Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Feb 6, 2014 at 11:28 AM Post #15,017 of 24,690
House of Flying Daggers.  

I dunno that I'd call House of Flying Daggers bad--not like Flowers of War or Curse of the Golden Flower. Though certainly it's not on the level of Hero, or Raise the Red Lantern, his masterpiece insofar as I'm concerned. (I've heard that To Live and Ju Dou are just as good, but haven't gotten around to them yet.) I'd probably slot it right in between those two extremes. 
Feb 6, 2014 at 1:30 PM Post #15,018 of 24,690
Blue Jasmine 2013 9/10

Maybe Woody Allen's best movie in awhile. Better than Midnight In Paris by far.
Walking a strange line between being sarcastic or truthful, between sad and funny, this movie has a profound message that Woody Allen has suggested for anyone brave enough to listen.
Feb 6, 2014 at 3:11 PM Post #15,019 of 24,690
The Wolf of Wall Street ( 2013) 7.5/10
The Wolf made similar impression as Italian film The Great Beauty ( 2013) by Sorrentino. These two films are about elite and its vanity and sins. Both these film pretended to be satirical but satire didn't feel convincing at all. In my opinion Scorsese's satire is pretty deceiving. He loves all that excess and waste of life - that's the conclusion which I come to after watching his movies which are all the same in concept. 
When I watched Di Caprio's performance I never felt that this broker was an unsympathetic person. On the contrary I was excited by his actions.
As one critic wrote "there is no palpable sense that these men are doing anything more contemptible than living life to the full." 
Feb 6, 2014 at 7:52 PM Post #15,020 of 24,690
From www.Spooool.ie:
Voted worst Irish film of 2013.
"Good Vibrations (2012) shows how to make an inspiring film about one of the darkest times in this island’s recent history where as A Belfast Story is the worst type of idiotic nonsense so far removed from any notion of reality it makes The Hobbit seem believable. You can only wonder what possessed Colm Meaney to take part in this juvenile tripe."

No laughing matter.

It was with stunned disbelief that we heard of the press pack for A Belfast Story which consisted of nails and a balaclava. Having since seen the film it makes perfect sense; it was made by an idiot.

A Belfast Story follows Colm Meaney as a burnt out detective brought into investigate a series of old IRA members being murdered. He growls his way through the streets of Belfast with a young fresh face rookie, Damien Hasson, by his side. This is cliche number 1 of many. Malcolm Sinclair plays the shady Chief Constable and we’re not quite sure where his loyalties lie, cliche number 2.

The nails have more charisma than most of the cast and those who can act from previous experience, as Meaney doesn’t show it here, will more than likely put it down to the script. Apart from the terrible acting, poor script, bad direction and woeful music what is really odious about this film are its core messages. It’s against The Good Friday Agreement, pro-vigilantism and reduces the complex issues at play in Northern Ireland to such a juvenile and simplistic level that it becomes insulting to members of that community or to anyone with more than a four-year-olds understanding of The Troubles.

For a brief second it attempts to make a somewhat valid point with the suggestion that those involved in past violence should be left behind allowing the rest of the people to get on with rebuilding a society free of the old guard. However this is blown clean away with a mere 30 seconds of audio that comes at the end of the film over a GAA game. If you manage to keep your mouth from hitting the floor I congratulate you. Do not see this film.

No matter, I didn't mind viewing this one. Anyone else?
A Belfast Story (2013) 6.3/10

Feb 7, 2014 at 12:08 AM Post #15,021 of 24,690
House of Flying Daggers.  

The Hero, or Hero is the name of the Movie I was talking about the other day
Brilliant movie, loved it to death! 
What was teh directors name? 
Re Watching the
Last Samurai, again. I give it a good 9.3/10
Solid movie, nvm it's actually pretty long...not sure what I was thinking... actually... my copy is on Two Discs so I looked at the play time of the first, 90mins I said... NINETY that's to SHORT... well WRONG was I. it's like... 90+another 68 which = epic! 
And the ending is one of my favorites, I'm not by any means a war movie kind of guy... but it was done well, the charge of the horses's was a great scene to watch! As well as the entire last 20mins or so
Last Samurai, good Movie, 
even better the HE 4 does movies as well as the HE 400 did, even better since it has a more balanced sound [meaning no funny vocals] 
Feb 7, 2014 at 4:20 PM Post #15,023 of 24,690
Alien (1979) - 9,5
Yep, indeed...
I haven't been this much humiliated by a movie in a long time.
And it's not just great scify horror, in my opinion it's one of the best films ever made.
To me there's just no comparison between Alien and Aliens, the first is a masterpiece and the second an unnecessary sequel.
I like Aliens but I can't leave anymore without Alien.
I'm too lazy to be wordy about a movie that compels me to write pages of dissertation, and I probably wouldn't add anything new to what has already been said.
I just say this: if you love good cinema and you have never seen Alien, or you haven't seen it in a long time and almost forgot it, and you hate/neglect the horror genre because most movies are crap, do yourself a favor and re/watch Alien alone with all your attention.
This classic doesn't get old and is a mandatory watch to any cinephile regardless of being a Scify Horror fan or not.
I'm not a fan but I see Alien itself as the definition.
I love it!
Feb 7, 2014 at 5:53 PM Post #15,024 of 24,690
I honestly don't recall seeing a lot of Jared Leto's work, but I was truly impressed with him here. His portrayal of Rayon (I think that was the name, right?) was extremely effective. He was able to create different feelings and emotions within me, ranging from frustration, to sympathy and compassion, to humor, to pity, and then loop me back around again for more. I don't know if he's up for best supporting actor, but if he's not then it's truly a shame. It's rare that an actor can engage me to that degree and in so many ways, and I can say with certainty that I'll be paying more attention to his projects from this point forward. In fact, I'll probably look up his filmography on IMDB and add some titles to my queue where he's had a prominent role.

Additionally, I thought it was very interesting to see things from the perspective of a heterosexual male dealing with the early stigma of HIV back in the mid-80s. It shines a light on the circumstances from a different angle, and the way this impacted his longstanding relationships was fascinating (albeit not surprising).

Overall a very solid, well-written, well-acted film.
"Dallas Buyers Club" - 8.9/10

Feb 8, 2014 at 2:52 AM Post #15,025 of 24,690
  I honestly don't recall seeing a lot of Jared Leto's work, but I was truly impressed with him here. His portrayal of Rayon (I think that was the name, right?) was extremely effective. He was able to create different feelings and emotions within me, ranging from frustration, to sympathy and compassion, to humor, to pity, and then loop me back around again for more. I don't know if he's up for best supporting actor, but if he's not then it's truly a shame. It's rare that an actor can engage me to that degree and in so many ways, and I can say with certainty that I'll be paying more attention to his projects from this point forward. In fact, I'll probably look up his filmography on IMDB and add some titles to my queue where he's had a prominent role.

He's nominated for an Academy Award, and won the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor. 
Feb 8, 2014 at 3:25 AM Post #15,026 of 24,690
He's nominated for an Academy Award, and won the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor. 

Thanks, that's great to know..he deserves it for sure. 
Feb 8, 2014 at 3:27 AM Post #15,027 of 24,690
Captain Philips 8/10- Movie was decent. I guess I just did not find it as anything special. The acting was good, and the story is decently interesting. However I found everything kind of basic, and I never really found it as intense as I thought it should have been. I guess I was never pulled into the experience, and was more so just watching the events as they happened. I kinda have these troubles with a lot of these biographical typish movies. Which is why I liked Rush so much. Rush not only showed you the events, but it was told/shown excellently and you were pulled into the experience.
Escape 6/10- To be honest this movie was a lot better than I thought it was going to be. I am kind of sick of the corny 80s action movies where only the heros have perfect aim, and the villians could not hit the blind side of the barn even though they are "professionals". However that did not really happen until the end of the movie. Which is to be expected as you have both the Terminator and Rambo in it. What made it more watchable and enjoyable is that the majority of the movie is not the tag team killing everything in sight. Granted even without the shooting nonsense the rest of the movie was still average. I did enjoy the half decent supporting cast. 
Feb 8, 2014 at 10:35 AM Post #15,029 of 24,690
Twilight: Eclipse


I'm sick from watching this ****. I hope my insurance cover this.

Next up, Breaking Dawn pt 1. God bless me.

Methinks thou doth protest too much. I think you must secretly like them since you have continued watching the series :p
Feb 8, 2014 at 10:54 AM Post #15,030 of 24,690

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