Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Feb 16, 2014 at 1:04 PM Post #15,121 of 24,690
Captain Phillips (2013): 8/10
A great thriller with fine performances--intense entertainment. 
The Lego Movie (2014): 9/10
Yeah, I'll hop onto the hype train with this one. The animation is occasionally a little too hyper-active for my taste, and the story is about as simple as they come, but the sinister humor, joyful satire, awe-inspiring production design, and sheer nostalgia factor all work together to make this one a real winner. If you enjoyed Wreck-It Ralph you'll probably love this--conceptually it's similar, but I think it's ultimately executed better. 
Feb 16, 2014 at 6:31 PM Post #15,122 of 24,690
  Captain Phillips (2013): 8/10
A great thriller with fine performances--intense entertainment. 
The Lego Movie (2014): 9/10
Yeah, I'll hop onto the hype train with this one. The animation is occasionally a little too hyper-active for my taste, and the story is about as simple as they come, but the sinister humor, joyful satire, awe-inspiring production design, and sheer nostalgia factor all work together to make this one a real winner. If you enjoyed Wreck-It Ralph you'll probably love this--conceptually it's similar, but I think it's ultimately executed better. 

Hmm I loved the Lego Movie, but I was not impressed with Wreck It Ralph at all. Wreck it Ralph was not bad by any means, but something bugged me about it. I think it may be that they stuck to the cart racing world too much when they had so much more potential by involving more of the game environments. The humor did not seem as clever either, but I think that it was more orientated to children while Lego Movie was directed towards fans, parents, and children.
Feb 16, 2014 at 8:07 PM Post #15,123 of 24,690
Feb 16, 2014 at 8:10 PM Post #15,124 of 24,690
The laid back aspect was they were only on one planet. Great one liners though.

Riddick 7/10- I actually enjoyed Vin Diesels performance in this one, and I do not know exactly why. Maybe its a guilty pleasure of mine. The movie kind of laid off the standard action flick scenes a bit to make it more enjoyable. I also did not think it was that corny until the ending. I was really expecting a campy action film, but everything was dialed back to a respectable degree.
Feb 16, 2014 at 9:13 PM Post #15,125 of 24,690
The laid back aspect was they were only on one planet. Great one liners though.

Riddick 7/10- I actually enjoyed Vin Diesels performance in this one, and I do not know exactly why. Maybe its a guilty pleasure of mine. The movie kind of laid off the standard action flick scenes a bit to make it more enjoyable. I also did not think it was that corny until the ending. I was really expecting a campy action film, but everything was dialed back to a respectable degree.
I thought the A/V was great but the plot was weak imo.
Feb 16, 2014 at 11:40 PM Post #15,126 of 24,690
The Longest Day - 6/10
First part is very good but then about 1h and 41 minutes in it goes way downhill. I think the problem is that none of it felt very realistic. Maybe some of the overhead shots. I've seen this 4 times now and think it's overrated.
Also, about "All is Lost". I loved this movie but would never buy it on blu-ray I think. I was glued to the screen for the full length of the movie and never bored. Didn't want it to end. I gave it a 10/10 and still agree with that score.
I actually liked it more than Captain Philips which is a surprise.
I got a good laugh at all the poor reviews of it on Amazon. It's one of those where when I see bad reviews I'd want to watch it. It seems like one of those movies you'd either love or hate. I have a feeling that people who hated it have a very short attention span. I get tired of movies with non-stop action and too much going on all at once.
How do you make "All is Lost" more entertaining to people? Maybe they should have had pirates, more shark attacks and hurricanes. Maybe Robert Redford could have had a buddy similar to Wilson (from Castaway) to keep us all entertained. Also, if I was lost as sea I'd have shaved too. Everything I thought of doing he also did. The only mistake he made is that he should have started fishing earlier perhaps.
BTW is this the record for having the least amount of dialogue in a recent movie? What other movies have almost all quiet scenes with not much going on?
I was thinking "Into Great Silence" and some of the movies from Nuri Bilge Ceylan like "Three Monkeys".
Feb 17, 2014 at 1:00 AM Post #15,127 of 24,690
  The Longest Day - 6/10
First part is very good but then about 1h and 41 minutes in it goes way downhill. I think the problem is that none of it felt very realistic. Maybe some of the overhead shots. I've seen this 4 times now and think it's overrated.
Also, about "All is Lost". I loved this movie but would never buy it on blu-ray I think. I was glued to the screen for the full length of the movie and never bored. Didn't want it to end. I gave it a 10/10 and still agree with that score.
I actually liked it more than Captain Philips which is a surprise.
I got a good laugh at all the poor reviews of it on Amazon. It's one of those where when I see bad reviews I'd want to watch it. It seems like one of those movies you'd either love or hate. I have a feeling that people who hated it have a very short attention span. I get tired of movies with non-stop action and too much going on all at once.
How do you make "All is Lost" more entertaining to people? Maybe they should have had pirates, more shark attacks and hurricanes. Maybe Robert Redford could have had a buddy similar to Wilson (from Castaway) to keep us all entertained. Also, if I was lost as sea I'd have shaved too. Everything I thought of doing he also did. The only mistake he made is that he should have started fishing earlier perhaps.
BTW is this the record for having the least amount of dialogue in a recent movie? What other movies have almost all quiet scenes with not much going on?
I was thinking "Into Great Silence" and some of the movies from Nuri Bilge Ceylan like "Three Monkeys".

Short attention span? I do not have that short of an attention span, but It does not really matter when nothing happens in the movie. Its not intense in the slightest as you can never really connect with Robert Redford because the main character has minimal emotions. The same series of events pretty much happen twice. Robert Redford may be a great actor, but for some one who goes through hell and back to survive a couple of storms he shows very little anger (like 2 scenes) or any other emotions of any sort. He is never happy and never sad. He only really shows being slightly scared a few times. The whole movie is about a lifeless character going through motions to survive. The plot is nothing special, and you never connect with the character. There are a few pretty scenes, but there are many other pretty movies I can watch that are 1000X more entertaining. I find a lot of the events highly unlikely as well as...
So first off how the hell he was not spotted by either of the 2 shipping vessels is beyond me. Those ships have tons of equipment to spot objects like that. On top of that the flares nearly hit the 2nd vessel. I find it very unlikely that neither of the vessels had at least reported the stranded person. Now going onto the storm when he was on the lifeboat. It would take one hell of a wave to flip one of those over (as you can see in the movie there are buoy like things to hold the boat down, which randomly disappear later), I am not saying it can not happen though. After the life boat is flipped he then flips it back like its a tube you pull behind a boat which is highly unlikely as well. Going even earlier into the movie I still question why he would not have a waterproof emergency radio of any sort. Yet he has unlimited other non technological gear like a sextant that he doesn't use until the lifeboat. Why not use the sextant on the boat you can steer??? There were also a complete imbalance of the main character being either a total genius or the dumbest idiot on the planet (even before he was running out of supplies). Oh and I almost forgot about the stupid hat he had to save, but never ended up using despite being burned to a crisp.
I guess there was nothing special about the movie. The plot was basic beyond belief, it was on the unrealistic side of a movie that should be plausible, and I never connected with the character. You can show a lot more emotions through actions than the main character ever did. I guess I did not find it entertaining in the slightest, which is why I watch movies...
Well I did find him making his lifeboat into a campfire hilarious for some reason. So maybe I should of gave it a 2/10. I still think they should have let the main character die to make it even more "artistic" granted it would not have made much sense as plots should not be sad throughout the entire movie. I did find his survival slightly too predictable due to the unlimited string of depressing events.
Feb 17, 2014 at 2:20 AM Post #15,128 of 24,690

I thought the A/V was great but the plot was weak imo.[/quote]

It was lacking in the plot department. When your watching it at times you were thinking "Is this it?". Still I wonder if the makers were hoping the actors performances would make up for stuff. I gave the movie high marks as the A/V was great, plus I'm a Sci/Fi nut.

Sci/Fi nuts are forgiving as far as movies go.:rolleyes:
Feb 17, 2014 at 3:33 AM Post #15,129 of 24,690
I thought the A/V was great but the plot was weak imo.

It was lacking in the plot department. When your watching it at times you were thinking "Is this it?". Still I wonder if the makers were hoping the actors performances would make up for stuff. I gave the movie high marks as the A/V was great, plus I'm a Sci/Fi nut.

Sci/Fi nuts are forgiving as far as movies go.

Lol, I really wish they would make Riddick more interesting plot wise. I think the universe is interesting as far as Sci Fi goes, but by no means complex. I may just have a soft spot for the series. I think it mostly comes from Vin Diesel perfectly fitting the role of Riddick. Looking at it from a distance none of the movies really have anything special going for them, but for some reason I would re-watch any of them and am always excited to see what ever is next. 
However I can not decide if I like how they are trying to give more feelings to the character of Riddick to make him more likable. For some reason him trying to find his home planet feels forced, and makes the character feel some what weak. Granted it does give the series a direction. On top of that I really hated how the mercs and Riddick at the end got a long. They should have just made them go their separate ways to fulfill the deal they made.  The whole ending felt really slapped together to me. While I thought the cliff/mountain scene was pretty cool visually, it really forced them to make a stupid ending. I think as long as he continues to ride the line of having some morals, but still would kill anything in his path the character should be fine. I kind of like the 1 dimensional Riddick for the series. 
Feb 17, 2014 at 4:01 AM Post #15,130 of 24,690
Also, about "All is Lost". I loved this movie but would never buy it on blu-ray I think. I was glued to the screen for the full length of the movie and never bored. Didn't want it to end. I gave it a 10/10 and still agree with that score.
I actually liked it more than Captain Philips which is a surprise.
I got a good laugh at all the poor reviews of it on Amazon. It's one of those where when I see bad reviews I'd want to watch it. It seems like one of those movies you'd either love or hate. I have a feeling that people who hated it have a very short attention span. I get tired of movies with non-stop action and too much going on all at once.
How do you make "All is Lost" more entertaining to people? Maybe they should have had pirates, more shark attacks and hurricanes. Maybe Robert Redford could have had a buddy similar to Wilson (from Castaway) to keep us all entertained. Also, if I was lost as sea I'd have shaved too. Everything I thought of doing he also did. The only mistake he made is that he should have started fishing earlier perhaps.
BTW is this the record for having the least amount of dialogue in a recent movie? What other movies have almost all quiet scenes with not much going on?
I was thinking "Into Great Silence" and some of the movies from Nuri Bilge Ceylan like "Three Monkeys".

I loved All is Lost, as well. It's always interesting to me when a movie like this comes out and some people embrace it and love it, and then there are others who just don't appreciate it at all. The example I often use is with "The Assassination of Jesse James" with Brad Pitt. On paper, people were probably thinking it was an exciting "shoot-em-up" action flick about the James gang. I know a lot of people who were very disappointed when they actually saw it and realized it wasn't really like that at all. I read a lot of reviews from people saying how boring it was. Well, my opinion was completely different. The movie was very deliberately paced, but it wasn't "slow" to me by any means. I found it captivating, well-acted, and amazingly well done. But anyone who expected all sorts of action and suspense may have been very disappointed by what they saw. 
Just as with this one, if you went in expecting something like "The Perfect Storm", you're likely going to be surprised. But does that mean it wasn't a good movie? Not at all. In my opinion it's just a matter of people having a certain set of expectations and the movie taking a different approach. 
Feb 17, 2014 at 4:13 AM Post #15,131 of 24,690
Lol, I really wish they would make Riddick more interesting plot wise. I think the universe is interesting as far as Sci Fi goes, but by no means complex. I may just have a soft spot for the series. I think it mostly comes from Vin Diesel perfectly fitting the role of Riddick. Looking at it from a distance none of the movies really have anything special going for them, but for some reason I would re-watch any of them and am always excited to see what ever is next. 

However I can not decide if I like how they are trying to give more feelings to the character of Riddick to make him more likable. For some reason him trying to find his home planet feels forced, and makes the character feel some what weak. Granted it does give the series a direction. On top of that I really hated how the mercs and Riddick at the end got a long. They should have just made them go their separate ways to fulfill the deal they made.  The whole ending felt really slapped together to me. While I thought the cliff/mountain scene was pretty cool visually, it really forced them to make a stupid ending. I think as long as he continues to ride the line of having some morals, but still would kill anything in his path the character should be fine. I kind of like the 1 dimensional Riddick for the series. 

Spoiler Below:
I will never forget seeing the very first opening of the original Riddick. For me that is the character. There was a bounty on his head, three guys chasing him in a low flying ship then unseen the characters start to disapear. So the mystery of this guy who is able to take on a ship full of people after him is the character. So in many ways they continued with the same plot in our latest installment.

The unseen Riddick is the most interesting, as your mind fills in the voids as to what happened. He is almost a character that would be fine undeveloped. Giving him a pet who he raises is a character development which is interesting but becomes a double edge sword.
Feb 17, 2014 at 10:15 AM Post #15,133 of 24,690
Spoiler Below:
I will never forget seeing the very first opening of the original Riddick. For me that is the character. There was a bounty on his head, three guys chasing him in a low flying ship then unseen the characters start to disapear. So the mystery of this guy who is able to take on a ship full of people after him is the character. So in many ways they continued with the same plot in our latest installment.

The unseen Riddick is the most interesting, as your mind fills in the voids as to what happened. He is almost a character that would be fine undeveloped. Giving him a pet who he raises is a character development which is interesting but becomes a double edge sword.

That sound more like Chronicles of Riddick then Pitch Black? But it was such a long time since I saw Pitch Black I don´t quite remember how it started. Strange it would start exactly like Chronicles of Riddick though :)
Feb 17, 2014 at 10:28 AM Post #15,134 of 24,690
That sound more like Chronicles of Riddick then Pitch Black? But it was such a long time since I saw Pitch Black I don´t quite remember how it started. Strange it would start exactly like Chronicles of Riddick though :)

Yes, I ment Chronicles of Riddick. I have not watched Pitch Black in maybe 10 years.

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