Open Cans to Pair with uDAC
Feb 8, 2011 at 2:41 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 17


New Head-Fier
Feb 7, 2011
Hi everyone, this is my first post here!  I've spent many, many hours reading this absolute wealth of information and decided it's time for me to contribute to some of the rookie questions on here! :p
I'm fairly new to the hi-fi scene and have had limited experience with different phones.  I currently have a pair of Nuforce ne-6's that I use for their portability.  I also have a pair of Grado sr-60's for at home.  I just recently got a nuforce udac and I love it to death.  It completely transformed both of my headphones (the ne-6's more-so).
For the mean time, I would like to stick to the udac being my amplifier.  But I would like to move away from the sr-60's.  I love the brilliant midrange but I find them faaaaar to sibilant to listen to.  Furthermore, as much as i've tried, they're just uncomfortable to wear; especially with glasses.  I would like a more laid back full size, open can.  I've heard a pair of HD600's on a rockhopper (cant remember the model) amp and loved their huge soundstage and detail.  However i'm not convinced i'm ready for something that analytical.  
Things like k601, k701 and HD555 and HD595 come to mind after reading about this kind of headphone.  But what can I reasonably get away with using my udac?  I'm not really sure how much of a phone it can drive.  Am I better off to save my pennies and get an amp like a little dot mkII first?  I was looking to spend around $200 but i'm a little flexible.  
Musical tastes: pink floyd (lots of it!), ratatat, a variety of indie, light rock...
Thanks everyone!
Feb 8, 2011 at 2:48 PM Post #2 of 17
My HFI-580 are a tad bright, but I wouldn't call them sibilant...they're have a high end sparkle, but "sss" in the vocals don't stand out like most sibilant headphones. They have tons of bass and are a blast to listen to. Ratatat sounds great. They are closed, though offer up a fairly large soundstage. The only real downside to them is that they're not the most comfortable headphone around.
The AKG K702 are better headphones, but they're not quite as fun...they're the very definition of analytical, and are quite sibilant to boot.
The HD555 and HD595 are pretty unimpressive when stacked up against the HD600 or HFI580, IMO.
Feb 8, 2011 at 3:00 PM Post #3 of 17
The HFI580 doesnt sound like something I'd be too interested in but I'll put it on my list for sure.  Would you happen to know how the k701's would fair with a small solid state amp like my udac?
Feb 8, 2011 at 3:20 PM Post #4 of 17
The HD600 is too analytical, but the k701 isn't? I don't think so. What is your opinion on the Grados? I you love them for reasons other than the sibilance, you might want to look at the SR225i. It's a nice upgrade, they got rid of the sibilance, and it's easy to amp. You might also want to try the G-cush which is supposed to make them more comfortable with glasses...
The uDAC isn't much of an amp. I realize it's above your budget but it sounds like you would really like a k601, combined with a nice amp around $150. If open back headphones aren't a necessity, I would look at the Shure SRH840
The problem with the $200 budget is that most headphones in this price range need an amp, while most less expensive don't need one as much. Then you're left with a ton of choices that total around $100 and $300 with not much in between... I was actually in the same position last week, and I decided to go with a used SR225i and Mini^3 amp (my first Grado).
Feb 8, 2011 at 4:13 PM Post #5 of 17
Sorry I really have no idea what the k701 sounds like in person... I'm just basing off of reviews.  
What I dont like most about my grados is the sibilance.  And when I eq them a little to tone it down, I lose the finer details on the top end... Secondly, things like pianos and bass strums sound veeery smooth and nice but dont have the impact other phones I have listened to have.  (i'm not grado-hating here i'm just being a concerned owner :p )
I think you're right, the k601 might be what I'm looking for.  It's only $240 shipped from ebay.  What kind of amp would you suggest for that?
Feb 8, 2011 at 5:37 PM Post #6 of 17
Don't be, haha. The k701 is one of the most detailed and non-impactful cans you can get, FYI.
Where did you get $240? I'm coming up with $200 new, and about $170 for a used pair!
I'm really not that experienced in amps, so I don't know enough to give you a recommendation. I would either wait for a more knowledgeable person to come along, or post a thread in the amplifier section about it.
Feb 8, 2011 at 7:08 PM Post #12 of 17

I wouldn't say so if I haven't.

Why not share thoughts then.?
Personally, it is a fair drives my K702's decently. (not bad for a portable)
Also, had the chance to hook them up to my cousin 601's and i was pleased by the sound. 
Im not by any means saying that is a perfect match (unleash the hp's full potential) 
Feb 8, 2011 at 8:04 PM Post #14 of 17
That's the problem. While the Mini^3 is a perfectly good portable amplifier, it pales in comparison to many desktop amplifiers available at that price range. I believe that the SSMH and the Little Dot I+ are superior to the Mini^3. However, the Mini^3 is not bad, especially if you want to carry your setup around.
I wouldn't say so if I haven't.

Why not share thoughts then.?
Personally, it is a fair drives my K702's decently. (not bad for a portable)
Also, had the chance to hook them up to my cousin 601's and i was pleased by the sound. 
Im not by any means saying that is a perfect match (unleash the hp's full potential) 

Feb 8, 2011 at 10:32 PM Post #15 of 17
$200 new and about $40 for shipping for me...
It sounds like the 601 is something I'd like but you guys are sure the udac isnt enough?  Who makes the mini^3?  I've seen it mentioned oodles of times but I know almost nothing about it.  
Another headphone that i've heard lots about is the Fostex T50RP... Any thoughts on that?  For the most part it seems like untested waters but it's been getting great reviews and it should be fairly easy to drive (~40ohms).  

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