Perreaux or PPX3?
Oct 21, 2004 at 4:50 AM Post #76 of 95

Originally Posted by Mikey01
I differ a little from Sacdlover's view as I favor the HD 25 over the Ear+ Extream. But that is with the Beyer Dynamics DT 880's. I like the DT 880's for it's overall balance in presentation. The midrange played well, detailed and smooth, with the Beyers on both amps. I did like the one music selection Sacdlover had me listen to with the Senn. 650's and the HD 25 though.

Based on my brief experience with modded Ear+ Extream and HD 25, Ear+ Extream sounded more liquid sounding but slightly recessed in highs and softer in lows. HD25 sounded much more dynamic than Ear+, bass is fuller/tighter, treble extended much higher and overall more. However, HD-25 still offered descent amount of liquid midrange, but Ear+ had more liquid sounding/warmer presentation overall. Since I prefer dynamic/detailed/fuller/airier sound, I favored HD25 over Ear+.

Overall, to my ears, Ear+ sounded more like a refined version of Antique Sound Lab or mellow version of PPX3 with 6cg7, where HD25 reminded me of Singlepower MPX3 (preproduction silver chasis model). Here is a reduced/cropped picture from our Ohio mini meet (I don't think I posted this one yet).

Oct 21, 2004 at 5:08 AM Post #77 of 95
I think it would be worthy to note that I am more interested in a sexy midrange/smooth highs than dynamics, detail, and PRaT. The DT531s have enough of that IMO, and I don't think any amp will take away enough of that for me to be bothered with.
Oct 21, 2004 at 5:10 AM Post #78 of 95

Originally Posted by go_vtec
Overall, to my ears, Ear+ sounded more like a refined version of Antique Sound Lab or mellow version of PPX3 with 6cg7.[/IMG]

Thank you for your impressions, this makes the Ear+ sound like it might be a good option for me...
Oct 22, 2004 at 2:51 AM Post #79 of 95

Originally Posted by tyrion
You should consider other posts by a person if your going to take one statement out of all of them and maintain that I am "disrespectful".

For reasons already stated, I disagree. If you have anything else to say to me on the subject, PM me.
Oct 22, 2004 at 2:56 AM Post #80 of 95

Originally Posted by gsferrari
Do a search for all posts by KZEE and you'll know what I am talking about.

I said his statements were moronic - doesnt make him a moron...

Like I said, you're a real classy individual. If you feel the need to make further personal attacks on me, do it in PM form.
Oct 22, 2004 at 3:04 AM Post #81 of 95

Originally Posted by ReDVsion
Thank you for your impressions, this makes the Ear+ sound like it might be a good option for me...

I don't know if this has been mentioned before but you might want to give Craig at Eddie Current a call. I believe he has an HD25 demo that he will send if you are willing to pay shipping both ways.
Oct 22, 2004 at 6:58 AM Post #82 of 95

Originally Posted by gsferrari
Do a search for all posts by KZEE and you'll know what I am talking about.

I don't have to search for KZEE's posts, that wasn't my point. What was my point is there is a certain irony in your statement

Originally Posted by gsferrari
if you dont read people's posts before you make a moronic reply. Why are you being so aggressive? 60 posts and less than 6 months on the forums and you're the hot-shot all of a sudden?

because it can be pretty much directly applied to you as well. I've had to correct you numerous times for not reading what people post before you reply and you think your over 3000 posts in less than a year makes you a hot shot.
Oct 22, 2004 at 3:05 PM Post #83 of 95

Originally Posted by KZEE
Like I said, you're a real classy individual. If you feel the need to make further personal attacks on me, do it in PM form.

I think I already apologized to you openly in this thread. So much for you "reading" posts
Oct 22, 2004 at 3:07 PM Post #84 of 95

Originally Posted by elnero
because it can be pretty much directly applied to you as well. I've had to correct you numerous times for not reading what people post before you reply and you think your over 3000 posts in less than a year makes you a hot shot.

Thank you. Comments noted and I will exercise greater caution when I post. I will also NOT hesitate to tell other people that they are making the same mistake.

As for being a hot-shot - yes..I am one...a bit vain but vanity is the perfect sin
Oct 23, 2004 at 12:14 AM Post #85 of 95

Originally Posted by gsferrari
I think I already apologized to you openly in this thread. So much for you "reading" posts

So much for you reading my posts... I asked you to PM me if you had any additional thing to say to me in regard to this thread. Go look up the word hypocrite. And you seem to think you can act like a jerk and go way beyond the bounds of civility, and then with a half-baked apology expect everything to be sweet and rosey again. What kind of cad are you?

If you have anything - anything at all - to say to me in regard to this thread, PM me, and let the other folks in this thread get back to discussing amp choices.
Oct 23, 2004 at 12:42 AM Post #86 of 95
Hey, if you guys want to bitch at each other, do it in another thread. You keep saying you're moving this to PMs, but it's not happening.
Oct 26, 2004 at 5:48 AM Post #87 of 95
Another question: if I wanted a tube amp for these three cans: DT880, MS2, K240S, what would you guys recommend? Are any of these better all-rounders than the others?
Oct 26, 2004 at 6:03 AM Post #88 of 95

Originally Posted by ReDVsion
Another question: if I wanted a tube amp for these three cans: DT880, MS2, K240S, what would you guys recommend? Are any of these better all-rounders than the others?

My PPX3 handles my 55ohm K271s just as well as the 300ohm HD600s and all of the Singlepower amps I have heard do well with 40ohm CD3000s and 32ohm Grados. The only other tube amp I have heard, albeit briefly, that handles a variety of cans is the Bottlehead S.E.X. although to my ears it was a bit too warm and slow-sounding. Could have been the tubes and/or source (or that source's preamp) though. Bottlehead was demoing it with Senn HD497s (!) at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest and at least on day of the show also with Senn HD600s, so I am assuming that it was intended to drive cans as low as 32ohms.
Oct 26, 2004 at 10:19 AM Post #89 of 95

Originally Posted by donovansmith
My PPX3 handles my 55ohm K271s just as well as the 300ohm HD600s and all of the Singlepower amps I have heard do well with 40ohm CD3000s and 32ohm Grados. The only other tube amp I have heard, albeit briefly, that handles a variety of cans is the Bottlehead S.E.X. although to my ears it was a bit too warm and slow-sounding. Could have been the tubes and/or source (or that source's preamp) though. Bottlehead was demoing it with Senn HD497s (!) at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest and at least on day of the show also with Senn HD600s, so I am assuming that it was intended to drive cans as low as 32ohms.

I had the same experiences with the ppx3. The 650 /sr-225/dt880 all work very well with the ppx3.

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