QUAD PA-One Valve Headphone Amplifier and DAC

Jun 15, 2020 at 3:56 PM Post #76 of 112
Remote Control???
That's great about no biasing,I had the VA-One & sold it because you had to be a freaking ece engineer to do it...Thanks very much..
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Jun 16, 2020 at 8:45 PM Post #78 of 112
If you have a decent DAC already, I'd go for the Elise. It being hand-made in Europe is a big plus. And it comes with way better stock-tubes.

@wangtox could you get yours to work now?

I would not be that fast with similar sort of statements.
First of all, one does get more value for the money with the Quad, provided that one does not already own the DAC, and even then, it can be a tricky matter.

Second, and far more important: these are different in topology and as types of amps.
Quad Pa One is transformer coupled, (push pull configuration, some say) type of amp.
Feliks Elize is stated as OTL.

Both have its advantages and disadvantages. Transformer coupled tube amps have, according to some, magical synergy with some headphones, such as some AKG models and Grados.
OTLs are in general well suited for higher impedance cans, yet Feliks Elize is stated to cover the range of impedances as low as 32Ω and as high as 600Ω.

Quad Pa One is said nominally to cover 32-300 Ω, yet, I have had correspondence with folks at Quad, and have been told that it is perfectly safe to drive even the 600Ω headphones with this amp.

I did test it with the AKG K240Ω Monitors, 600Ω, and Quad Pa One did not break a sweat, not even a hint of clipping or distorsion, and drove those 600Ω headphones with ease, and hardly ever needing to go to 11 o'clock, if even that, with the volume knob.

I would say - go with your ears and your needs, test listen both amps with the range of headphones.

I do not see it being hand made in a Europe as a big plus, as Quad is a venerable UK company that does fully stand behind their products, so really, not an issue.
As far as I remember, the amp section of the Quad is also point to point wired, do correct me here if I am mistaken.
Jul 5, 2020 at 10:37 AM Post #79 of 112
I had HD800S before I got the Arya's. Yes, the Quad and Sennheiser is a great match.
@Jodet Could you please provide a bit more details about HD800S + Quad PA-One+ : does this pairing offer a good tight and controllable bass response ? What about the brightness / treble ?

And I guess the same questions go to @pmpmpm because as far as I understand you still own HD800S, correct ?
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Aug 10, 2020 at 2:43 AM Post #80 of 112
@Jodet Could you please provide a bit more details about HD800S + Quad PA-One+ : does this pairing offer a good tight and controllable bass response ? What about the brightness / treble ?

And I guess the same questions go to @pmpmpm because as far as I understand you still own HD800S, correct ?
I am waiting in new 800S to come in & researching amps,would REALLY love to hear these thoughts answered if possible,Thanks much..
Aug 10, 2020 at 8:16 PM Post #81 of 112
Mobile Fidelity is the Quad importer now, they're doing a great job. I've had one a year or two.

The Quad amp brings with it all the virtues of the HD800s, great tone, great soundstage. It's an excellent combination. After ten years I grew weary of the HD800 'sound' and have swapped over to HifiMan Arya's.

It's a wonderful setup, I love it to death.
Aug 11, 2020 at 12:35 AM Post #82 of 112
I think it is a perfect combination. The quad widens the soundstage even more and every instrument has so much body, so much definition. Listening to just a hi-hat with this combination is already fascinating. I cant imagine a better set-up –unfortunately I have to let go of mine for financial reasons…
Nov 3, 2020 at 12:25 PM Post #83 of 112
Hopefully one of you Quad owners can answer a couple of questions for me.

I'm considering the purchase of a Quad PA-One+. I would use it for headphones as well as for preamp output to a speaker system. I have a couple of questions about the preamp outputs:
- Do the preamp outputs mute when using the headphones, or are they always active?
- Does the impedance switch also affect the preamp outputs, or only the headphone outputs?
Feb 9, 2021 at 9:09 AM Post #84 of 112
I'm still struggling with my Quad PA One + and Ether 2. I'm probably going to sell the QUAD with the 600$ worth of NOS tubes I bought in order to get it to sound the way I wanted...
Feb 9, 2021 at 9:28 AM Post #85 of 112
I'm still struggling with my Quad PA One + and Ether 2. I'm probably going to sell the QUAD with the 600$ worth of NOS tubes I bought in order to get it to sound the way I wanted...

I, for one, was not impressed with the Quad driving the HE-400 or 500 at the shop. It worked, however, wonders with Sennheiser HD800, HifiMan HE1000, AKG K7--- series, Grado GS1000, reportedly Quad Era 1 planars, and a good number of other headphones.

It is always recommended to demo the amp with a certain headphone. (Power) requirements of different headphones today vary wildly today, and it is a bit impossible to expect that everything works perfectly with everything.

I cannot say anything specific about the headphones mentioned in the quoted post, but the Quad is a fine amp on its own, when coupled properly with the headphone that suits it.
There is plenty of evidence about this, it did do a better job with Sennheiser HD800 than the Sennheiser's own dedicated amp (HDVA 800 and 600) .
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Feb 9, 2021 at 9:58 AM Post #86 of 112
Seems really to be an issue with Planars. I just don't think there is enough current on this amp. That said I'm thinking of selling it with the stock and NOS tubes
Feb 9, 2021 at 10:03 AM Post #87 of 112
Seems really to be an issue with Planars. I just don't think there is enough current on this amp. That said I'm thinking of selling it with the stock and NOS tubes

There is a good number of planars working very well, reportedly, with this amp. I have mentioned at least two planars that reportedly work great with this amp, some other from HIfiman are working great as well.
Current and voltage swing and power requirements and sensitivity of each headphone (load, in terms of electrical circuit) are always an issue for consideration before matching the amp to the headphones.

If those (your) headphones are a must for you, then sell the amp.
If not (which I highly doubt is the case, in your case), then it might be good to keep an open mind and demo some headphones known to work well with this amp, and there are plenty such.
Aug 8, 2022 at 5:22 PM Post #89 of 112
Hello everyone,

I have the following headphones: Audioquest NH Carbon, NOwl Carbon, JVC HA-SW01, Panasonic RP-HD10, Sony Z7M2. I am now driving these cans with Sony TA-A1ES(has dedicated headphone amp) and Denon PMA 2500NE ( don’t know if it has a dedicated headphone amp but sounds nice, even more muscular than Sony)

Do you think a PA-ONE will drive the above cans with authority and solid, grippy bass?

Can it be an improvement over Sony’s integrated amp dedicated on-board SS amp?

Can you please tell if the bass grip is comparable with a SS amp (on your setups of course) ?

Thanks in advance for your responses !
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Dec 1, 2022 at 5:50 AM Post #90 of 112
One interesting, even though a bit marginal and sort of strange question would be Quad Pa One vs. Quad Pa One+ comparison, even though I doubt anyone has compared the two.

The + model has considerably better built in DAC, and solid state rectification in the amp section. The latter in itself should be an advantage, but opinions are very divided on that matter and many are adamant that tube/valve rectification can have its advantages as well, but again, this is generally discarded...

Very interesting as well that both are now discontinued. It did not seem to last very long, and... rather poor move by Quad, in my eyes.

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