Non-audiophile reactions to high-end headphones
Dec 1, 2012 at 4:57 PM Post #5,371 of 6,432
When my girlfriend listened to "Dear Bobbie" by Yellowcard, on my Grado SR-225i, she cried halfway through.. she also said that before she did not like Yellowcard before but the listening experience changed with the Grado's, and she quite likes them now, pretty pleased with that.
Dec 1, 2012 at 6:22 PM Post #5,373 of 6,432
Met this guy in one of my classes who is really into classical, told him he needs to hear my setup Macbook > Audirvana (Integer mode) > Nuforce HDP > HD600s.  He came by one friday and we listened to music for about 2 hours.  He's now working towards getting a similar setup with schiit gear and HD650s.  Its nice to have hi-fi friends.

Dec 1, 2012 at 7:19 PM Post #5,375 of 6,432
For me here's the problem: when I let people listen to my Senn PX360s or HD650s they arent listening to anything else at the moment. So they put on my headphones and acknowledge them as being nice and that's it. The only time I get a good reaction is when the person is wearing some other headphone (Bose, iPod buds, Beats, etc), they listen to my set, then immediately listen to the same song with their set and can hear the difference. Then and usually only then do they get the "WOW' response. I know that if you listen to something else, then put on nice cans it makes you appreciate your set more: I have a nice set of tower speakers (Wharfedale Evo2-30s), but after having a good session with my HD650s, the Wharfedales just don't sound nearly as good anymore, it takes a few hours before my mind forgets the sound of the HD650s and I can enjoy my towers again!
Only one time have I had someone listen to the 650s cold and say: "If I had $500 to spend on headphones, those would be worth it!" (and he was listening to an SACD being played through my very descent Yamaha S2500 via analog out). The PX360s usually have the bigger impact because those are my portable sets so when I switch with people, they are usually listening to their own headphones, so the impact is immediate. Also the price (~$120) and somewhat bassier sound (for a Sennheiser) makes them seem very worth it. I dont know many non-audiophiles that could justify spending $450-$500 (or even $370 which is what I paid for the HD650s) for a pair of cans, so the reception is less enthusiastic than with the PX360s.
Dec 1, 2012 at 7:31 PM Post #5,376 of 6,432
Hooray..we have maybe a new headphone sapiens in our mids
.but maybe soon u will wish u never let her listen to ur beloved now u have to share it with her

Nah, that offers the perfect chance for him to upgrade... "Honey, you're using my headphones a lot lately, sometimes when I'd like to be listening too. That's cool, I'm glad you're enjoying them, I was actually wondering if you wanted to have them, I was thinking about getting my own pair". No need to disclose that the new pair isn't another set of HD650s, just quietly purchase an upgrade.
Dec 1, 2012 at 8:02 PM Post #5,377 of 6,432
For me here's the problem: when I let people listen to my Senn PX360s or HD650s they arent listening to anything else at the moment. So they put on my headphones and acknowledge them as being nice and that's it. The only time I get a good reaction is when the person is wearing some other headphone (Bose, iPod buds, Beats, etc), they listen to my set, then immediately listen to the same song with their set and can hear the difference. Then and usually only then do they get the "WOW' response. I know that if you listen to something else, then put on nice cans it makes you appreciate your set more: I have a nice set of tower speakers (Wharfedale Evo2-30s), but after having a good session with my HD650s, the Wharfedales just don't sound nearly as good anymore, it takes a few hours before my mind forgets the sound of the HD650s and I can enjoy my towers again!

Only one time have I had someone listen to the 650s cold and say: "If I had $500 to spend on headphones, those would be worth it!" (and he was listening to an SACD being played through my very descent Yamaha S2500 via analog out). The PX360s usually have the bigger impact because those are my portable sets so when I switch with people, they are usually listening to their own headphones, so the impact is immediate. Also the price (~$120) and somewhat bassier sound (for a Sennheiser) makes them seem very worth it. I dont know many non-audiophiles that could justify spending $450-$500 (or even $370 which is what I paid for the HD650s) for a pair of cans, so the reception is less enthusiastic than with the PX360s.

I know what u mean..thats why i let them listen to my more humble beyerdynamic mmx300 and then to my he500..and is the word i can repeat here as the other power words would be beeeped here..lolz
Dec 1, 2012 at 8:06 PM Post #5,378 of 6,432
Nah, that offers the perfect chance for him to upgrade... "Honey, you're using my headphones a lot lately, sometimes when I'd like to be listening too. That's cool, I'm glad you're enjoying them, I was actually wondering if you wanted to have them, I was thinking about getting my own pair". No need to disclose that the new pair isn't another set of HD650s, just quietly purchase an upgrade.

And an upgraded cable from toxic cables ofcourse as thats the ice on the cake..and as she loves ur hd650 so much she will only smile and shake her head up and down as approval as she doesnt have a clue what she is agreeing on as she completely in trance because of the music :D
Dec 2, 2012 at 1:40 AM Post #5,379 of 6,432
it frustrates me when people equate nice headphones with stupid gimmicks like that, especially since active noise canceling technically depreciates sound quality. damn you bose
Dec 2, 2012 at 3:09 AM Post #5,381 of 6,432
Recently some of my music-lover friends have been crying after listening to their music on a good setup and lossless audio format. They hate me now for making their current gear sound "boring" xD
One of them is asking what to get now to start off a nice portable rig :)
Dec 2, 2012 at 3:21 AM Post #5,382 of 6,432
I think you were mistakenly quoted :)
Just borrowed my sister the Amperiors for her to have a listen of TESB OST: The Rebel Fleet / End Title (we both are SW geeks), her words were something like "Wow, these are amazing, I heard things I had never heard before, I even got chills" and then the usual "how much did they cost?".
But the reaction I get from most "young people" is "not too bassy" and I'm like "no, they're balanced", and well that's the end of it. Some guy even asked me if they had "HD sound" lol I was like What is that? "HD sound" haha that was a first.
Dec 2, 2012 at 9:15 AM Post #5,383 of 6,432
it frustrates me when people equate nice headphones with stupid gimmicks like that, especially since active noise canceling technically depreciates sound quality. damn you bose

Yeah i know what u mean..noice cancelling, bass boosts and more of those anoying thingies that officially make the sound better.. Who comes up with that.. Oh yeah..bose and the kind.. :D
Dec 2, 2012 at 9:55 AM Post #5,384 of 6,432
not to mention dr.dre's magical kiss also enhances the bass 

Dec 2, 2012 at 11:33 AM Post #5,385 of 6,432
i don't think its the product itself i find so offensive (on the subject of beats, gimmicks etc) but instead what they pretend to be.. that is what gets to me.
two years ago my best friend told me he would never ever spend over £20 on headphones
he currently owns DT990, SRH840 and soon to place an offer for Grado PS500.
which i found very entertaining :p

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