Obscure Chinese DAPs
Jan 11, 2018 at 8:18 AM Post #4,201 of 8,174
[QUOTE="Dobrescu George, post: 13968221, member: 170938"Besides battery life, there is a lot to consider when buying a DAP.[/QUOTE]

I'm well aware of that as I have many and it's exactly why I was asking for any information about the AGPTEK H3 to help make a judgement as there seems to be little available at the moment. The Shanling M2 does not offer anything extra over my M1 which interests me.
Jan 11, 2018 at 8:27 AM Post #4,202 of 8,174
[QUOTE="Dobrescu George, post: 13968221, member: 170938"Besides battery life, there is a lot to consider when buying a DAP.

I'm well aware of that as I have many and it's exactly why I was asking for any information about the AGPTEK H3 to help make a judgement as there seems to be little available at the moment. The Shanling M2 does not offer anything extra over my M1 which interests me.[/QUOTE]

I keep talking about M2s, not M2, I think the two are different devices...

M2s is really solid as a device, and besides audio improvements, which I'm quite sure it will bring, it should be one of the best budget options out there.

There is always HIFIMAN MEGAMINI as well, another solid device.
Jan 11, 2018 at 10:34 AM Post #4,205 of 8,174
Jan 11, 2018 at 12:30 PM Post #4,207 of 8,174
As I listen more to my Xduoo X10, it begin to go under my skin and I really enjoy the smooth sound and wide soundstage. This is a very non fatiguing DAP with addictive vocal presentation, wich its were it shine more, vocal float easily over a warm thick soundsignature. It pair extremely well with no too V shaped IEM and headphone, Takstar PRO82 is quite a good match as it give a little extra push in mid as well as bass and make them more musical than with brighter X3.

Who's enjoying life with X10 today??:)
Jan 11, 2018 at 12:54 PM Post #4,208 of 8,174
As I listen more to my Xduoo X10, it begin to go under my skin and I really enjoy the smooth sound and wide soundstage. This is a very non fatiguing DAP with addictive vocal presentation, wich its were it shine more, vocal float easily over a warm thick soundsignature. It pair extremely well with no too V shaped IEM and headphone, Takstar PRO82 is quite a good match as it give a little extra push in mid as well as bass and make them more musical than with brighter X3.

Who's enjoying life with X10 today??:)

Well, I am, but only because of the theft of my colorfly c10. The x10 is very good and has served me well for a long time, but the c10 was on a different level - it just made the x10 sound congested and lacking musicality next to it. I should probably order a new c10. I was eyeing the new cayin n5ii but going by the opinions here and on the Russian forums I don't think it is what I'm looking for sound-wise. Also eyeing the sony zx300 for some time, but if I decide to stick with sony I might just buy the new xduoo poke for my sony a35 as people seem to be praising it a lot and find it a big upgrade withe the zx300 to, so if I'm going to use a sony as a transport I might as well stick to the smaller footprint of the a35

Btw, I did listen more to the xduoo nano d3 today after the update and it is definitely more usable and actually if one can go without sdcard it is totally usable with files from the internal storage, so maybe I can gift it to my father soon. I don't know - it's just not what I expected both sound and software-wise. I would rather use the sony a35, which while vastly underpowered in comparison to the nano, is leap and bounds better in usability and even sounds a bit better.
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Jan 11, 2018 at 2:36 PM Post #4,211 of 8,174
I just received the F.Audio FA1 but cannot get it to see music on sd card
Don't have trouble with microSD (still not trouble about this too)....but if your in an hurry to use it, use internal 32G card....
There an update to firmware too....perhaps it can help don't know.
I guess you try more than one microSD cards too?

Hope this problem will be solve for you soon, so you can discover the sound without worries.
Jan 11, 2018 at 2:39 PM Post #4,212 of 8,174
I will be doing a review on this DAP next week.
Hi. I just bought this myself as well. Arrives Saturday I hope. Pricewise, an X1ii competitor? Just noticed that someone has just posted a review of it on amazon, and he's not best pleased, and he's posted a similarly disparaging review of the HIFI Walker too. I don't think it will be that bad. :)
Jan 11, 2018 at 2:58 PM Post #4,214 of 8,174
Got the Hidizs AP60.
Nice little unit. Good build quality, feature set, UI and sound. A nice, impressive DAP... crazy portable, and best of all, can double as a workout and EDC DAP. (Although my commute DAP is my Onkyo.)


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