Panasonic HJE900 review, a distant cousin of Stax?
Jan 11, 2010 at 9:54 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 17


500+ Head-Fier
Feb 17, 2005
A member Libertad wrote a detailed review, which I largely agree. The intent of this write-up is to put Stax on the title for search purpose. Please read his review before go on with my sentiments.

How do I usually handle my earphones?
Daily 10 hours of burn-in with random music, listening one hour or two, let it rest; start all over again next day. By far, I have more than 400 hours on it. (I got it last September.)

Mystery of burn-in, maybe I was tired for a few days?
The first 50 hours, it sounded harsh; it got mellower and opened-up around 100 hours; it turned into muddy/muffle around 180-200 hours; it cleared it self up around 220-230 hours and gradually turned back to the original characters with refinement /without harshness, and sounded tighter.

How does a manmade diamond sound like?
The housing is made of Cubic Zirconia/ stone, the sound characters reflect that. Have you played with pebbles? Two collided pebbles create hard/crisp/fast decay hitting sound with a hint of sparkle on the top.

Almost balanced, slightly recessed mid, extended extended top and bottom.
At first listen, it was balanced, but I found myself often turned up volume to hear more vocal. The top was another story, it extends high, higher than ER4P; as usual, when a top notes was well-presented, it grabbed one’s attention, even it was not excess, sibilant or harsh -- I sometimes found it’s too much for my liking. I believe it will be too bright for many.
The bass was decent amount, faded fast/speedy. As to quality, high and mid bass were well controlled, not quite well defined/layered, chunky might be the word. Deep, deep bass was very intriguing – Denon D5000 has been my favorite full size headphones for years; when I listened to Terminator 4 and Batman The Dark Knight, I was surprised by this little earphones, I experienced similar deep impacts (but considerable lesser amount).

It tolerated compressed files, but not so forgiving to bright sounding players.
Files ranged from 128K to FLAC were purposely listened. The brightness of treble made the edginess / harshness of compressed sounds less noticeable.
Do choose your players wisely, bright sounding players can make treble sharper, and bring it front and center; they literally made me cry “Ouch”.


Tips and Cables
Tips were made of harder/smoother silicone; they were very comfortable and stayed in ears. Sony’s old EX tips will fit; Sony’s new hybrid tips can fit when I tried; Klipsch’s oval tips can fit when I tried harder; and, decored Shure olive tips also fit.
Panasonic has silver plated replacement cable; it can be bought in Japan.
It can also use replacement cable for Sleek Audio SA6; sound became thinner and warmer, not in a bad way, it’s just different.

A distant cousin of Stax, ER4P?
Have you experienced Stax headphones? It is balanced, fast, clean, effortless treble and speedy deep bass. It’s that kind of sound; one either loves it, or doesn’t care it at all. (Allow me to caution you, many complain Stax is too bright, not enough bass – please, let’s not debate on this one, people hear what they hear; if its treble bugs someone, it’s too bright that person; if one needs to concentrate and look for the bass, it’s not enough bass for that person.)
Panasonic RP-HJE900 reminds me Stax, it has most of Stax characters, although not as good; it does have more noticeable bass than Stax. Even it has only 50 percents of Stax sound; nonetheless, it is still a good way to have Stax sound without the bulk package. If you don’t mind carrying extra stuff, please do choose baby Stax.
How does ER4P compare? ER4P is more detailed, lesser bass, and too “clinic” sounding; RP-HJE900 is more exciting, more fun, but its treble is sometimes troublesome. (To me, ER4P’s treble is always there; RP-HJE900’s treble takes backseat from time to time, when it jumps out, it surprises me.)

Is it for you? Value?
It was priced $220 - $250 half year ago. Today, you can find it at $110 - $190.
I know this write-up has more negative tone, because this is an “odd” earphone; I really want to caution you, its pro can also be its con – I cannot simply recommend or reject. Even it is one of my favorite.
But, if you are new in the earphone adventure, I strongly suggest you spend your money on other well-loved earphones. You have smaller chance of disliking others than this one.
Jan 11, 2010 at 10:07 PM Post #3 of 17

Originally Posted by david1978jp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
But, if you are new in the earphone adventure, I strongly suggest you spend your money on other well-loved earphones. You have smaller chance of disliking others than this one.

Ahhhhh... a little bold, but extremely refreshing...

Thank you for your honest take on these. I wish that more reviews (including my own) were like this.
Jan 11, 2010 at 10:41 PM Post #4 of 17
Another "thanks" for this review. I should be getting a pair of these later this week, and I'm *very* interested in comparing them to my current Ety HF5s, which really do sound quite nice. Should be fun!
Jan 11, 2010 at 11:14 PM Post #5 of 17
Nice review david1978jp, albeit in some points quite controversial to my ears.

I have now about 60-70 hours on them, they sounded great right out of the box and haven't changed much so far. Highs are very extended and detailed, but even from start they were slightly smoother than my FX500's that have several hundred hours on them.

The brightness and detail of its treble emphasizes compression artefacts of mp3 files that are typically best noticed in the treble range. That's quite the opposite of what you wrote ("The brightness of treble made the edginess / harshness of compressed sounds less noticeable."), did you really mean it that way? I found with this IEMs I could make out mp3 compression artefacts in 192kbit files even on the move in noisy environment.

Basswise I believe this phone suffers from a slight mid/upper base hump not unlike the IE8 but less pronounced. It makes vocals a tad warm and overshadows the deep bass thus making the bass a bit poorly defined/layered, like you wrote.

I concur with you in that this may be a somewhat odd phone, but also a very extended, reasonable flat and at the same time fun sounding one. Plus it has rock-solid build quality and detachable cables, and all that for a good price. Which makes it so far one of the best bang/buck IEMs I ever bought.
Jan 11, 2010 at 11:29 PM Post #6 of 17

Originally Posted by james444 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Which makes it so far one of the best bang/buck IEMs I ever bought.

...and yet it's not in your signature as a "best bang for your buck" IEM. What's up with that?
Jan 11, 2010 at 11:37 PM Post #7 of 17
^ Busted!
No, I have a habit of ranking my phones only after at least some weeks of playtime. Which doesn't keep me from stating intermediate findings. That's why I used the term "so far" in my conclusion.
Jan 11, 2010 at 11:42 PM Post #8 of 17
Damn, the sleek connectors match! A B-stock Sleek W1 wireless was on headroom for $65 not too long ago. Both for under $200 would have been a great deal!

I guess that silver cable would get rid of the mid bass hump. Silver is usually less warm.

Neutral but fun is a tough to find combo. Nice to finally get to know more about this little guy esp. that it is at a sweet price now!
Jan 12, 2010 at 12:57 AM Post #9 of 17
Can anyone describe what to hear in a mid-bass hump? I really don't know what to concentrate on to hear that in these.

david1978jp thanks for your work on reviewing the CZ's.
Jan 12, 2010 at 4:41 AM Post #10 of 17
^ Here's a frequency response graph for the IE8 (bass dial on minimum):


The mid-bass hump is the elevated part around 100Hz. It gives the mids a warm coloring and overshadows the low bass, meaning that even though there's sufficient bass at 50Hz and below you have a hard time hearing it, because mid bass is significantly louder.

I have not found any FR-graphs for the HJE900, but from auditioning and A/Bing them to my other IEMs I believe they have a somewhat similar elevation, only to a lesser extent.

Oh, and one more thing, you shouldn't concentrate on hearing it - the less you're aware of it, the better.
Jan 12, 2010 at 10:22 PM Post #11 of 17

Originally Posted by james444 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The mid-bass hump is the elevated part around 100Hz. It gives the mids a warm coloring and overshadows the low bass, meaning that even though there's sufficient bass at 50Hz and below you have a hard time hearing it, because mid bass is significantly louder.

Hmm, but the chart of the extra bass setting of the IE8 shows (I dont know how accurate it is) that the low bass can be increased. This way the curve seems to be almost the same as the Denon C710s. Btw: I guess the treble-hump of the C710 between the 5-10K area is a sign of some harshness/sibilance?


I'm not an IE8 owner yet (only planning to buy one), what were your experiences about the bass knob? Is there any negative side effect of the extra-bass setting? (besides that it might be too bassy for some people) And is it possible to make that mid-bass hump weaker with EQ?

Sorry for the offtopic
Jan 12, 2010 at 10:39 PM Post #12 of 17

Originally Posted by james444 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh, and one more thing, you shouldn't concentrate on hearing it - the less you're aware of it, the better.

Definitely can agree with this...

Once I heard the nasty side of the tone of the Grado RS1, I found them unlistenable (as I could pick up on the negative side instantly)...

On the bright side, I'm really liking these Panasonics, they are very analytical to my ears
Jan 13, 2010 at 5:22 AM Post #13 of 17
Ok. So not cool. Giving me even more good choices to choose from for an upgrade >.<
Hey Duncan, I know you have the JVC FX1000 / FX500, so how who these compare to them (notably timbre as well)?
Jan 13, 2010 at 6:57 AM Post #14 of 17

Originally Posted by deephile /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hmm, but the chart of the extra bass setting of the IE8 shows (I dont know how accurate it is) that the low bass can be increased. This way the curve seems to be almost the same as the Denon C710s. Btw: I guess the treble-hump of the C710 between the 5-10K area is a sign of some harshness/sibilance?


I'm not an IE8 owner yet (only planning to buy one), what were your experiences about the bass knob? Is there any negative side effect of the extra-bass setting? (besides that it might be too bassy for some people) And is it possible to make that mid-bass hump weaker with EQ?

Sorry for the offtopic

Yeah, I know about bass knob and there are fellow head-fiers who recommend leaving it at max. I tried this too and IME it doesn't solve the problem of elevated bass level. It just trades the mid-bass hump for an entirely overemphasized bass range. Plus it makes low-bass sound more loose to my ears. I prefer to EQ down -8db at 100Hz instead to tailor the IE8 to my taste, but I recommend doing this only with a good EQ like Rockbox's or the Cowon's.

BTW the mentioned mid-bass emphasis is much less on the Panasonics, so I just leave the EQ on flat and it don't really bother me.
Jan 13, 2010 at 9:45 AM Post #15 of 17

Originally Posted by chinesekiwi /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ok. So not cool. Giving me even more good choices to choose from for an upgrade >.<
Hey Duncan, I know you have the JVC FX1000 / FX500, so how who these compare to them (notably timbre as well)?

I'm slightly against posting at the moment, as the Panasonics have less than 24hrs on the clock, but - as it stands, right now (with the FX500 having a few hundred hours on the clock) the Panasonics sound more forward, but also more congested than the JVCs...

At this point, the JVCs are the better all-rounders - but, will update when there are more hours on the clock...

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