One side of Shure SE530 louder than the other
Oct 28, 2015 at 9:29 PM Post #16 of 19
So glad I found this forum/thread! Here's my story. Bought the SE530PTH back in the day (2006-2007 maybe?) as IEMs for a band situation. I make my living as a professional musician and back then didn't know much about IEMs other than that they cost alot! After not too long the right side faded away to nothing. Being on the road asll the time I just got frustrated and tossed them in a drawer and forgot about them vowing never to buy Shure again. Although I must say they sounded pretty badass.
Fast forward to 2013 and I find these suckers in a drawer and I figure eh what the heck and I have them sent out with my custom molds and have them remolded. They come back a few weeks later and man they fit great, and sounded super! Thrilled!! Six months later BOOM! right said dead again. Now I pretty ticked off. Send them back to the vendor and they repair them. About a month ago here we go again right side dies. My sound engineer recommends the trash can but the the cost of even new triple driver custom IEMs these days are up there so I call the vendor and we're talking about repair again.
And then with a little Google magic I find this thread. A nice thin wire and a good cleaning and I'm back in business and they sound killer! Great bass response for IEMs that are 8 years old or whatever they are. 

Thanks all!! Wahooo!!
May 3, 2016 at 11:32 PM Post #17 of 19
raymartinimusic, Do you mind elaborating a bit on how you fixed them yourself?  Did you use alcohol or just the regular stick with the wire loop at the end?  The right side of my UE 18 Pro CIEMs just got super quiet.  I'm thinking of adding a headphone amp with balance to compensate but actually fixing them is preferable to a workaround.  Thanks.
Oct 30, 2016 at 4:58 PM Post #18 of 19
I dint know where to start with my Shure Se315's, they have been nothing but a disaster since i got them.
I have the SE315 earphones, (now my 7th edition), and to date they still cannot survive more than 2 weeks of mild use before packing up with the exact same issue each time, namely the speakers fading then stopping all together. I have followed every step in terms of care, followed your internet instructional videos on cleaning and everything in between but it does nothing to help. The connections and sound channels are like new, shiny, clean and clear yet they don’t work. 
Having looked for answers I cannot help but notice forums like this with people reposting the exact same issues, which seem either to look towards broken cabling OR poor connections between the cable and speaker. Either way it cannot excuse the fact that as a consumer I have no recourse other than sending these units for constant repair. I cannot fathom how any company can find it acceptable to leave their consumers annoyed and with a clearly defected product. I could accept to agree that certain high performance items might be sensitive to external elements but no so sensitive that they cannot survive 2 weeks in standard use situations.
I sent 2 emails to Share regarding this, the last of which clearly did not even merit a reply, and the one prior to that was flippant and dismissive to say the least. I have had these things repaired 2 more time since my first mails to them and guess hat....they still don't work. I NEED A PROPER SOLUTION PLEASE as virgin megastores will no longer deal with it!!!!!!
Jan 22, 2017 at 12:02 PM Post #19 of 19
Although I don't have the SE530, I have the same issue with my SE315. I've watched the vids and as many threads as I could and have been cleaning them but one ear (right) is still very low. I can swap the side, try a new cable, etc and its specific to the right-side headphone.
After watching the 535 mod thread, and that I can order a new single unit from Shure($100.00) as I am out of warranty, I decided to pop the wax plug filter out to see if it was that or a damaged earphone. Come to find out it was the wax filter plug. As soon as I pulled it out (broke the paper filter in the process so no longer useable) the device volume was actually louder than the left side.
Before I order a new one, can you get replacement wax plugs for these things?   

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