Peter123's reviews, planned reviews, first impressions and comparisons AKA Peter's Place
Jan 3, 2016 at 4:06 AM Post #77 of 251
Peter, How about this compared to Yinjw IE800? Thanks!

My YINJW are on a trip to Baycode (together with the LZ-A2) but the signature of the Senfers are more to my preference. I'd also be tempted to say that they're technically better but won't do it until I can fo a proper A/B :wink:

To put it in another way: I don't feel that the YINJW really holds up to the IEM's I compared the Senfers with in the review while the Senfers are at least on par with them.
Jan 3, 2016 at 4:53 AM Post #78 of 251
Great review, mate!

Sounds very interesting (especially when reading your comparison of these against costlier E80 or mass favt VSD3).

I have a request, though. If you happen to have either Soundmagic E10 or Brainwavz Jive(both of these, i got recently) then could you kindly compare **** UE against these and also if possible against KZ HDS1 for their similarities and differences. 



I don't have the E10 but I do own the Jive and the HDS1.

Tbh the Senfers are clearly superior to both, a different tier. I prefer them over the VSD3S and maybe even the E80.

In more detail they're more similar in the signature to the Jive than the HDS1. Compared to the Jive they do everything better: clarity, bass (both quantity and quality), details, less prone to sibilance, better soundstage, you name it. Really they're at least two tiers above.

If you own the HDS1 you can guess most of the differences :wink: The KZ is darker, warmer, have more mid-bass bloom, less extension in both lows and highs, sounds much more congested and also loses out by a fair margin in clarity and details. Once again a different tier. The HDS1 is smoother though.

This is from A/B and not from memory :wink:

Hope this helps :thumbsup:
Jan 3, 2016 at 4:59 AM Post #79 of 251

I don't have the E10 but I do own the Jive and the HDS1.

Tbh the Senfers are clearly superior to both, a different tier. I prefer them over the VSD3S and maybe even the E80.

In more detail they're more similar in the signature to the Jive than the HDS1. Compared to the Jive they do everything better: clarity, bass (both quantity and quality), details, less prone to sibilance, better soundstage, you name it. Really they're at least two tiers above.

If you own the HDS1 you can guess most of the differences
The KZ is darker, warmer, have more mid-bass bloom, less extension in both lows and highs, sounds much more congested and also loses out by a fair margin in clarity and details. Once again a different tier. The HDS1 is smoother though.

This is from A/B and not from memory

Hope this helps :thumbsup:

I am totally into the kind of sound that you are describing these **** UEs provides.
Have spent quite a loads of money on new year purchases (LED TV/Blu ray player etc) but will surely keep **** UE in my next buy list.
Thanks again for your inputs, mate! 
Jan 3, 2016 at 5:20 AM Post #80 of 251
I am totally into the kind of sound that you are describing these **** UEs provides.
Have spent quite a loads of money on new year purchases (LED TV/Blu ray player etc) but will surely keep **** UE in my next buy list.
Thanks again for your inputs, mate! 

My pleaseure my firend 

They're truly great and a tremendous value.  I'd really recommend geting the Ostry 200 (red) tips together with them though since they bring them to the next level in my opinion. 
Jan 3, 2016 at 4:27 PM Post #81 of 251
My YINJW are on a trip to Baycode (together with the LZ-A2) but the signature of the Senfers are more to my preference. I'd also be tempted to say that they're technically better but won't do it until I can fo a proper A/B

To put it in another way: I don't feel that the YINJW really holds up to the IEM's I compared the Senfers with in the review while the Senfers are at least on par with them.

Got it. Thanks, Peter. :)
I also found Yinjw is pretty source dependent. Maybe youneed to try comparing on different gears.
Jan 3, 2016 at 5:04 PM Post #82 of 251
Got it. Thanks, Peter. :)
I also found Yinjw is pretty source dependent. Maybe youneed to try comparing on different gears.

Yes, sounds like a good idea since their signatures are so different.
Jan 4, 2016 at 7:58 AM Post #84 of 251
Peter, did you buy Xduoo X3? If you bought, how the two compared to each other?

I was supposed to recieve a review sample but unfortunately that doesn't seem to be happening after all..........
Jan 6, 2016 at 7:35 AM Post #86 of 251
Hey Peter I was wondering can you do an a/b for your current kz collection vs the **** ue?

I'm sorry but I have to be honest and say that I don't know when I'll find the time to do this (it's hours of work). 
What I can say on a general basis though is that I find the UE's to be on a different level than the KZ's in it's performance. 
Compare to my two favorite KZ's the HDS1 (see comparison in post 78 in this thread) and the ED9 I still find the UE's to be significantly better in their performance. As usual YMMV 

Jan 6, 2016 at 8:57 AM Post #87 of 251
  I'm sorry but I have to be honest and say that I don't know when I'll find the time to do this (it's hours of work). 
What I can say on a general basis though is that I find the UE's to be on a different level than the KZ's in it's performance. 
Compare to my two favorite KZ's the HDS1 (see comparison in post 78 in this thread) and the ED9 I still find the UE's to be significantly better in their performance. As usual YMMV 

Oh now you went and done it Peter, I have been being a good boy and just had the red/blue UE's in my cart since 12/22 and now you go and tell me the UE is steps up on my two favorite KZ's as well I just got to pull that trigger
I'm beginning to think you got a little bit O'That
in you
I think you but my wallet not so much

Da Pod

Jan 6, 2016 at 9:56 AM Post #88 of 251
Oh now you went and done it Peter, I have been being a good boy and just had the red/blue UE's in my cart since 12/22 and now you go and tell me the UE is steps up on my two favorite KZ's as well I just got to pull that trigger:eek: I'm beginning to think you got a little bit O'That:evil: in you:wink_face: LOL

I think you but my wallet not so much:xf_eek:

:beerchug: Da Pod

Im sorry Podster :wink:

Hopefully you'll be able to enjoy them as much as I do and can forgive me eventually, lol.
Jan 6, 2016 at 10:34 AM Post #89 of 251
I'm sure I will, part of the fun here you know
I've said it before I think we have a very similar sound signature that we like as evidenced by ownership of said iem's!
While we are talking about the UE's have you heard these  by chance? I really like the clear shells on these but after buying the UE's I'm not sure if I want to jump on these before I hear more about them

Jan 6, 2016 at 11:16 AM Post #90 of 251
I'm sure I will, part of the fun here you know:D I've said it before I think we have a very similar sound signature that we like as evidenced by ownership of said iem's!

While we are talking about the UE's have you heard these  by chance? I really like the clear shells on these but after buying the UE's I'm not sure if I want to jump on these before I hear more about them:wink_face:

Sounds good Podster :thumbsup:

No unfortunately I've not heard those. For some reason I've gotten the impression that they're the same as the **** UE's, just a different design, but I can't really remember if I read it somewhere or if it just the name that's the reason for it :wink:

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