Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Jun 10, 2016 at 12:46 AM Post #19,276 of 24,714
  I give this film 4/10. That's because I played Warcraft II since I was 10. It's watchable to me, but still very disappointing.

Thanks for posting up. I am curious to hear gamers ops on this one.
Jun 10, 2016 at 5:58 AM Post #19,277 of 24,714
Eddie the Eagle 2/10
Trying to be feelgood of course but so over the top and silly it can´t be taken seriously. 
Jun 10, 2016 at 12:47 PM Post #19,278 of 24,714
  Eddie the Eagle 2/10
Trying to be feelgood of course but so over the top and silly it can´t be taken seriously. 

The whole point of a feel good movie is NOT to take it seriously. Hyperbole aside, I do get what you mean. 
It does pay off if you're willing to buy into its premises (which TBF is based on true events) though. I loved the film - 8/10.
Jun 10, 2016 at 2:09 PM Post #19,279 of 24,714
The whole point of a feel good movie is NOT to take it seriously. Hyperbole aside, I do get what you mean. 
It does pay off if you're willing to buy into its premises (which TBF is based on true events) though. I loved the film - 8/10.

Yeah I know I expected them to put on extra butter but they just put on to much it got to puke levels and there was no taste from the actual sandwich anymore.
As for based on true events eddie the eagle does exist and he did compete against Matti Nykänen. That is about what is true about the movie lol
Jun 10, 2016 at 2:34 PM Post #19,280 of 24,714
Yeah I know I expected them to put on extra butter but they just put on to much it got to puke levels and there was no taste from the actual sandwich anymore.

As for based on true events eddie the eagle does exist and he did compete against Matti Nykänen. That is about what is true about the movie lol

The movie about Matti is also nothing special, although he is quite the character.
Jun 10, 2016 at 4:13 PM Post #19,281 of 24,714
I'm glad that Warcraft gathers a lot of money in China and internationally. In China it gathered $124 m in 3 days. I'm hoping that big blockbusters won't depend on USA market to generate profit.
Jun 10, 2016 at 4:16 PM Post #19,282 of 24,714
Still Alice - 8.5/10
A thoughtful insight to the life of a family with alzheimer's disease.
Jun 10, 2016 at 4:25 PM Post #19,283 of 24,714
  I'm glad that Warcraft gathers a lot of money in China and internationally. In China it gathered $124 m in 3 days. I'm hoping that big blockbusters won't depend on USA market to generate profit.

Yes, because really you want a country that openly executes more people in a year than die in the rest of the world, to be funded by the Film Industry. Here's hoping Peter Jackson moves there and they can finally nuke the rest of us into glass.
Jun 12, 2016 at 8:36 AM Post #19,284 of 24,714

The Limits of Control - 3/10
An existential treasure hunt which seems determined to prove its mantra - reality is arbitrary. The result is a mind-numbingly dull slog across Spain with a lead who exhibits less charisma than The Stig. While it's true to say this is an exercise in post-modernism, drawing attention to itself and the mechanics of film-making, it doesn't do it in a witty or entertaining way - it merely references genre tropes ironically, while deftly avoiding any responsibility of telling a story. The one thing worth writing home about is the cinematography, which brings to mind Greenaway's quote about the director being a painter in the medium of film. Many still frames in this film are compositional and tonal gems; unfortunately, the stills add up to one big empty frame. This is my second Jarmusch film and I've yet to fathom the appeal.
Jun 12, 2016 at 9:13 AM Post #19,285 of 24,714
Cel (2016)    5/10
   Steven King takes on the Zombie genre and gives it a tech spin. Interesting attempt but is let down by pacing and a conclusion that tries to be too clever and left me feeling "huh?" Cusak and Jackson mailing in their lines are really let down by the direction and dialogue which brings out none of eithers considerable abilities.
Eye in the Sky  (2016)    another 5/10
   I had high hopes for this one:wink:  Once again let down by really poor writing and a concept that was much better dealt with in "Good Kill" gets distilled into a political debate. If drone ops were really conducted in this manner the bad guys would have little to fear.  Mirren and Rickman are looking too old and exhausted in this one to carry it off well. This film just reeks of an opportunity wasted.
Jun 12, 2016 at 11:17 AM Post #19,286 of 24,714
The Lobster (2015): 8/10
An acquired taste, to be sure. An unnerving, surreal, violent, bleak, and black romantic comedy--horrifying and hilarious in about equal doses. For fans of Kafka, perhaps?
Jun 12, 2016 at 4:20 PM Post #19,288 of 24,714
ps-keep up the good work guys with films not to watch lol.saves me time

Jun 12, 2016 at 5:13 PM Post #19,290 of 24,714
Sophie Scholl, the Final Days - 9.5/10
Good movie about some of the members of the White Rose resistance group during WWII.
Apparently a lot of the movie is based on interrogation documents. Not sure how true this is.
Too bad Amazon ruined the prime version of this and forgot to deinterlace it. I'm going to go complain about it and have them fix it!

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