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Jun 1, 2016 at 7:28 PM Post #19,246 of 24,714
The Brit Marling factor has me queueing this one up, but as of yet I have shied away from it. Perhaps it is some form of premonitory visual protection. I will slide it down in the queue given your assessment.
Try the Endorphine please, I guarantee no god nor yowie or any other entity intrudes in this one and quite frankly I would dearly love to hear your opinion on this one.

It really rankled with me in its anti-science - the kind of film that dresses itself up as something more profound, when really it hangs its hat on a boat load of spiritualist cliches. It's well made enough, it just happens to be exactly the kind of film I hate, as was The Tree of Life. They both have pride of place on my wall of uncool. Many people would have the exact opposite reaction though, so if you were up for seeing it before don't let me dissuade you!
I added Endorphine to my watch list - consider it expedited 

Jun 1, 2016 at 7:59 PM Post #19,247 of 24,714
It really rankled with me in its anti-science - the kind of film that dresses itself up as something more profound, when really it hangs its hat on a boat load of spiritualist cliches. It's well made enough, it just happens to be exactly the kind of film I hate, as was The Tree of Life. They both have pride of place on my wall of uncool. Many people would have the exact opposite reaction though, so if you were up for seeing it before don't let me dissuade you!
I added Endorphine to my watch list - consider it expedited 

Odd though it may be for an atheist, I found "Man from Earth" absolutely brilliant in a low buck kind of way so perhaps I might actually enjoy I Origins.
That said. I have been inundated with dreck as of late and sorry to say it is why my reviewing has been less than prolific. I would hate to be the guy posting up "avoid like un anestatised dental surgery" over and over again

Have a go at Endorphine. I suspect you won't be overwhelmed but it will leave you thinking.
Jun 1, 2016 at 8:03 PM Post #19,248 of 24,714
Odd though it may be for an atheist, I found "Man from Earth" absolutely brilliant in a low buck kind of way so perhaps I might actually enjoy I Origins.
That said. I have been inundated with dreck as of late and sorry to say it is why my reviewing has been less than prolific. I would hate to be the guy posting up "avoid like un anestatised dental surgery" over and over again

Have a go at Endorphine. I suspect you won't be overwhelmed but it will leave you thinking.

Were you not the one who started the 'Terminus' road train? If yes, I think you would enjoy I Origins. I agree with WraithApe that it has that unnecessary spiritual agenda, but IMO that's what makes the film intriguing - it discussed the idea of 'god' from both perspectives.
Jun 1, 2016 at 8:12 PM Post #19,249 of 24,714
Were you not the one who started the 'Terminus' road train? If yes, I think you would enjoy I Origins. I agree with WraithApe that it has that unnecessary spiritual agenda, but IMO that's what makes the film intriguing - it discussed the idea of 'god' from both perspectives.

Well. I am always up for discussion for gawd as a manufactured entity to salve a real or imagined problem. It is when it it portrayed as an absolute that I get weird .
  I really enjoy films that make you think. Good bad or indifferent, if it cost two bucks to make and gets anyone in the audience to consider some point of view they normally would not entertain, I am all in.:)
Jun 1, 2016 at 8:12 PM Post #19,250 of 24,714
That said. I have been inundated with dreck as of late and sorry to say it is why my reviewing has been less than prolific. I would hate to be the guy posting up "avoid like un anestatised dental surgery" over and over again

You shouldn't hold back - a panning is often as useful as a praise heaping and normally a lot funnier!
Jun 1, 2016 at 8:16 PM Post #19,251 of 24,714
You shouldn't hold back - a panning is often as useful as a praise heaping and normally a lot funnier!

I thought I hit my limit with PAN. What a mess.
I ever mention 70's film called "Sole Survivor" ? A TV film so good even Shatner could not kill it. The origin of the haunted solder film. Some I do not review for fear that BranJelina or some other insufferable creature may possibly read it and Scream REMAKE to their agents.

  Dear gawd we have become Soviets in withholding information. Damned be the visual arts for influencing politics!
Jun 2, 2016 at 2:28 PM Post #19,252 of 24,714
10/10 Saving Private Ryan
I watched this movie over the Memorial Day weekend, I think it speaks for itself as I am sure most here have seen it by now. It is just so well done and, for a person like myself fortunate enough to never face such combat, it's brutal realism is a stark reminder that freedom truly is not free. Those men died on that far away beach that day so free people like us could live the lifestyles we take for granted. 
Jun 2, 2016 at 4:53 PM Post #19,253 of 24,714
  I read somewhere about a theory that states if you put a film critic alone in an empty room and tell him to watch a movie all by himself, and rate it without opinion from any other film critic he won't know what to write or say.

Alex Proyas said some thing along these lines in a Facebook post defending his movie Gods of Egypt. I'll go ahead and quote a snippet because it's pretty interesting.
"Seems most critics spend their time trying to work out what most people will want to hear. How do you do that? Why these days it is so easy... just surf the net to read other reviews or what bloggers are saying - no matter how misguided an opinion of a movie might be before it actually comes out. Lock a critic in a room with a movie no one has even seen and they will not know what to make of it. Because contrary to what a critic should probably be they have no personal taste or opinion, because they are basing their views on the status quo. None of them are brave enough to say “well I like it” if it goes against consensus. Therefore they are less than worthless." 
The rest can be read here if anyone is interested https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=195699647463502&id=100010704046009
I think this line of thinking probably has some merit.
Gods of Egypt (7.5/10): Beautiful, well-paced adventure flick with a decent plot, fantastic action sequences, and great acting (by an admittedly "white-washed" cast.) Not a "great" movie (like Proyas' Dark City for example) but an extremely fun one if you're the type who can enjoy a movie on its own terms. 
Jun 3, 2016 at 12:14 AM Post #19,254 of 24,714
Operation Crossbow - 8.75/10
WWII spy thriller that i've never heard of before until seeing it at a used DVD store. It's a real hidden gem and reminds me of movies like "Where Eagles Dare" and "Guns of Navarone". Of course it's not really an action movie and slow moving, but I really found this one interesting. I actually bought it because of it having such a good cast.
I wonder why this one is almost unheard of?
The Matrix - 9/10
Way better than I remember and it hasn't aged a bit.
I wish there could be more movies like this rather than all the super hero movie garbage. I don't even think Marvel Studios was around back when this was made.
I wonder if we'll ever see another film from the Wachowski's that's as good?
I think the only other movie from them I liked was "Bound".
Jun 3, 2016 at 12:25 AM Post #19,255 of 24,714
  Operation Crossbow - 8.75/10
WWII spy thriller that i've never heard of before until seeing it at a used DVD store. It's a real hidden gem and reminds me of movies like "Where Eagles Dare" and "Guns of Navarone". Of course it's not really an action movie and slow moving, but I really found this one interesting. I actually bought it because of it having such a good cast.
I wonder why this one is almost unheard of?
The Matrix - 9/10
Way better than I remember and it hasn't aged a bit.
I wish there could be more movies like this rather than all the super hero movie garbage. I don't even think Marvel Studios was around back when this was made.
I wonder if we'll ever see another film from the Wachowski's that's as good?
I think the only other movie from them I liked was "Bound".

A lot of the sixties war flics have fallen into the abyss. Some rightfully so some not. Crossbow is certainly worth a look for fans of the genre. As is "Cockleshell Heroes", "Night of the Generals", the almost invisible "Play Dirty" and its similar veined cousin "Too Late the Hero"   "Heroes of Telemark" should get an honourable mention as well.
Jun 4, 2016 at 10:15 PM Post #19,257 of 24,714
Matrix - 9/10 (rated this a few days ago above)
Matrix Reloaded - 6.5/10
This entire Matrix storyline is total nonsense to me. The acting is just so fake and nobody acts like real humans. I can understand why they did this though.
Sometimes I think the Matrix series is one of the most pretentious sci-fi movies of all time. Doesn't mean it's not entertaining!
Anyway, the only thing this had going for it is the pretty impressive action scenes.
With this entire series I find myself not getting into it's story much and not even caring for it's characters a whole lot.
Matrix Revolutions - 8/10
First 40-60 minutes is so dull and boring. Once the action starts up it's pretty good. Somehow i've never seen the full movie until today!
Maybe an 8 is a bit high, but I enjoyed it despite none of it really making any sense to me.
They really don't explain much.
What's funny is that the one person in this movie who acted like a human being was the 16 year old kid at the end who tried to open the gate.
Everyone else as an actor was pretty wooden.
I wonder if they will ever make more of these?
Jun 5, 2016 at 12:06 PM Post #19,258 of 24,714
Love & Friendship (2016): 9/10
Jane Austen was at her best when writing comedy, so it makes sense that a film based on her work that aspires to nothing beyond comedy would turn out golden. It gets off to a rocky start (unless you're better at keeping track of names and character relations than I am I think you'd almost have to watch the movie twice to understand the first half-hour), but once it gets going it doesn't let up. The end result is slight but sharply hilarious (more droll than laugh-out-loud), stylistically interesting, and features some great comedic performances. In sum, it's the most enjoyable big-screen experience I've had thus far this year. 
Jun 5, 2016 at 6:33 PM Post #19,259 of 24,714

Psycho-Pass: The Movie - 7/10
Much easier to follow without having seen the preceding series than GitS The New Movie, but then this is hardly an exercise in subtlety. It's more like a primer in how not to conduct international relations; colonialism is bad, intervening in the affairs of other countries is bad, engineering a coup and selling regime change as "self-determination" under the flag of democracy is bad. I don't know about the original series, but this film seemed far more concerned with terrestrial politics than with technology and the philosophical implications of AI. The Sibyl System is an ever-present and leads to questions about privacy, control and the limits of free will, but by and large, writer Urobuchi takes his cues more from Fanon and Foucault than Kurzweil.
It does owe a lot of its visual style to GitS though I think - the towering neon cityscapes recall those of GitS (which in turn riffs on Blade Runner's Neo Tokyo of course), as do some of the action scenes. If anything though, Psycho-Pass is more visceral, with quite a quantity of blood and guts exploding across the screen at regular intervals! It generally is more action-oriented, though doesn't skimp on story and characterization either. The one real gripe I have with it is that they appear to have used Japanese voice actors who clearly don't speak English to do voices in English for some of the non-Japanese characters, such as the mercenary crew.  It really grates hearing them read the words phonetically off a script with all the feeling of Babel Fish. Would it really have hurt the budget that much to hire a couple of native speakers for the English dialogue (of which there is a fair amount)? That gripe aside, it was enjoyable enough to make me want to dive into the original series.
Jun 5, 2016 at 8:07 PM Post #19,260 of 24,714
The first Season of PP is worth watching. The second lacked a fair bit. I agree with the English voice actors in the film being almost offensive. Given how many ex pat English speaking actors there are in Japan it is almost inexcusable to have not used them.

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