Official NY Meet Sat June 18
Apr 13, 2005 at 11:44 PM Post #61 of 389

Originally Posted by jpelg
I can do that, Tom.

Let me know if you need any help, Jimmy.

Should we start to list things we're willing to donate?
Apr 13, 2005 at 11:48 PM Post #62 of 389

Originally Posted by immtbiker
I'm open for anything...but I think that if we have 30 people and everyone chips in $15, then Tom can pay off the rental fee. If we have more, than we can discuss what to do with the excess. Maybe donate it to Jude's operating costs, or become a group sponsor as the New Yawk bunch. It's 1 CD worth of money compared to what we spend money on. IMHO LMNOP.

If we have excess maybe we can hold it in a "NYC chapter Head-Fi fund" so that if we're in the situation where we have to rent a place again we already have a little seed money. Donating it back to Head-Fi isn't a bad idea, either.

I think we should still leave it as a donation however and not make it mandatory. Not everyone spends megabucks on audio equipment.
Apr 14, 2005 at 12:09 AM Post #63 of 389

Originally Posted by MrSlacker
he is talking about giving away his SR200 and SOLO to 25th person that comes in. right Jahn?


BUt if Erikzen is handling the silent auction, I don't mind handling the door prize - otherwise known as "Jahn's Booby Prizes." Yes, step right up to get all the great stuff no one in their right mind would bid on in a silent auction! Jahn's leftover firewire cable! Jahn's Banana Hanger headphone stand with moldy cosmetic foam cushion (well, that is if Headphile puts out a headphone stand in the near future!) Hmm, what else? Oh I know - The rest of the free CDs you guys didn't pick up last time around because they were too awful! Hmm, Jahn's old Blank CD-R spindle you can glue to the wall and use as a earbud headphone stand? The hits keep coming!

You don't think I'm serious but I am. I dare to bring it all if I make it in June!
Apr 14, 2005 at 12:15 AM Post #64 of 389

Originally Posted by jpelg
I can do that, Tom.

Ok Jimmy its your ball.
I would rather it be donations & not mandatory ,I don't want anyone not to come because of lack of funds.
To get the ball rolling I am going to donate a NEC 6x caddy drive & some caddies.
Apr 14, 2005 at 1:42 AM Post #65 of 389
I hope to attend and see some of the faces behind the keystrokes.
Apr 14, 2005 at 2:41 AM Post #66 of 389
Driving to Long Island from NYC will eat $20 in gas money alone.

I might give it a shot as Im a little closer (queens)
Apr 14, 2005 at 3:34 AM Post #67 of 389

Originally Posted by bundee1
Driving to Long Island from NYC will eat $20 in gas money alone.

I might give it a shot as Im a little closer (queens)

Flushing to Babylon is about 30 miles so unless you're driving a boat, it's going to be less than $20.

See you there.
Apr 14, 2005 at 4:01 AM Post #68 of 389
I'm in Jackson Heights. If someone in the area has a car, I can chip in gas money. But we gotta get there early to help setup, and probably stay late for the auction results & breakdown the room.
Apr 14, 2005 at 6:35 PM Post #69 of 389
In case there are any jazz fans coming to NYC for the meet, I see that Dave Holland and Wayne Shorter are playing at Carnegie Hall on 6/17. I may try to go if I come up for the meet and can get tickets.
Apr 14, 2005 at 9:09 PM Post #70 of 389
After seeing the nametags in action, I am SO sold on them!

Anyhow for we folks in Manhattan, we can meet up in Penn Station again and take the LIRR up together again eh? A bit longer ride is all...
Apr 18, 2005 at 6:40 PM Post #72 of 389

Originally Posted by Canman
Sorry guys, I don't think I'll be able to make it. I'm doing some traveling in June.

Sorry to hear that ,See you at the next one.
Apr 18, 2005 at 10:51 PM Post #73 of 389

Originally Posted by Canman
Sorry guys, I don't think I'll be able to make it. I'm doing some traveling in June.

Say what? Say it ain't so....
Apr 19, 2005 at 5:15 AM Post #74 of 389

Originally Posted by Canman
Sorry guys, I don't think I'll be able to make it. I'm doing some traveling in June.

Happy Trails, B!

Send pics? e-postcards? Anecdotes?
Apr 19, 2005 at 9:46 PM Post #75 of 389
Is it customary for people who plan on attending to list the equipment that they plan on bringing? I’d sort of like to know so that the anticipation can build. There is much equipment that I would love a chance to audition.

I’ll start.

I am planning on bringing:

AKG K1000
Exemplar Audio 3910 (full bore modified Denon 3910 with tube outputs and Siltech G6 wiring)
Exemplar Audio modified ASL MG Head OTL/32 (Siltech internal wiring)
Grado SR-325i
Boat loads of Siltech (Power and Interconnect cables)

Portable rig
Archos AV420
Meier Porta Corda mkII
Etymotic ER-4S (you’ll excuse me if I don’t share these)

If there is a shortage of sources I can also bring a Pioneer DV-47ai, DV-414 and an EAD DSP-7000

The items that I am most anxious to audition are: MDR SA-5000/3000 and dare I mention the Qualia 010

Anyway… I look forward to meeting everyone.


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