Official 2006 (Inter)National Meet - April 22nd & 23rd
Apr 1, 2006 at 5:13 AM Post #301 of 607

Originally Posted by Chefguru
Back from the dead! Sign me up for the meet.

Chefguru...anyone signed up after the 22nd is wait listed. We will know who we can fit in from the wait list, the week before the meet. Check the first page for attendees and wait list. Also, please post if you want to attend on Sunday, and let Jahn know what equipment you will be bringing if we can squeeze you in.
Apr 4, 2006 at 7:49 AM Post #303 of 607
Pity I've underestimated the membership boom, since I hadn't thought there would be a waiting list. I malingered astride the P.S. 230 Doris L. Cohen fence until just now, when a Head-fi crony at work informed me of the deadline. This would be the first meet I'd ever attended, since I value my anonymity.

If only. No matter. Do insert me into your squat list, big boy, plus one.
Apr 4, 2006 at 2:17 PM Post #304 of 607
I know we can't show favouritism... but Scrypt HAS to come!
Apr 4, 2006 at 2:40 PM Post #305 of 607

Originally Posted by philodox
I know we can't show favouritism... but Scrypt HAS to come!

No kidding, he's a living legend! Young lad, prepare the gilded "Annonymous" and "Guest of Annonymous" name tags at once!
Apr 4, 2006 at 2:55 PM Post #306 of 607

Originally Posted by philodox
I know we can't show favouritism... but Scrypt HAS to come!

agreed. It would really suck if a great poster like scrypt were left out in the cold, with all of the 10 post people who are bringing guests. I think there should be some way of handling this situation, but I'm not sure what it is. Maybe a pool of discretionary last minute spots held back to be distributed at immtbiker or jahn's whim? (edit: I meant this more as a suggestion for future meets, and used immt and jahn as examples. Though if we're not hard up against the attendance cap, I think this is a reasonable thing to do for this meet also)

Also, is there going to be any effort to confirm attendance from everyone on the list? It's not fair to leave people on the waitlist out for spots that end up unclaimed.

What's the attendance cap, anyway?
Apr 4, 2006 at 3:08 PM Post #307 of 607
By April 15th the front page will be updated with who made it from the waiting list - there's only room for 250, and that includes the folks at the vendor tables. We'll do what we can to get everyone in there, but there might be some folks left out, waiting for last minute cancellations between the 15th and the meet. I'll keep a waiting list active for those poor souls.

So please, if you know you aren't coming, let us know, and if you know you want to come, please let us know.

The same goes for Sunday. It's more loosey goosey, but there's still a 60 person limit since the room is smaller (we aren't eating up the entire ballroom for sunday) and pretty soon we might have to do a waiting list for that deal too.

So please, if you know you aren't coming on Sunday, let us know, and if you know you want to come on Sunday, please let us know.

Apr 4, 2006 at 6:44 PM Post #308 of 607

Anybody know the hours of the meet, Sat and Sun? I'll be training in from NJ and that info would help me plan my trip.

The information that you seek is in the first post in this thread.
Apr 4, 2006 at 6:56 PM Post #309 of 607

Originally Posted by grbwitt
Anybody know the hours of the meet, Sat and Sun?
I'll be training in from NJ and that info would help me plan my trip.

George Witterschein aka in headfi grbwitt

11am - 7pm
Apr 4, 2006 at 6:57 PM Post #310 of 607
The time will be from 11am-7pm on sat and sun, but after sat's meet we'll have free food for everyone - the banquet is another reason why we need names with the headcount since partycrashers won't get a seat to eat the meat!
Apr 4, 2006 at 7:44 PM Post #311 of 607

Originally Posted by Jahn
The time will be from 11am-7pm on sat and sun, but after sat's meet we'll have free food for everyone - the banquet is another reason why we need names with the headcount since partycrashers won't get a seat to eat the meat!

afterall everyone will need hunger to cure their anxiousness for just plopping down $$$ for the gear they want. lol
Apr 4, 2006 at 8:20 PM Post #312 of 607
What's the cure for winning an incredibly nice door prize donation between $100 and $1000? Ice cream?

People...I must ask all of those who have questions, to please read the first page before asking. Most of the info that you seek is on that page, including edits. We worked very hard to make this as clear and understandable as possible, and I started this meet 6 months ago, so if anyone gets left out, it's going to be a serious shame.

We will do everything in our power to accomodate all that want to come, especially those who have shared a great deal with this community. That's what this meet is all about.

Also, please remember that donations (not only buying raffle tickets) are necessary to making this a success (success as in me not having to refinance my mortgage to pay for it), so please do the right thing when signing in at the door.

Also extension cords (30/60/100') and power strips are a must. Of course it is imperative that all members who are not getting on an airplane, bring their rigs, or else we will all be standing around waiting for the raffle and banquet.

Contributions from everyone attending (donations, gear for listening to, music, good breath and clean hair) are the things that will make this a successful meet that will go down in the record books.

We have at least 3 magazines that are going to be covering this event. And don't forget that the moderated panel discussion will be recorded for all Head-Fiers to download and share with their grandchildren.

The time is coming soon, when an idea that that started out as just a small inkling in a small brain is about to become a reality that will emulate what Head-Fi has and always will, be about.
Apr 4, 2006 at 10:18 PM Post #314 of 607

Originally Posted by immtbiker
Also extension cords (30/60/100') and power strips are a must. Of course it is imperative that all members who are not getting on an airplane, bring their rigs, or else we will all be standing around waiting for the raffle and banquet.

I'm getting on an airplane and will be bringing a good portion of my rig.

I'll be carrying on my gear, and checking my bag of clothes.

Apr 4, 2006 at 11:44 PM Post #315 of 607

Originally Posted by immtbiker
Also, please remember that donations (not only buying raffle tickets) are necessary to making this a success (success as in me not having to refinance my mortgage to pay for it), so please do the right thing when signing in at the door.

Is there any way that you could post a few figures to give some guidence as to what sort of donations you need. The reason I ask is that I want to make darn sure that neither you nor anyone else is stuck holding a bill at the end of all of this, that is simply unacceptable. What I suggest is saying something like the following, "Given that X number of people are attending on Saturday if we average Y per person in donations everything will be covered." If you don't feel comfortable with that I completely understand.


The time is coming soon, when an idea that that started out as just a small inkling in a small brain is about to become a reality that will emulate what Head-Fi has and always will, be about.

And once more, for the record, a heartfelt thanks to you and all of the others who have freely donated so much of your time and efforts to make sure that this will go down as something so much more than just another Head-Fi meet. :twothumbsup:


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