Philips Fidelio X2?!
Jul 9, 2014 at 3:38 AM Post #17 of 15,270
  X2 for 1k? LoL! I'm hoping for a price tag of under $400.

I think you will be hoping for that price for quite a while. Would probably never get half as low as that even price slashes judging by the price cited in the OP/
Jul 9, 2014 at 4:18 AM Post #18 of 15,270
Knowing Philips, the street prices will be quite a bit cheaper. Let's just wait until it comes out, though it IS quite a jump over the X1.

Perhaps I should just buy an X1 and paint it black. :D
Jul 9, 2014 at 6:09 AM Post #20 of 15,270
Yeah, even if it is, let's say 200/300 lower then the $1000,- I can't justify those prices for any headphone for myself.
Depending on more info/news about the X2 I'll decide if it's worth the buy or go for the X1.
Jul 9, 2014 at 7:38 AM Post #22 of 15,270
Knowing Philips, the street prices will be quite a bit cheaper. Let's just wait until it comes out, though it IS quite a jump over the X1.

Perhaps I should just buy an X1 and paint it black.

I have an X1 and I want it painted black.
No colours anymore, I want it to turn black.
UPDATE: Okay, big news on the Fidelio X2 -- Philips' official Chinese TMall store just posted an X2 pre-order page. No extra pics yet, but they should come in soon enough.

Jul 9, 2014 at 8:00 AM Post #23 of 15,270
7999 yen, thats 984 euros or 1290 dollars.
Is it made of gold or something?
Anyway, good to see some more info is coming through even though the price for me is way too much.
Makes the decision probably easier.
Jul 9, 2014 at 9:49 AM Post #25 of 15,270
The other prices I see on the chinese site (thank god for google translation) are comparable with the prices
over here. Only a few euros more so I think they are not far off.
Why would anyone pre-order a $1200 headphone if they have never heard it or no reviews are available?
Jul 9, 2014 at 12:22 PM Post #26 of 15,270
  While I'm practically a fanboy for the Fidelio X1, I agree. They have to clean up the treble.

What's wrong with the treble? I've found no issues in this regard. Perfectly clear, no sibilance at all and really nice mids and highs, That's from being connected to a NAD D 3020 and using the V-Moda cable.
Jul 9, 2014 at 12:27 PM Post #27 of 15,270
Same here. No problems with X1 highs - clean, clear, no sibilance, slightly smooth but still sparkly = no fatigue, just as I like it. My source is down in signature.
While I'm practically a fanboy for the Fidelio X1, I agree. They have to clean up the treble.

Have You tried another cable? Stock cable quality is vary and impedance sucks:
What I`m hoping from new version is replaceable pads and dual-entry removable cable.
Jul 9, 2014 at 1:12 PM Post #28 of 15,270
  While I'm practically a fanboy for the Fidelio X1, I agree. They have to clean up the treble.

Yeah I like them too, but for 1k I would expect less boomy and slightly more extended bass more details in the mids and my biggest complain is the more recessed  lower treble. I also find them to be a bit slow for rock/electronica.However I like them alot for their current asking price and are  my go to casual gaming headphones.
Jul 9, 2014 at 1:22 PM Post #29 of 15,270
  boomy and slightly more extended bass more details in the mids and my biggest complain is the more recessed  lower treble. 

What are You using to feed and amp Your X1 and are You using stock cable? Can`t agree on bass being boomy and not extended enough. Imho it`s tight and punchy enough with no boomyness and well extended. Also mids have great detail and treble is no way recessed. Weird that You have such impressions with X1.
Jul 9, 2014 at 1:24 PM Post #30 of 15,270
The X2 better be really good... I'll be the skeptic here and say Phillips won't pull this out and just wants to go out with an overpriced bang.

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