Ottawa Region 2015 Head-fi Meet - Respond here
Jun 4, 2015 at 3:51 PM Post #226 of 275
I was going to do Veld, but there's a lot of crossover with the other festivals I'm going to artist-wise. I also can't abide giving even a dollar to Ticketmaster, and generally would rather miss an event than buy tickets through them. A $40 service fee per ticket is 20% of the actual face value at the current tier, and absolute robbery. I won't give my money to them on principle.

Still, if hard copy tickets come available on Kijiji.... lol!
i may know someone selling five hsrd tickets for 200 a piece if youre interested. At first i was goijg to say judging the music fest tour youre doing. $40 should be nothing to you. But out of principle i understand ticketmaster indeed are robbers. Which genre do you like?
Jun 4, 2015 at 4:38 PM Post #227 of 275
  I just put two and two together and realized you're the one I've been chatting with via email about the MDR-1As... LOL!

So funny, same here!
Jun 4, 2015 at 5:40 PM Post #229 of 275
yeah i thought you guys were joking. When i saw both posts about the he1000s lol. I was like are they secretly chatting to each other while posting here?

Ha, ha. He had replied to a Kijiji ad for some headphones I was selling and once he mentioned being into headphones I told him about our July meet. Then we started connecting the dots. I think we should just lock in the July 4th date, give the deposit when needed and whoever makes it makes it. I think this could be a great meet as there have been a few new people expressing interest so assuming most of the crew from the meet past show we might get about 15 people which would be great. I'm going to design some blind listening tests for sure.
Jun 4, 2015 at 5:49 PM Post #230 of 275
Ha, ha. He had replied to a Kijiji ad for some headphones I was selling and once he mentioned being into headphones I told him about our July meet. Then we started connecting the dots. I think we should just lock in the July 4th date, give the deposit when needed and whoever makes it makes it. I think this could be a great meet as there have been a few new people expressing interest so assuming most of the crew from the meet past show we might get about 15 people which would be great. I'm going to design some blind listening tests for sure.
agreed. Lock it in. I alone have about 4 people to bring that ive met solely on buying and reselling on cam and kijiji. And actually my neighbour came up to me was like are you the one walking your dog with the big akgs on? So turns out my neighbour is a headfier so hell be coming as well. I have a great feeling were going to have an amazing array of gear to audition. Once again ill photograph everything. I may bring my studio lights as well.
Jun 4, 2015 at 6:02 PM Post #231 of 275
Alright, I'm in touch with my guy and he's emailed his super to find out if the date is avail. We're working off a printed schedule in the buildings elevator, so who knows if it's accurate, haha. Will report back when I know more.
Sadly my Gustard stack will be on loan to a friend in July, but I'm hoping that I'll have the HE-1000s for everyone to listen to, along with my Schiit gear and about 6 other sets of cans. I also have a couple custom cables (Norse, YFS, Silver Moon) to audition, and about 4 sets of tubes for the Lyr.
It'll be awesome to have some pro photos taken! This is shaping up to be a good event :)
I will need to have final numbers before the date of - the newly renovated room is smaller than it was, and I'm not sure what a comfortable capacity would be. Based on eyeballing it the last time I was there, I would suspect once tables are setup a reasonable number would be 30 at most.
Jun 4, 2015 at 6:17 PM Post #232 of 275
Alright, I'm in touch with my guy and he's emailed his super to find out if the date is avail. We're working off a printed schedule in the buildings elevator, so who knows if it's accurate, haha. Will report back when I know more.

Sadly my Gustard stack will be on loan to a friend in July, but I'm hoping that I'll have the HE-1000s for everyone to listen to, along with my Schiit gear and about 6 other sets of cans. I also have a couple custom cables (Norse, YFS, Silver Moon) to audition, and about 4 sets of tubes for the Lyr.

It'll be awesome to have some pro photos taken! This is shaping up to be a good event :)

I will need to have final numbers before the date of - the newly renovated room is smaller than it was, and I'm not sure what a comfortable capacity would be. Based on eyeballing it the last time I was there, I would suspect once tables are setup a reasonable number would be 30 at most.


thats a shame they cut down the size of that party room so much. The old room was a bit too much. But to cut down to only 30 max cap. What dod they do with rhe rest of the space?
Jun 4, 2015 at 8:00 PM Post #233 of 275
thats a shame they cut down the size of that party room so much. The old room was a bit too much. But to cut down to only 30 max cap. What dod they do with rhe rest of the space?

New tiny condo.
Jun 5, 2015 at 1:45 PM Post #235 of 275
I ended up writing a short review, maybe give people a fair warning who are in the same boat i was in, blinded by flashy biased reviews.
Nice review. I posted similar thoughts in MacedonianHero's roundup thread as well. Great cans, very neutral, detailed and natural... But a bit too unexciting for portable use. I need something with a bit more V or U for out and about use to cut through background noise and get me moving.
Jun 6, 2015 at 2:40 AM Post #236 of 275
Nice review. I posted similar thoughts in MacedonianHero's roundup thread as well. Great cans, very neutral, detailed and natural... But a bit too unexciting for portable use. I need something with a bit more V or U for out and about use to cut through background noise and get me moving.

I agree which is why im pretty happy with my Ultrasone Pro 900's, i find that for the cost of the PM-3 i rather pay half of that and get a pair of the MDR 1A's i auditioned from Sonic Defender. I only got to use it for a split second. Im hoping if they arent sold yet, ill get to audition them again this July. Im really contimplating on buying them since theyre on sale this weekend.
Jun 6, 2015 at 7:57 AM Post #237 of 275
Still have the 1As, and yes they are very nice. Even the bass while tilted up works well. I actually think they are more balanced sounding than the Z7 which I owned at the same time.
Jun 8, 2015 at 11:28 AM Post #238 of 275
Hey guys,
I'm off to Bonnaroo tomorrow, so won't be checking this thread much over the next week and a half. I've asked my friend to book the room and pay the deposit to secure it for July 4th, time TBD.
I'll check back in when I return.
Jun 9, 2015 at 7:33 AM Post #239 of 275
Perfect brother, we'll talk to you soon.
Jun 20, 2015 at 11:31 AM Post #240 of 275
Okay, so July 4th will be here soon so time for a head-count. Who is attending? I will be attempting to do a blind listening test using the amazing Schiit Yaddrasil DAC and a NAD M51. The goal of the test is simply to see if there is a preference for one sound signature over another. We need 5 volunteer test subjects who will be willing to do 10 trials listening to a two minute section of the same song which will be by Holly Cole, the song is One Trick Pony. We need identical conditions so there can't be any changing of the material. I have selected this track as it is extremely well recorded and features several key elements (acoustic and electric instruments, percussion and female vocals).
There will be a brief break of about one minute between each trial for users so approximately 30 minutes per subject will be required. Hopefully we can do this in such a way as to have the least impact on the rest of the meet. I think it is very important as here on head-fi nobody ever seems to take advantage of headphone meets to do any blind listening tests and this will allow our meet to start what I hope becomes a head-fi meet trend of actual blind listening tests. This may take about 2.5 hours all told, but it doesn't have to happen in one continuous time (although that would be ideal).
So, who is attending and would like to be a test subject? Thanks for helping with this.

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