Oriolus Traillii Electrostatic Hybrid IEM discussion thread
Jun 26, 2021 at 8:37 PM Post #3,289 of 8,096
Elysian sounds amazing! Always happy to see stuff growing out of the DIY scene. I was thinking of how to get more people interested in DIY, as most avoid it due to being a hassle with UV resin and all that. Maybe offer a very reasonably priced DIY kit with a 3D printed shell, so people can skip the whole messy resin and tubing part? Might be a pretty fun thing to assemble😄
Jun 26, 2021 at 8:38 PM Post #3,290 of 8,096
Elysian sounds amazing! Always happy to see stuff growing out of the DIY scene. I was thinking of how to get more people interested in DIY, as most avoid it due to being a hassle with UV resin and all that. Maybe offer a very reasonably priced DIY kit with a 3D printed shell, so people can skip the whole messy resin and tubing part? Might be a pretty fun thing to assemble😄

I’m too lazy to hand wash my own car, can’t even imagine trying to make my own IEM. I’ll leave that to the pros and buy what sounds good. Lol.
Jun 26, 2021 at 9:07 PM Post #3,291 of 8,096
I’m too lazy to hand wash my own car, can’t even imagine trying to make my own IEM. I’ll leave that to the pros and buy what sounds good. Lol.
I absolutely love DIY kits. I love them so much, I pay someone to build it for me like I did my Bottlehead Crack. I know my limitations. If I built it, it would suck.
Jun 26, 2021 at 9:20 PM Post #3,292 of 8,096
Morning listening session with the HM1000 Quad.

I'm cross-threading here but if you want to try very reasonably-priced and very good EST IEMs, the Tansai Mirai Land and Spark are worth listening to.

I've paired Land and Sparks with the Orpheus and they scale very well, with Sparks closer to Trailli-type signature and Land with 1DD having faster bass.
Jun 26, 2021 at 9:25 PM Post #3,293 of 8,096
Morning listening session with the HM1000 Quad.
I'm cross-threading here but if you want to try very reasonably-priced and very good EST IEMs, the Tansai Mirai Land and Spark are worth listening to.

I've paired Land and Sparks with the Orpheus and they scale very well, with Sparks closer to Trailli-type signature and Land with 1DD having faster bass.
How do you like the HM1000 with the birdie?
Jun 26, 2021 at 11:06 PM Post #3,297 of 8,096
This was fun :) sorry for the close up on my nails..

This was great!!! I never quite saw the details and couldn’t be bothered to use a magnifying class to examine the bird since my eyesight is quite bad. Thanks!!
Jun 26, 2021 at 11:07 PM Post #3,298 of 8,096
A bit of listening this afternoon and I visited a couple of my "test" songs.

First was Daniel Lanois' "The Maker".. I recently rediscovered this album after probably 20 years of not listening to it (can't believe it's over 30 years old.. damn i feel old).
It's one of those timeless albums and "The Maker" is one of my favourite songs maybe of all time..
Anyway.. .. There are several things I listen to just in the opening .. the bass can sound very close, and in some iems unnaturally so, as if panning in the ears back and forth and can even be distracting. Then there is the "ting" of the high hat and the timbre of the snare.. all this before the voice comes in.
The Elysium with the C9 was the best I've heard this. Tonality was spot on as was the timbre. The bass was still close but not enough to distract me and the timbre of the vocals was enough for me to just listen to the song.. Isabellae is pretty good but the bass is much more in the ears. I can still enjoy the song fine though.

The bass on the Traillii is something else.. I've never heard this piece like this. It's perfectly placed. I'm not sure if it's an effect of the recording but the bass has just enough space to do it's pan but never "in the ears". Everything is sounding just spot on.. There doesn't seem to be something of a tuning where one thing is predominantly good and something else is compromised for it. It's like everything is good. If there is something... maybe... I might say is a bit better in the Elysium might be the timbre of the vocals but on the other hand, in the Traillii the vocals sound more "real" but maybe with a bit less smoothness.. This is a trade off where each are better in a different way. Again, this is the best I've heard this song and in itself goes a long way to quelling my lingering guilt at the price.

Second track is a local vocal group singing Imogen Heap's "hide and seek".. I just love the harmonies and the tightness of their singing. Amazing timing and overall just a joy to listen to. Again, the Elysium does a fine job of this but the Traillii seems to give each voice a bit more of it's own character so I can pretty much focus on any one singer if I want or just let to sound of the harmonies wash over me. In this every listen is unique.

Jun 27, 2021 at 12:15 AM Post #3,300 of 8,096

tweet tweet.

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