NYC Brooklyn 10/14/06 - STAX ATTAX
Oct 16, 2006 at 2:14 AM Post #31 of 48

Originally Posted by jaybar
The Ayre wood blocks , under the KGSS are, in my opinion, a mixed bag. Less sizzle on top but more recessed.

The SR 404's were MUCH better with the KGSS than the 717, but so were the O2's and the SR-404's 2-4k peak, which bothered my ears, did not go away.

Makes me really wonder about 404s + KGSS + wood blocks
Oct 16, 2006 at 2:19 AM Post #32 of 48

Originally Posted by Romanee
Sadly, no.

I also saw Princess Mononoke when it opened at NYFF. Loved the film, but hated the American/Hollywood Stars' English redubbed soundtrack. Would have preferred to hear Japanese voices with English subtitles. Luckily the artwork was so beautiful it drew you in and took some of the weight off the voices & American jargon script. As one reviewer, who titled his article "Lost In Translation", said: "Leaden English dialogue from miscast voice talent diminishes the power of 'Mononoke'". (Voices of Claire Danes, Billy Crudup, Minnie Driver, Billy Bob Thorton, Gillian Anderson & Jada Pinkett Smith -- Puh-leeeeeeze.).

I guess it's time I got the Japanese DVD (if there's a version that's playable on my US region DVD player!).

The disney US version also has the original voicecast and subs if you like, as do all the disney re-releases with the exception of Totoro.
Oct 16, 2006 at 7:09 AM Post #33 of 48
Sorry been lagging in posting here... got lots of thoughts. Will have to come later. But the first one,

James, what's up with the padding in your Lambda Pros?

BTW, I don't think the m902 + Dared + SRD-7 mk2 is the best system with the Lambda Pro's. There's this sibilance there that's just kind of not good. The normally biased Lambda's are less susceptible to this. Heh, I bet the el-cheapie interconnects have something to do with it. But I also agree with lan in that the higher-end cans are more susceptible to going crazy when the rest of the system isn't in shape.

Incidentally, I preferred it with the wooden blocks.


Oct 16, 2006 at 1:29 PM Post #34 of 48

Originally Posted by Mercuttio
Really though, that Omega rig was fantastic. The last time we visited jaybar someone else brought an O2 (Romanee? You were borrowing one, right?) and an amp. I absolutely despised the O2 on that first setup... the lower end was completely out of focus and it had nothing going for it. Totally mismatched to the amp. Yesterday though, none of the same problems. Sounded so much more cohearant.

That said, there are a few things I still find a little icky about the O2. I'm pretty used to a forward midrange, and the O2's sounded recessed. Also, the upper midrange had at times a sizzle that really pulled me out of the music. Interestingly, placing wooden blocks under the amp actually helped with the sizzle.

I had brought Machead's O2 and Egmont to our previous Jaybar/Electrostatic Mini-Meet -- but I guess you forgot that the Egmont had serious problems. Firstly the tubes that came with were seriously inappropriate and the O2 sounded like noisy mud. Lan brought somewhat better tubes as he had available -- which we installed and warmed up a bit, and while the amp worked the O2 and HE60 did sound cleaner, somewhat tighter and more open.

But a problem developed wherein the HE60, after about 15 minutes, started to produce some clicks, and then no sound -- so we shut it down. So we don't know how that O2/Egmont can sound when optimized. Oddly, the Egmont at the National Meet developed a problem and I couldn't listen to that O2/Egmont combo either! (Though the McAlister EA1 was very nice). Machead is going to work on this problem himself when he has time.

When he told me he had Opera tix the same time as the meet, he offered to let me carry his new KGSS DX (enhanced with silver wiring and some other goodies) w/his O2 for comparison with Jay's KGSS, but unfortunately I couldn't make the meet. Sorry. It might have been an interesting, if subtly different, comparison.

I also would loved to have heard the O2/KGSS, and everything else there.

Oct 16, 2006 at 3:27 PM Post #35 of 48
huh? padding? something wrong with the padding? doh?
Oct 16, 2006 at 3:29 PM Post #36 of 48
Eh? You have this nice foam inside your Lambda Pros that aren't in my normal biased Lambdas. I thought you or someone added it?


Oct 16, 2006 at 3:36 PM Post #37 of 48

Originally Posted by jjcha
Eh? You have this nice foam inside your Lambda Pros that aren't in my normal biased Lambdas. I thought you or someone added it?

Could be that you somebody removed yours.
Oct 16, 2006 at 3:37 PM Post #38 of 48

Originally Posted by lan
Could be that you somebody removed yours.

Probably, but the foam in James' was too nice to be Stax foam... doesn't that stuff, at least on Sigmas, usually deteroriate to powder pretty quickly?


Oct 16, 2006 at 9:09 PM Post #39 of 48

Originally Posted by jjcha
Probably, but the foam in James' was too nice to be Stax foam... doesn't that stuff, at least on Sigmas, usually deteroriate to powder pretty quickly?

Yes, but it does look nice before it actually does so.
Oct 16, 2006 at 9:35 PM Post #40 of 48
i think it's time for you to buy some stock factory Lambda pad replacements from Audiocubes for $25 shipped! nice and puffy!
Oct 16, 2006 at 9:41 PM Post #41 of 48

Originally Posted by Jahn
i think it's time for you to buy some stock factory Lambda pad replacements from Audiocubes for $25 shipped! nice and puffy!

I believe hes talking about the foam that separates your ears from the stator. Mine is still nice and perfect, and Jahn, i seem to remember you saying yours was fine as well.
Oct 17, 2006 at 12:56 AM Post #42 of 48
Sorry, I'm so late to this thread...been quite busy, in fact, still at work right now. But I'd like to first thank Jaybar for graciously offering his place for our get together, and what a view of the Brooklyn/Manhattan Bridges and the downtown skyline!

As for the headphones, the head-to-head between the regular Lambdas and the pro version was a bit mixed for me. I thought the regular ones had slightly better instrument separation and clarity, but it was also a bit tilted up in terms of sound, largely because the weaker bass. The pros were more extended top to bottom, so it sounded a bit more balanced to me. However it was a bit muddled and lacked appreciable separation. But somehow the vocals seemed more organic and natural vs. the regular pair. Both of them sounded a bit thin and had too many idiosyncrasies for me to really appreciate them however.

Jjcha's Stax SR-X was really cool. I had never seen them before and I thought they had similar design cues as the HP-1000. Build wise and comfort, they were vastly better than the Lambdas, which had these fraile thin plastic frames that the actual earphones pivoted around...which threatened to break at any moment. Sound wise, these reminded of Jason's AT W10's in that they are very much easy listening headphones. Sure they are rolled off on top and bottom, but otherwise just didn't offend in any way.

Then came Jay's Omegas. I've only heard them previously in large meets. Hooked up to his Ayre CDP and KGSS, the sound was spacious, dimensional, detailed, and impactful. They sounded like ear-speakers. Jay's basically sold off all his other headphones because this was the sound he was looking for. I don't blame him, as I thought this was one of the best setups I have heard. However, it did have slight sibilance. This was surprisingly mitigated by the wooden blocks the guys put underneath the amp (really!). But I preferred the sound without the wooden blocks as I felt they also dulled the rest of the sound as well as made the midrange seem more recessed. I guess I just like a more lively presentation generally.

It was really nice to catch up with everybody there. Let's do it again soon.

Oh I forgot to mention. Having the opportunity to hear Jay's Harbeth speaker setup was also a real treat. He has it set up for nearfield listening...and what a vivid and rich picture they paint in front of you...they were just utterly resoving and convincing. The Sara K. track made her seem to materialize before you and her enchanting voice also seemed to coo into your ears. I had never head of the Harbeth brand before, but I'll definitely be on the lookout in the future.
Oct 17, 2006 at 1:12 AM Post #43 of 48

Originally Posted by gsteinb88
I believe hes talking about the foam that separates your ears from the stator. Mine is still nice and perfect, and Jahn, i seem to remember you saying yours was fine as well.

ah that - now that i have no answer for!
Oct 17, 2006 at 3:29 AM Post #44 of 48
Now for some pics! Finally I got home to develop them.

The volume isn't HIGH enough. Let us crank it up a notch here.

Jay and Ray
were talking some stuff about real estate which I have no clue on.


Something about the buildings outside the view here.

Other fellas take a little break playing the PSP


The lovely OMEGA 2

A sweet turntable we didn't get to listen to.

It was a shame since there was so many records but you can't do everything at these small little meets.

We did get to hear the sweet speakers though.

And we did try some new flash diffusing techniques.

Fun times fellas. Thanks!
Oct 17, 2006 at 3:34 AM Post #45 of 48
That's the most rediculous face I've ever seen, the one with me playing PSP.

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