Another secondary system ("Library/Guest Room")
FLAC files (54,000 tracks / 2.5 TB) => Squeezebox III =>Audio-GD NFB-10ES as DAC/preamp => Forte 4a power amp with Soderburg mods / or switch-selectable / Harman-Kardon Citation II with full Jim McShane mods => Quad ESL-57's restored with Wayne Picquet panels, HT units and Zener Clamp boards
This is a small room, hard to photograph - this shot is taken looking in through the doorway
Small CRT tv is used to display the menu from a Sony SACD / DVD player I sometimes use; you can't switch from CD layer to SACD layer without navigating a menu that only appears on a connected TV (who at Sony thought THAT was a good idea?!?!)
In this shot the back legs are up on books to tilt the speakers slightly; I have since made little wooden blocks with a slanted hole to fit the Quad's back leg to do this job instead of books.