QUAD PA-One Valve Headphone Amplifier and DAC

Mar 25, 2020 at 10:17 AM Post #61 of 112
Just a side note on this amp. The tubes are pretty close together. I just inquired about a set of Natural Sound 6sn7 and 6sl7 and I was told they would not fit. This was after measuring the spacing and having the TubeStore do the same. Now I really want to see a pic of the Sophia's heh
Mar 25, 2020 at 10:38 AM Post #62 of 112
Welcome to the club wangtox! I suppose yours doesn't show the slightest sings of hum even with the stock-tubes?

I am considering the Psvane CV181 TII (6SN7) but am unsure if they'd fit.
Mar 25, 2020 at 12:48 PM Post #63 of 112
Welcome to the club wangtox! I suppose yours doesn't show the slightest sings of hum even with the stock-tubes?

I am considering the Psvane CV181 TII (6SN7) but am unsure if they'd fit.

I had these measured also and they will not fit. No I don't have humming at all. But I did just purchase some NOS tubes...

VT229 blackbase JAN Sylvania Military

both matched pairs
Mar 25, 2020 at 12:49 PM Post #64 of 112
I'm trying to use my PA-One+ as a preamp also and I'm finding it doesn't have very much output on the pre outs... If you flip the switch to high impedance its louder but not nearly enough
Mar 26, 2020 at 12:42 PM Post #65 of 112
Welcome to the club wangtox! I suppose yours doesn't show the slightest sings of hum even with the stock-tubes?

I am considering the Psvane CV181 TII (6SN7) but am unsure if they'd fit.

I'm starting to develop some low static/scratching in the right channel. Good thing I ordered new tubes. Honestly think I may have a defective unit though as I cannot get it to work properly as a preamp
Mar 26, 2020 at 1:40 PM Post #67 of 112
Mine is very low and you can only hear it at 0 or in very quiet parts. It sounds like a record needle very very quiet. I still need to get a multimeter on the pre outs to see whats up there too....
Mar 26, 2020 at 3:25 PM Post #68 of 112
Dirty / oxidised tube pins?
Mar 28, 2020 at 4:34 PM Post #69 of 112
Change out the tubes! Just got my NOS tubes and what a difference..... This amp has an amazing sound to it. Now if I could figure out why it's not working as a preamp
Apr 26, 2020 at 7:45 AM Post #72 of 112
I was able to get mine working perfectly. The DAC in the Quad is stellar and once you roll the tubes the amp section is sublime.

My issue ended up being another piece if gear causing it. Support from Mofi/Quad was top notch.

Underwood Hifi is selling the Quad and I would do business with Walter any day before doing business with Kevin Deal of Upscale Audio.
Jun 15, 2020 at 3:53 PM Post #74 of 112
Hi guys,long time..I am considering this for the front end of my new desk top system driving a Schiit Vidar into Quad S1 speakers..Is everyone happy with this still?Does it have Remote Control?
How about tube rolling as above member asked,does it need biasing after tube change?Any idea how long tubes should last?Thanks much,take care..

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