Official Sony DMP-Z1 Thread
Jun 3, 2019 at 4:00 PM Post #991 of 4,470
DMP and it main purpose :p

Jun 3, 2019 at 4:58 PM Post #992 of 4,470
I had a chance to listen to dmp z1 in a more extended setting. It’s tonality is certainly similar to the wm1 series. It has potential which I think M9 could not display.

My issue is the tonality, I prefer the r2r2k tonality. But I can see myself getting the z1 down the line.
I don’t see myself loading two 512 GB microsd and 256 GB and navigate via that screen.
I see myself using an iPad Pro and a USB C for sure, that is the best experience one can hope for.

I agree with the small sceeen issue. But... how will the iPad Pro/USBc help to solve this issue ? Until SONY dévelop an iPad App, You canot manage the playback of the music via your iPad unless the music is stored on the iPad Pro, and not on the Z1 ? .
Jun 3, 2019 at 5:32 PM Post #993 of 4,470
With the implementation of DAC functionality on the WM1Z Sony hit a home run. One can connect an iPhone - or iPad - to the unit and use the iOS screen and respective app (Tidal, Qobuz etc.).
I do not know if the Z1 has a USB port and the ability to function as a DAC fed by an iOS device?
Jun 3, 2019 at 5:37 PM Post #994 of 4,470
With the implementation of DAC functionality on the WM1Z Sony hit a home run. One can connect an iPhone - or iPad - to the unit and use the iOS screen and respective app (Tidal, Qobuz etc.).
I do not know if the Z1 has a USB port and the ability to function as a DAC fed by an iOS device?
It has USB C port and support DAC functionality
Jun 3, 2019 at 5:44 PM Post #995 of 4,470
Yes but I really wonder if Z1 used as a DAC feed via USB by an iPAD will sound as good as if the Z1 plays from it's internal memory ! I doubt !
Jun 3, 2019 at 5:52 PM Post #996 of 4,470
Yes but I really wonder if Z1 used as a DAC feed via USB by an iPAD will sound as good as if the Z1 plays from it's internal memory ! I doubt !

I use my WM1Z as a DAC playing TIDAL and am quite happy.
These days what counts for me is TIDAL playback and not music I own (and I'm an older guy who grew up buying music so 7k records and 3k CD's). So memory card playback is not important.
These days I no longer buy anything - all new music is listened to via streaming. I have many other fellow hi end friends, all of us with serious $ systems, and many have stopped buying music and just stream. Saving quite a bit of money in the process
Jun 3, 2019 at 5:55 PM Post #997 of 4,470
So if the Z has DAC capability I guess in the end it must be evaluated as an $8k DAC vs. others out there in that price range. There is a lot of competition- Naim & Linn in 2 channel land, Chord, Lavry etc.
Jun 4, 2019 at 2:09 AM Post #999 of 4,470
The DMP to me is a desktop DAC at 8K pricing, the portability with headphones is a bonus

You are the only person with the know how and experience to test out how DMP function as a pure DAC from its 4.4mm out. I saw your HD800s, and it does sound good, but please try the HD820 with the Sony. It is a different level.
Jun 4, 2019 at 4:30 AM Post #1,000 of 4,470
You are the only person with the know how and experience to test out how DMP function as a pure DAC from its 4.4mm out. I saw your HD800s, and it does sound good, but please try the HD820 with the Sony. It is a different level.
I tried the hd820, but I didn’t like it :). I guess it is a matter of taste
Jun 4, 2019 at 4:59 AM Post #1,002 of 4,470
Yes but I really wonder if Z1 used as a DAC feed via USB by an iPAD will sound as good as if the Z1 plays from it's internal memory ! I doubt !
You have asked with too many variables in the questions . But your assumptions are correct, neither streaming nor USB digitally feeding DMP is going to sound as good as DMP and a proper SACD DSF or CD and WAV is going to sound on the DMP.

These are a can of worms, and I will just lay out what I have tested and observed so far. You can test it and decide for yourself , and not necessarily be in agreement with me. But I will share it out here anyways.

1/ internal memory and MicroSD on DMP is read and run by Sony Walkman OS. This OS by itself is made for music and by enthusiasts. It is known and revered as the best OS for music. It isn’t available anywhere else, but Sony Walkman and Sony product. Even android Walkman isn’t the same. A few years back when NW ZX2 was released, people dreamed of a system with Walkman OS and touch screen where it wasn’t available and was just a Dream.

2/ Ipad and IOS, I gotta say that IPad and it IOS are a better OS for music and streaming. But it still wouldn’t stack up to Sony Walkman OS. But between IOS, Android, Windows, Linux, then I would rate Linux > IOS > Windows > Android ...LoL...yes I tested it with my ears, and even tried to use the same YouTube, if you wanted to use DMP as DAC, then IOS will sound as the better choices.

When you realized both #1 and #2, then you will be worrying about the Player app, it could be windows media player, jriver, fooBar, HQPlayer.....etc....regardless....non of them is going to outperform Walkman and Walkman OS. You don’t have to take up my words for it, I believe you can hear the differences just fine.

Furthermore, when you realized that much. The reason why DMP has no WiFi and capability to stream online YouTube or QoBuz, Tidal is the complications between compatibility and music performances. That is why there is LDAC. But regardless of what connections as I mentioned, you are not going to get the best of your music by streaming. Maybe trying to find it on an SACD or CD and rip it to DMP and you will enjoy it much better. But if streaming is a must, then LDAC will serve you better. You can opt for Camera kit and USB cable to DMP, and it is better than Bluetooth . It sound a tad bit better (but I rather Bluetooth here), and technically speaking, your player cut down from another fold-unfold processing, but that still isn’t going to smear at DMP and MicroSD storage.

Agree that it's all a matter of personal taste.

I've posted before but I have found that Focal Stellias pair magically with the DMP-Z1 (using the balanced connection). Puts a smile on my face every time that I listen.

Yes, Stellia was great, and so is Z7 MKii. But I love my HD800s, a furutech connector with pentaconn and Litz cooper wires will bring improvements. Non of the dynamic full-size at Canjam NYC would pull me away from my hd800S....not Empyrean....and even so, Stax SR009 and a T2 would make HD800S cry
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Jun 4, 2019 at 5:47 AM Post #1,003 of 4,470
Here are PML capacitors, those are in multiple color as a result of vaporized deposit of dielectric layer in films. They have different colors, but you will realize them immediately

You will see larger POS caps from Panasonic as well, they are black casing with marked polarity as seen in this picture

F-resistor everywhere here (F marked with black casing)

This picture is from audio circuitry between digital to DAC conversion and as I mentioned, Sony designed DMP as a statement piece to totally dedicate toward music and eliminate “jitters, acoustic noises that generate through components”. When speaking about digital music, then we gotta count precision and tolerances, you will see a lot of F-resistors and 0.01% tolerances here on the boards as well.

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Jun 5, 2019 at 6:11 PM Post #1,004 of 4,470
Time to baby and take a nap with my “Sit-Man” . On the go with the back pack and he becomes “Pack-man”....yes, biggest sibling of “Walk-Man”

Regardless of what you want to call him/her. The beauty in both appearances and sound performances will be unmistakably “Musical!”

It is also Fun! To listening to music, and wiping off your own finger prints on the surface :wink:

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Jun 5, 2019 at 9:14 PM Post #1,005 of 4,470
This is a picture I took the first time I listen to it. Sony is a weird company, they are always getting there but are not quiet there for me. The least they could have done is put the WM1A screen on it. All and all for now I have to give it a pass. I was lucky enough to test the new marantz sa-10 which cost the same as the DMP. SA-10 upsamples everything to DSD256 using its own algorithm. It also function as SACD player, etc. I did not have a chance to do a side by side comparison, but if sound alone was my concern, god it sounded very good, dare I say better than DMP.

Issue with it is, it is not portable, it has function I don't need, and basically that is why DMP is still more appealing.
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