Post Your Photography Here #2
Jul 30, 2010 at 7:33 AM Post #6,632 of 15,790
Not too crazy about the flower picture.  It is too saturated to the dark side with too warm of a color balance.  The flower itself sure is interesting though.
Jul 30, 2010 at 12:12 PM Post #6,633 of 15,790
A rather cloudy day in my new neighborhood (Torshovdalen, Oslo).

Aug 3, 2010 at 7:09 PM Post #6,637 of 15,790

I like the lensbaby, devwild.
Aug 6, 2010 at 5:48 AM Post #6,644 of 15,790
The Sigma DP1 does not disappoint. Those are amazing pictures, james. (Though I've said that many, many times before)
On HDR: I find it very good in moderation, for those moment when you need to capture the dynamic range of a scene. With yours, I'd say it was overdone, the shadows are almost the same value as the lights, which hurts the dimensionality of the scene. But just my opinion of course. 

Though, what HDR program are you using shigzeo, out of curiousity?
Aug 6, 2010 at 11:09 AM Post #6,645 of 15,790
I use PhotoMatrix Pro; it was like 90$ with a 15% discount from a site long ago. That is my most overdone HDR shot. Usually I tend to bring out natural colours, but this time I went for extreme shadows. The house does look a little less 3D than the regular exposures, but that was fine for what I wanted. In that light with my eyes, the HDR shot looked a lot more like the sweat-blinded view I saw when I shot it. 
James... exquisite. I have a beloved (and about 50 year old) 28mm wide angle F-mount lens from a brand or store called 'Sun'. It is 2,5F, hard to focus, and not too sharp. But when all things are perfect, it does wonders to natural photography similar to the DP1. The thing is, its flare is so severe that I have to be facing nearly 180 degrees away from sun to take good shots. Its a chore, but worth it. Love your work.

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