Official JVC HA-RX700 Owner's/Appreciation Thread-Only Unmodded Observations, Please!!!
Nov 4, 2009 at 10:18 PM Post #62 of 95
Some are more sensitive to the weight of headphones than others. I'm not bothered by the weight of full size headphones. As far as the RX700 / RX900 and clamping pressure, they are completely adjustable. Just bend the overhead bar to however loose or tight fitting you want, and it will fit practically any size head.


Originally Posted by Graphicism /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What weight? I'm 160 pounds and don't feel 11.5oz on my head... they are probably the most comfortable headphones I've tried, less pressure than a D2000 and the band is similar to that of a Sony SA.

Nov 4, 2009 at 10:35 PM Post #63 of 95
I thought the clamping was perfect personally. It was the weight, size and headband. It may be I am unique in this, but they were just to heavy and the size of the cans took up too much of my face to be comfortable. Too each his own. I think I am going to try the s700 which have similar response times, but only weigh 5.5oz.
Nov 7, 2009 at 8:18 PM Post #64 of 95
Mine came this morning. Packaging has to be broken into so bear this in mind if you're thinking of buying from a company whose returns policy requires undamaged packaging. Plug has a loose connection and the right channel keeps cutting out so they're going back.

The few hours I've managed to listen to them didn't convince me to get a replacement. I'd expected more bass than my HD595s but they seem to have the same quantity. I appreciate they weren't burned in but I understand from others' reviews, that bass quantity doesn't increase with burn-in, it just gets tighter.

Very comfortable though - not heavy and the clamping is just right - and I'm sure the congested sound would improve with burn-in/modding. They're just not the phones I was looking for.
Dec 28, 2009 at 12:59 AM Post #66 of 95
I got my HARX a few days ago, and so far, I like them a lot. They're kinda tight, but that's not much of a problem. I haven't completely burned them in yet, so the base is still a little weak, but they sound better every time I listen to them. I'm a bit worried about their durability, as they creak a lot, but it doesn't seem to affect the sound.
Dec 28, 2009 at 2:08 AM Post #67 of 95
just curious, modded rx700 vs rx900, which sound better? lol.. Ive read that unmodded , that the rx700s are more balanced compared to the rx900s. But say I mod either one, and slap a fiio e5 on it. Sorry im a noob, Im considering either one of these.
Jan 19, 2010 at 4:02 AM Post #68 of 95
i just got mine a couple days ago, but i have noticed the right side makes this sort of rattling sound or maybe static when the bass is very deep, the left side sounds nice and smooth, so are they gonna maybe get better after some more days of "burn in" or should i send them back?
Jan 20, 2010 at 4:18 AM Post #71 of 95
I've been using my RX700s for a few days now, and I'm thrilled with them. I can't say they're a giant killer or anything, as I'm new to even mid-fi quality sound. All I can say is that they are incredibly satisfying to me in detail and sound signature. They remind me of my RE2s, but with a warmer, fuller sound, which is exactly what I was looking for. They certainly are light years ahead of the one-note bass and brain-piercing highs of the crappy phones I've had in the past.
Jan 21, 2010 at 4:37 PM Post #72 of 95
Unfortunately I understand the head problem. I am beginning to hate myself for having a sensitive head because it seems every pair of headphones tend to give me a headache from the pressure they exert on my skin.
Feb 11, 2010 at 4:11 AM Post #73 of 95
I was gonna start a new thread, but hey, let's keep this one a goin'.

I've only got 24hrs burn-in on my new 700s, but right out of the box I was VERY impressed. They are my sixth set of full-size cans. My first were Grado SR60s, which I've used pretty much daily for several years. But I wanted more detail and bass. So I got a pair of Beyer DT770 Pros, which have bass of course, but not the Grado's detail. A tried some other cheap Beyers and Senns, but hated them.

Finally, a swallowed hard and got some AKG K601s. I expected them to be detailed but perhaps a bit bass shy. They are detailed but bass shy. I know they have a very flat signature, but obviously that's not what my ears like.

So, I'm several hundred into this (sorry wallet!) and no satisfaction. Sheesh, how hard can this be? I mean, have a pair of KSC75s that, for general use, I like more than all of these, and they cost me $7.

I was still burning in my AKGs when, reading great reviews on these cans, I figure, what the hell, they're $35 new. And they are absolutely slammin'. I've thrown all by favorite test tracks at them, and everything works. They don't have the sparkle of my Grados, granted. The AKGs are great for jazz. But the JVCs are punchy and fun, surprisingly balanced, and the bass is excellent without being too much. Like my KSC75s, they just make me smile. Can't wait to see what a week of burn-in brings out.

So, if I like my (cheap) KSC75s and HA-RX700s, and just want the same but better, what next? I'm thinking about moving up the Grado line, maybe to 225s. Anyone?
Feb 11, 2010 at 1:50 PM Post #74 of 95

Originally Posted by harkari /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I was gonna start a new thread, but hey, let's keep this one a goin'.

I've only got 24hrs burn-in on my new 700s, but right out of the box I was VERY impressed. They are my sixth set of full-size cans. My first were Grado SR60s, which I've used pretty much daily for several years. But I wanted more detail and bass. So I got a pair of Beyer DT770 Pros, which have bass of course, but not the Grado's detail. A tried some other cheap Beyers and Senns, but hated them.

Finally, a swallowed hard and got some AKG K601s. I expected them to be detailed but perhaps a bit bass shy. They are detailed but bass shy. I know they have a very flat signature, but obviously that's not what my ears like.

So, I'm several hundred into this (sorry wallet!) and no satisfaction. Sheesh, how hard can this be? I mean, have a pair of KSC75s that, for general use, I like more than all of these, and they cost me $7.

I was still burning in my AKGs when, reading great reviews on these cans, I figure, what the hell, they're $35 new. And they are absolutely slammin'. I've thrown all by favorite test tracks at them, and everything works. They don't have the sparkle of my Grados, granted. The AKGs are great for jazz. But the JVCs are punchy and fun, surprisingly balanced, and the bass is excellent without being too much. Like my KSC75s, they just make me smile. Can't wait to see what a week of burn-in brings out.

So, if I like my (cheap) KSC75s and HA-RX700s, and just want the same but better, what next? I'm thinking about moving up the Grado line, maybe to 225s. Anyone?

Felt mod them! Assuming you haven't, that is. You'll get a lot more detail after you do the very simple(and tool-less) felt mod. It's a very essential mod that so far I haven't heard anyone complain about. It's the same as the felt mod for the RX900, except you don't have an acoustic lens to remove with a screwdriver. You might also like the foam mod for better soundstaging.

Glad you're enjoying them; there's something immesnely satisfying about getting such great sound for 35 bucks.
Feb 11, 2010 at 3:18 PM Post #75 of 95

Originally Posted by Napilopez /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Felt mod them! Assuming you haven't, that is. You'll get a lot more detail after you do the very simple(and tool-less) felt mod. It's a very essential mod that so far I haven't heard anyone complain about. It's the same as the felt mod for the RX900, except you don't have an acoustic lens to remove with a screwdriver. You might also like the foam mod for better soundstaging.

I think I'll get a second pair for modding. So far, I've never liked what mods have done for my other cans, but I'm prepared to be surprised.

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