Petition: I would like the old site back (or other choice)
May 11, 2010 at 12:49 AM Post #106 of 431
May 11, 2010 at 1:19 AM Post #107 of 431
I hate to say it, but I really preferred the old site. The layout, etc. aren't great, but what gets me is that Head-Fi loads and runs like mud on my iPhone. I don't get much opportunity to post from the laptop or desktop these days, so a paifully slow mobile site really cuts down on the limited time I can spend here. I don't know if that can be changed, but it would help a lot.
May 11, 2010 at 1:29 AM Post #108 of 431

I hate to say it, but I really preferred the old site. The layout, etc. aren't great, but what gets me is that Head-Fi loads and runs like mud on my iPhone. I don't get much opportunity to post from the laptop or desktop these days, so a paifully slow mobile site really cuts down on the limited time I can spend here. I don't know if that can be changed, but it would help a lot.

According to the feedback forum, better mobile browsing is "In feature roadmap". It looks like this issue is being worked on and I too hope for a faster mobile site.
May 11, 2010 at 1:56 AM Post #109 of 431
(i would've quoted the op but i fail at quoting thanks to this new format)

May 11, 2010 at 2:48 AM Post #110 of 431
Another +1 for the old forum.
The layout is fine.. I can get used to it.
Even the ads I can understand..
functionality turned into a crapshoot
not only that, but I've never ever been to a forum that was so retardedly slow
also, what's up with the random gush on the sides?  Recent reviews? What users want?
If I want to look up reviews, I can search for them... What users want.. is that for the consumer or manufacturer?
May 11, 2010 at 3:22 AM Post #111 of 431

To answer your question just ask yourself what's in it for  Huddler.  Why would Huddler want to take over the engineering and business end of the site? 
Then their website Huddler goes on to say:
"The Huddler Platform boasts a modern aesthetic, elegantly integrated wikis, product reviews, deep user profiling, and a lot more."
Personally I would rather not be profiled.  But hey, that's me.
Anyway, this is it, so let's get used to it.

Yeah, from what I can tell, Huddler isn't just another forum platform.  I've never seen a representative from vBulletin become a member of a forum running their software, anyway.  Huddler definitely seems like a partner of sorts, based on how they bill themselves, and the kind of involvement seen in this thread at Home Theater Forum.  Judging from that thread, I really don't think they're interested in major tweaks or changes.  This guy basically spells out their view that the forum is only a part of the entire platform, which means to me that Head-Fi is clearly being transitioned from what was essentially a pure forum into a broader site with a wider range of content.  A lot of this new non-forum content is quantifiable, lending itself to deep user profiling.  Forum posts are mostly junk data to someone looking to heavily profile its users, and it would make sense that they would want to herd people away from the forum to more data-valuable sectors of the site, especially those that could be linked in to Facebook's social plugins/open graph protocol.  The widespread reaction to HF on Huddler thus far seems to indicate that the new model might not work so well.  It's no easy task to pull existing core functionality out from under the feet of users and have them stick around.  Just my impressions.
Posted by Huddler rep on HTF.
The Huddler platform is not vBulletin, and we have no interest in trying to copy everything that vBulletin does. In many ways, it's better--we believe that the wiki, product, and review features make the platform as a whole superior to what is offered in vBulletin. Having said that, because our development focus is on the platform as a whole, we can't spend as much time developing forum features which don't represent core functionality.


May 11, 2010 at 4:29 AM Post #112 of 431

Another +1 for the old forum.
The layout is fine.. I can get used to it.
Even the ads I can understand..
functionality turned into a crapshoot
not only that, but I've never ever been to a forum that was so retardedly slow
also, what's up with the random gush on the sides?  Recent reviews? What users want?
If I want to look up reviews, I can search for them... What users want.. is that for the consumer or manufacturer?

You don't have to read the stuff on the side if you don't want to. There's going to be a column there either way due to the ads (which are necessary) so may as well fill it up with something imo.
May 11, 2010 at 6:23 AM Post #115 of 431
I am afraid Head-Fi will not be changed back. Still, I liked the 'old' Head-Fi much more. This 'version' works and although it is not Windows Vista, hopefully it will improve more to the old settings. 
One thing, the way blogging is cut short is just indecent in my opinion. I should have read in on the coming changes but they were gone and stayed gone for a while. One blog of mine was returned but sending a copy(ies) of your blog(s) to your email address before the blogs disappeared would have been the nice thing to do. Some people were quite serious with blogging. I lost my audio gear notes.
May 11, 2010 at 7:38 AM Post #117 of 431
Posted by Huddler rep on HTF.
The Huddler platform is not vBulletin, and we have no interest in trying to copy everything that vBulletin does. In many ways, it's better--we believe that the wiki, product, and review features make the platform as a whole superior to what is offered in vBulletin. Having said that, because our development focus is on the platform as a whole, we can't spend as much time developing forum features which don't represent core functionality.

That's a big shame.  Seems they get SEO and marketing, but don't get communities.  I hope they at least are willing to improve the forum software functionality.  I could understand it if they aren't willing to create social groups and friends like VB has, both of which weren't used by relatively many people. "Friends" as well, had little useful functionality other than placing people's avatars and profile links on your profile, but I imagine for some people it made them feel more part of a community, rather than just a forum.  As far as Huddler's spiel for what their software does, I never pay any attention to the crap written to promote stuff, as it tends to be BS.  Head-fi previously used VBSEO, which is also marketed as being good for increasing income.  What I want is to hear more from jude about his overall plan for Head-fi. That, and how Huddler intend to respond to our complaints about the software, ultimately, are the most important things IMO.

May 11, 2010 at 8:24 AM Post #119 of 431

Too bad spell check doesn't work any more. That's a big minus to me

You can override the completely useless Huddler right-click menu by holding CTRL while right-clicking. That way you get spellcheck back (at least in Firefox, YMMV).
Now that's "convenient", compared to any other forum system. :rolleyes:

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