihero.  Overly long it does not bore one but really meanders around the point in the same way the character meanders around dealing with the loss of his wife. I'd really like to hear a few other opinions on this one as I wished I had waited about a year longer to see this one. I would almost suspect Vallee had read John Boyds treatise on Destruction and Creation and applied it a little to literally.
Jun 22, 2016 at 7:21 AM Post #19,352 of 24,714
[VIDEO] https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DwbG64YC-vQ [/VIDEO].

Next up, I hope I make it till the end?
Jun 22, 2016 at 7:46 AM Post #19,353 of 24,714
Has anyone seen 3 Idiots?

If you're in engineering school it's a must watch. I know western audiences will cringe at the stereotypical Bollywood dance scenes, but there's a lot of inspiration and guidance for all young engineers in this flick. A must watch for anyone diving into a technical field.
This is one of my favorite movies, but honestly I'd give it a 6/10.
Jun 22, 2016 at 11:02 AM Post #19,354 of 24,714
  Filmed locally or no, I have huge reservations about this one. First off Asspik as Batman is still a no go. Robbie as Harley I just do not see and from the trailers she seems to have missed the mark by a fair bit.  After seeing Freeway Reece Witherspoon would have probably been a better pick. Then again petite actresses with talent are in pitiful supply on the big screen these days.
   This one has all the hallmarks of formulaic film where the whole thing is a set up for the next 30 sequels and the best of it being in the trailers. Shoulda ditched the now overused and out of style batman and just had Smith play in for him as Hancock instead:wink:

I wonder when DC is going to tap some of its other excellent properties that have no direct (or a very slim) connection to Batman/Superman/the Justice League stuff. I've probably ranted about this before, but instead of beating Batman into the ground why not tackle Authority or Sandman or Preacher (which I guess is a TV show now, so maybe not?) or Ronin or Transmetropolitan or Y: The Last Man? They've got lots of brilliant material, but in their eagerness to mimic Marvel's success they're really selling themselves short. Of course, as long as they're raking in money they probably don't care much.
Jun 22, 2016 at 11:15 AM Post #19,355 of 24,714
I wonder when DC is going to tap some of its other excellent properties that have no direct (or a very slim) connection to Batman/Superman/the Justice League stuff. I've probably ranted about this before, but instead of beating Batman into the ground why not tackle Authority or Sandman or Preacher (which I guess is a TV show now, so maybe not?) or Ronin or Transmetropolitan or Y: The Last Man? They've got lots of brilliant material, but in their eagerness to mimic Marvel's success they're really selling themselves short. Of course, as long as they're raking in money they probably don't care much.

Unfortunately Marvel set the precedent for milking dollars from the public so DC is now in catch up, "Me Too" mode. To be honest the only "franchise" that ever held any appeal was X Men, which was a much lesser known entity than most of Marvel's stuff.
DC had the huge advantage of not having to pander to Stan Lee in their print media, yet when it came to screen time they did exactly that and lost a huge part of their identity.
For anyone who wants a really good belly laugh this morning (or evening )
Jun 22, 2016 at 11:16 AM Post #19,356 of 24,714
I wonder when DC is going to tap some of its other excellent properties that have no direct (or a very slim) connection to Batman/Superman/the Justice League stuff. I've probably ranted about this before, but instead of beating Batman into the ground why not tackle Authority or Sandman or Preacher (which I guess is a TV show now, so maybe not?) or Ronin or Transmetropolitan or Y: The Last Man? They've got lots of brilliant material, but in their eagerness to mimic Marvel's success they're really selling themselves short. Of course, as long as they're raking in money they probably don't care much.

I'm not sure about Sandman. There's a magic to it that I'm not convinced anyone would do justice to on the big screen. The only Moore adaptation that works for me was Watchmen and that's only because they stuck slavishly to the source. Watchmen was fairly self-contained at an original 12-issue run. Sandman, by comparison, is a sprawling epic. Gaiman's run on the title spanned 75 issues, not including the new Overture mini-series. I do agree that DC would benefit from differentiating themselves from Marvel Studios though - otherwise they run the risk of looking like inferior copy-cats as you say.
Jun 22, 2016 at 11:20 AM Post #19,357 of 24,714
I'm not sure about Sandman. There's a magic to it that I'm not convinced anyone would do justice to on the big screen. The only Moore adaptation that works for me was Watchmen and that's only because they stuck slavishly to the source. Watchmen was fairly self-contained at an original 12-issue run. Sandman, by comparison, is a sprawling epic. Gaiman's run on the title spanned 75 issues, not including the new Overture mini-series. I do agree that DC would benefit from differentiating themselves from Marvel Studios though - otherwise they run the risk of looking like inferior copy-cats as you say.

Yeah, adapting Sandman would obviously be difficult--if it were to happen, they'd have to do take on one of the smaller, more self-contained arcs to make it work, in which case it may not result in actually being a Sandman movie.
Jun 22, 2016 at 5:53 PM Post #19,358 of 24,714
Yeah, adapting Sandman would obviously be difficult--if it were to happen, they'd have to do take on one of the smaller, more self-contained arcs to make it work, in which case it may not result in actually being a Sandman movie.

Casting would be tricky too. A few good suggestions here, although I really don't think they've got a handle on Death...
Jun 22, 2016 at 6:36 PM Post #19,359 of 24,714
That's true. When I think of Death, I only think of Chris Bachalo's renditions, he always drew her the best. I wonder if Maisie Williams (Arya Stark from GOT) couldn't pull it off. She's got that certain soulfulness that would be well-suited for the part. Stick a jet-black goth wig on her, and she might be good to go.
Jun 22, 2016 at 7:02 PM Post #19,360 of 24,714
Been a while since I read this thread and I see good old Buttdicks is still making up stupid names for people.
   First off Asspik as Batman...


You guys see Age of Adaline? It's on Amazon Prime for free.
Not bad/10 and Blake Lively is lovely to look at.
Jun 23, 2016 at 1:45 AM Post #19,361 of 24,714
I cast John Waters as The Joker, PeeWee as Batman and either member of Milli Vanilli as The Cat Woman.

Jun 23, 2016 at 1:39 PM Post #19,363 of 24,714
From the same duo ( director Hirani and main actor Amir Khan) I prefer their recent 'PK' movie ( 2014).

Have to try that. I watched 3 Idiots and for some reason it reminded me of Office Space. I agree with the 6/10 rating and mostly becuase you could have cut 40 minutes out of it and had a much tighter, faster flowing film.
Jun 23, 2016 at 7:07 PM Post #19,364 of 24,714
Have to try that. I watched 3 Idiots and for some reason it reminded me of Office Space. I agree with the 6/10 rating and mostly becuase you could have cut 40 minutes out of it and had a much tighter, faster flowing film.

In Indian movie theaters they have an intermission during which you can buy drinks ( probably a good business for movie-theaters) or go to a toilet then you watch the second part of a movie. So their all movies consist of two parts and an intermission. It is like a tradition.That's why they can't shorten a movie because it is supposed to consist of two parts and be very long.
The reason why they have songs in most of their movies is because they don't have pop music scene functioning as a separate industry. Their pop music exists in the form of soundtracks to movies and their pop music stars are playback singers. Lately situation has been slowly changing.
Jun 23, 2016 at 7:34 PM Post #19,365 of 24,714
In Indian movie theaters they have an intermission during which you can buy drinks ( probably a good business for movie-theaters) or go to a toilet then you watch the second part of a movie. So their all movies consist of two parts and an intermission. It is like a tradition.That's why they can't shorten a movie because it is supposed to consist of two parts and be very long.
The reason why they have songs in most of their movies is because they don't have pop music scene functioning as a separate industry. Their pop music exists in the form of soundtracks to movies and their pop music stars are playback singers. Lately situation has been slowly changing.

I suspected it may have been a cultural thing.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (2016) 8/10
  I have never seen a Tina Fey film. Still haven't apparently:wink:. I had no expectations on this one and quite frankly the odd casting choices had me avoiding it. So I finally sat down with it and I have to say I am quite impressed. I suspect this film died on the vine strictly because of the word Dramedy.  Whatever alimentary imbecile thought that word up should really be retired in the Blade Runner manner. What you get with this film is sort of an antidote to Zero Dark Thirty. It is not stern and intense in it's focus to the exclusion of the world around it as Dark Thirty was. You get a time compressed mosaic of a woman hitting middle age who gets displaced into a war correspondents role and starts surfing the adrenaline wave with a vengeance. Fey plays this out admirably and her fast wit works for her no end. Is there comedy in there. No not really, Good Morning Vietnam was comedy with molecules of obligatory seriousness thrown in just to remind you that hey there's a war going on here. Whiskey's not like that. Sure there are humorous occurrences but it is in no way shape or form a series of gags strewn around some serious stuff. This one takes the Altman route of demonstrating humour as our defense against madness. MASH did it much better but I have to give credit to every member of the cast of Whiskey for pulling their weight. On all scores this more than any film on the Afghan issue manages to portray people doing their jobs in an almost surreal environment. It carries some very good impressions of what it must be like to wake up every day in that zone go to work at  a job where you work with the Marines one minute, Afghan villagers, the next and an Islamic politician before hitting a club to unwind.
 There are two occurances in the film which pander and seem obligatory to getting it made in America but still manage to have enough of the films spirit in them to let you know that without being in any way shape or form humourus or comedic they are poking the eyes out of ZDT and Sniper Americano

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