Philips Fidelio X2?!
Jan 7, 2016 at 8:47 AM Post #9,031 of 15,268

You guys must be deaf

HD650 is better, I own HD600, HD650, X2 and HE-6. 
X2 is too annoying in the treble. Even worse then HE-6 thats not proporly amped
Jan 7, 2016 at 9:00 AM Post #9,032 of 15,268
Okay sooo got the x2s off the Amazon sell like a lot of people and I have to say they sound good I guess. I had the k7xx before these and they sound not much better but already a lot more comfortable. And my pair was glued and I am really worried about this whole 2 different x2 conspiracy I've been reading about. Called Philips and they said they were now discount inured and I can't get a replacement. Do you think I should sell these and get a pair of 650s.

Yes, I did. I got the x2 from amazon (glued pads) -  I'm sure these were a great set of headphones, but buying one is ridiculously skethcy now, and we don't even have an actual side by side comparison of the glued/nonglued sets yet (speculating sounds with words doesn't count) - so it's ridiculous to play this lottery and hope you get a good pair, and even a "good pair" may not sound how they are supposed to back when they were good.
I returned my x2 and got a 650HD, and regardless of how good or bad my x2 model was, this 650hd is light years ahead.
Jan 7, 2016 at 9:07 AM Post #9,033 of 15,268
Here are pics of my used "Good" pair ($141 + tax) from Amazon Warehouse deals, WOOX.  How do you find the serial number to figure out the date of manufacture?
I think they sound great for pop music.  They are smooth and not as bassy as I thought they would be.  They are hard to drive, like the Tenore and Monk.
There was a little bit of glue on a few of the pegs, but the pads came off easily.  Perhaps the previous owner cleaned off the glue?  For those with glue, is it all around or only on the pegs?
They are Fidelio and not "Fid Elio"  :D
Do you guys think I got a good pair?








Jan 7, 2016 at 9:28 AM Post #9,034 of 15,268
  You guys must be deaf

HD650 is better, I own HD600, HD650, X2 and HE-6. 
X2 is too annoying in the treble. Even worse then HE-6 thats not proporly amped

Why don't you go to HD650 thread then? I don't understand all the people who come here to open our eyes on how bad X2 really is.
I've also owned HD600 and HD650 and LCD-2 for many years. Y'all like your HD650 better - fine, we get it. But this is an X2 thread.
Having said that, valid criticism is welcome, and I've had my own share of issues with it... never with sound quality, though.
Jan 7, 2016 at 9:36 AM Post #9,035 of 15,268
@Grayson73 Looks like you got a good pair.  A little aluminium ring peeking and glued pads, but in comparison to some other pairs they look cosmetically good.  You also got the bonus of someone having removed most of the glue for you :p
Not sure about the serial number.  On some pairs it's on a sticker under the earpad, and on some boxes it's on the back label.
If you have a balanced pair that you like, enjoy them!
EDIT:  After looking more closely at the inside of your pads, it looks like only a small amount of glue was added in the first place rather than being removed later.
Jan 7, 2016 at 9:40 AM Post #9,036 of 15,268
You guys must be deaf:wink:
HD650 is better, I own HD600, HD650, X2 and HE-6. 
X2 is too annoying in the treble. Even worse then HE-6 thats not proporly amped
Hearing is subjective. Everyone's perception of what they hear is different. That's what makes us unique as individuals. You don't like the X2, that's fine. But to come here and bash other members because they enjoy x2, is just in poor taste.
Jan 7, 2016 at 9:42 AM Post #9,037 of 15,268
I'll also suggest to other members, if your offended by that post, flag it and report to the mods. There's no place on this forum for that kind of behavior
Jan 7, 2016 at 10:19 AM Post #9,038 of 15,268
Impression after 10 days of listening -:
  1. They sound much more open now and sound-stage is amazing.
  2. The treble is more present now and the female vocals shine.
  3. The bass is good but messes with the mids.
This maybe due to my brain adjusting to the sound of open headphones but they sound really good now.
Jan 7, 2016 at 11:05 AM Post #9,039 of 15,268
Hey guys just wanted to let you guys know that Phillips emailed me saying that they have restocked on these headphones and are able to replace them I would say these are better than the ones that Amazon has been selling 
Jan 7, 2016 at 11:23 AM Post #9,041 of 15,268
Can anyone describe how to remove the earpads?  Do you just start from the outside and peel them off?  I'd like to do this but don't want to trash them.
Thank you.
P.S.  I bought the X2's during the Amazon sale.  Mine say WOOX on the headband and have the shiny earpads, but I tossed the box so don't know if it said Gibson or WOOX.  Also, I have HD598's and when I initially listened to X2's straight out of my laptop I was underwhelmed; they seemed muddy.  But, after plugging into my Fiio E17 they sounded better.  And now after a couple weeks they have grown on me.  I am no audiophile or HP expert, but in comparison to the HD598's, the advantages of the 598's are a better soundstage and increased clarity in the treble range (eg. attack of drum sticks on cymbals).  Otherwise I generally prefer the X2's and they haven't been off my ears since.  I listened to some blues yesterday with the X2's and they knocked my socks off.  Even if this is a sub-par pair of X2's, for $200 I'm happy.
Jan 7, 2016 at 11:46 AM Post #9,042 of 15,268
  Can anyone describe how to remove the earpads?  Do you just start from the outside and peel them off?  I'd like to do this but don't want to trash them.
Thank you.
P.S.  I bought the X2's during the Amazon sale.  Mine say WOOX on the headband and have the shiny earpads, but I tossed the box so don't know if it said Gibson or WOOX.  Also, I have HD598's and when I initially listened to X2's straight out of my laptop I was underwhelmed; they seemed muddy.  But, after plugging into my Fiio E17 they sounded better.  And now after a couple weeks they have grown on me.  I am no audiophile or HP expert, but in comparison to the HD598's, the advantages of the 598's are a better soundstage and increased clarity in the treble range (eg. attack of drum sticks on cymbals).  Otherwise I generally prefer the X2's and they haven't been off my ears since.  I listened to some blues yesterday with the X2's and they knocked my socks off.  Even if this is a sub-par pair of X2's, for $200 I'm happy.

Use all your fingers to pry them off from all sides at once.  If you feel them coming off one side more than the other, move to the opposite side.
If you post a clear picture of the writing on the cups, we can probably tell you whether it's WOOX/Gibson.
Accurate description when compared to the 598 IMO.
Jan 7, 2016 at 11:50 AM Post #9,043 of 15,268
People, in my experience, please give give x2 burn in time! (60hr of loud music). It's one of the few that requir long burn in, they made the driver surroundings too thick and requires usage to soften up. The treble will become clearer, the hump in the midbass will decrease so mids will be clearer, however subass will deeper by a few hertz. These hp are not bright at all but they are full of detail. I wish they are a little brighter.
Jan 7, 2016 at 12:05 PM Post #9,045 of 15,268

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