Rate The Last Movie You Watched
May 15, 2016 at 8:14 PM Post #19,216 of 24,714
Where to Invade Next - 9/10
Too bad this didn't do well at theaters. I thought it was one of Michael Moores better films.
I bought the DVD and am glad I did. Possibly the most entertaining new movie i've seen in a few months.
Money Monster - 8.25/10
Not very believable, but overall it's good and i'm glad I saw it. Reminded me a little of "Dog Day Afternoon" and some parts of "Phone Booth".
May 17, 2016 at 6:36 PM Post #19,217 of 24,714
Chocolat ( 2015, France) 7.8/10
Omar Sy is the only black young actor known to me ( nobody else comes to mind) who can make me go watch a movie. His comedy The Untouchables ( 2011) was a notable French hit around the world. Here his performance is superb and memorable. The movie though doesn't give more than decent actors' performances.

May 20, 2016 at 2:17 AM Post #19,218 of 24,714
Red Planet Mars (1952)     9/10 on the B movie scale.
 Why such a high number here. Absolutely brilliant little concept that suffers only by making a fatal left turn at the end that it almost avoided. Long before Sagan even conceived of Contact, this film hit all the prescient key points and makes some vastly interesting conclusions. A better plot, no special effects, it is melodramatically acted by a very young Peter Graves et al, it is incredibly watchable and deviously plotted.
 As much as I hate the concept, a decent director could remake this into real gem. Pity no such person exists.
Available on utube you would do well to pass away the time on a rainy evening with this one.
May 22, 2016 at 5:15 PM Post #19,219 of 24,714
  Red Planet Mars (1952)     9/10 on the B movie scale.
 Why such a high number here. Absolutely brilliant little concept that suffers only by making a fatal left turn at the end that it almost avoided. Long before Sagan even conceived of Contact, this film hit all the prescient key points and makes some vastly interesting conclusions. A better plot, no special effects, it is melodramatically acted by a very young Peter Graves et al, it is incredibly watchable and deviously plotted.
 As much as I hate the concept, a decent director could remake this into real gem. Pity no such person exists.
Available on utube you would do well to pass away the time on a rainy evening with this one.

Watched this earlier today. As an atheist and a materialist, I loathe the conclusion of this film; it was set up perfectly to go the opposite way. You might have warned that it's ultimately a religious movie... or maybe you did, and I wasn't able to decode your message 
May 22, 2016 at 7:06 PM Post #19,220 of 24,714
Watched this earlier today. As an atheist and a materialist, I loathe the conclusion of this film; it was set up perfectly to go the opposite way. You might have warned that it's ultimately a religious movie... or maybe you did, and I wasn't able to decode your message 

It's why I simply stated I hate the concept. It could have in a heartbeat been an anti religious film and it would have worked brilliantly. Tempted to do a fan edit there as it would not take much.

I wanted to stay away from that as it could have very easily gone down the other road as you mention. I cannot let the last couple of minutes of the film detract from what was otherwise a really intriguing script. Matter of fact now that I think of it it should almost be a better view in seeing how the 50's genre can be so good and yet get corrupted by an industry sucked into political pandering at the time. 
 A reshoot with the ending left at the ambiguous moment would get my theatre dollars.
May 23, 2016 at 2:33 AM Post #19,221 of 24,714
Huntsmen: winters war? 3/10.
What dialect is the Heimsworth going for? 
May 23, 2016 at 2:47 AM Post #19,222 of 24,714
  Huntsmen: winters war? 3/10.
What dialect is the Heimsworth going for? 

I wasn't going to review that one. Who knows some middle earthian type thing. Hopeless misuse of Jessica Chastain who appeared to have escaped the personal trainer. The only saving grace is the complete lack of Snob White in this one. It could have passed for one of the syfy channels poorer offerings.
May 23, 2016 at 3:26 AM Post #19,223 of 24,714
I wanted to stay away from that as it could have very easily gone down the other road as you mention. I cannot let the last couple of minutes of the film detract from what was otherwise a really intriguing script. Matter of fact now that I think of it it should almost be a better view in seeing how the 50's genre can be so good and yet get corrupted by an industry sucked into political pandering at the time. 

It's why I generally prefer Film Noir from the period, which were often nonconformist and didn't shy away from moral ambiguity. It proved the studio system could produce interesting films. Most other genres from the time tend to be less radical I think and as you say, susceptible to outside influence.
May 23, 2016 at 12:52 PM Post #19,225 of 24,714
It's why I generally prefer Film Noir from the period, which were often nonconformist and didn't shy away from moral ambiguity. It proved the studio system could produce interesting films. Most other genres from the time tend to be less radical I think and as you say, susceptible to outside influence.

It was an interesting period for filmaking. Much like the spate of anti war films that sprang up around the Iraq fiasco and were largely ignored in favour of the pro war films of today. Amazes me that an artistic medium is so prone to being co opted by powers that be.
May 24, 2016 at 6:02 PM Post #19,226 of 24,714
X-Men: Apocalypse - 8/10
Liked this definitely more than Captain America: Civil War though on critics sites it is rated significantly lower than the latter. Visual and sound effects were really impressive in my opinion ( watched it in 3D). Narrative of X-Men series is more broad and less restrictive than a typical superhero movie. In Apocalypse there was a strong Egyptian mythology theme which enriched the narrative of the film. 
Captain America: Civil War is optimistic and full of social humanistic pathos ( collateral damage dilemma). X-Men: Apocalypse is all about destruction of the world where many mutants also eagerly participate in destruction. Evil dude stole the show and gave the whole movie a menacing atmosphere. Jennifer Lawrence was unnecessary in this movie.
May 29, 2016 at 11:33 AM Post #19,227 of 24,714
Im going to beat the cr@p out of a guy who works in our local coffee shop.He recommended Knock knock.I knew it would be garbage as imdb gave it under 5.Got half way through and turned it off.I watched it with the wife who wanted to watch the end but i found it an insult to my low intelligence
Watched the old russian movie stalker.It wasnt bad but i can only give it a 6/10.It could have been a lot better but it was drawn out to the extreme.
May 29, 2016 at 2:16 PM Post #19,228 of 24,714
X-Men - 6/10, decent action movie. Kinda meh.
10 Cloverfield Lane - 2/10. Don't understand the reception it's getting. I thought the acting was poor, the script was mediocre and cringeworthy, and the characters I could not care less about. 
May 29, 2016 at 3:03 PM Post #19,229 of 24,714
Armageddon - 5/10
Easily one of the worst big budget disaster films ever made. The first 60% is almost unbearably bad.
Most of the dialogue is just cringe-worthy. None of the comedy really works that well at all. One funny line in the entire movie for me.
The last 20 minutes are pretty entertaining at least.
BTW I bought this only because I found the Criterion collection DVD of it. Turns out it's a really crappy Criterion disc that's widescreen put into a 4X3 format.
I forget what they call this old format. Anyone remember? Anamorphic widescreen? Anyway, the DVD is from 1999 I think.
May 29, 2016 at 3:31 PM Post #19,230 of 24,714
Τhe Shining (by Stanley Kubrick)

12/10 (1 point for every time i have seen it)

Greatest movie of all times. Kub is a GENIUS.

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