Nice article comparing old-school PCDPs
Dec 29, 2005 at 10:59 PM Post #31 of 56

Originally Posted by Ubijza
UNamped Sony D211 hp out is 10 times the player SQ wise compared to the contemporary (2005) Sony DNE920... I don't have a Stax to prove it, but do not need it neither
Filterless MDR888s are used and and the difference is just TOO obvious- so obvious that it is difficult for me to understand how bangraman can not hear it

Maybe when you make the step down from HE90/Stax/Qualia rigs EVERYTHING sounds like crap to your ears... Kinda like after one's driven a Ferarri, Subaru Impreza(Vinatage PCDP analogy) and your average Ford(contemporary DAP) may seem similar...

I am getting an Ipod fairly shortly and I'll compare the four: Ipod Vs DNE920 Vs D211 Vs D303...

The car analogy's always a good one isn't it? Let me give you one of mine. Drive an 80's near-supercar back to back on a track with one of the leading '05 high-performance compacts, and if you're totally focused on the driving experience you'll notice a sizeable improvement with the compact. If you however step back and let the image and the pedigree of the 80's car as well as it's relative rarity these days colour your opinions, then you may well be lead to say that's a better car. And for some, it surely is a better car. The 'classic' 80's performance car may also get you more kudos among the car geeks, but if someone asks which is the better-handling car, you would still be wrong to answer "the 80's car".

10 times huh? Better toss the dCS combo out of the window and get myself a D-211 since the amped Verdi / Elgar certainly hasn't got ten times the sound quality of the amped iPod.

If it's the new iPod, I'd suggest getting one of the iRivers (H3xx) as well. Same quality, slightly more stable performance with the E888. I doubt the difference lies in the headphones we've used. After all, I'm just as able to review a $100 pair of headphones from the point of other $100 headphones as well as a $6,000 headphone pitched against other high-enders.
Dec 29, 2005 at 11:14 PM Post #32 of 56
The D-NE920 didn't impress me that much. It's decent, but there was a certain lack of refinement to the sound, almost a fuzziness, that puts it a notch below the D-NE10, in my opinion. Build-wise, it's a step down as well: aluminum top cover but a plastic bottom cover. Press on the top cover buttons kind of hard and the spinning CD scrapes against the top cover. The fancy, new-style, remote didn't win me over, either. Unless the D-NE20 is better I wonder if the D-NE10 is the "end of the line" of quality PCDPs? It seems at the moment Sony is pushing low-cost players that come in "the color of the month".

Dec 30, 2005 at 12:07 AM Post #33 of 56
I agree that the D-NE920 is a step or two down from some of the vintage units. Not all of the vintage units are great, but some of them are and their advantages, I find, are rather audibly apparent versus newer units. Even the D-NE10 I consider only to be "good" for its era.

I also find the car analogy flawed. Much of modern PCDP R/D has been directed towards improving battery life and reducing production cost, not improving fidelity. My judgments of the audio quality of vintage units has little to do with their age or pedigree and nearly everything to do with the rather sizeable advantage in sound quality they enjoy over newer units.
Dec 30, 2005 at 1:20 AM Post #34 of 56
bangraman, the better vintage PCDPs *are* "decks." They are basically scaled-down full size CDPs, far more so than modern portable players.

I may end up with a full size CDP anyway, but I really appreciate the small footprint of my PCDPs. Not to mention, the ability to carry them from room to room and listen on the couch, in the living room on a comfortable chair, while making tea, etc. And I can get equal or better SQ compared to many DAPs, at far less cost. You are going to have to accept that vintage PCDPs still fill a niche for some of us. It is a smaller niche than it was three years ago, but it still exists.

Glad to see you've toned down the insults toward those who choose PCDPs.
Dec 30, 2005 at 1:21 AM Post #35 of 56
bangraman, the better vintage PCDPs *are* "decks." They are basically scaled-down full size CDPs, far more so than modern portable players.

I may end up with a full size CDP anyway, but I really appreciate the small footprint of my PCDPs. Not to mention, the ability to carry them from room to room and listen on the couch, in the living room on a comfortable chair, while making tea, while in front of the computer, while taking a dump, etc. And I can get equal or better SQ compared to many DAPs, at far less cost. You are going to have to accept that vintage PCDPs still fill a niche for some of us. It is a smaller niche than it was three years ago, but it still exists.

Glad to see you've toned down the insults toward those who choose PCDPs.
Dec 30, 2005 at 2:50 AM Post #36 of 56
I'm suprised the denon dcp-150 hasn't been brought up in this thread. It is hands down my most desirable of all the vinatge discman. I rather enjoy the looks on peoples faces when I whip out a blast from the past especialy to younger kids who are part of the iPod generation. I would love to get a sounburger and play some of my new vinyl to realy throw people for a loop. No pun intended. Yeah kids vinyl is still popular amongst the underground music scenes.

Dec 30, 2005 at 3:05 AM Post #37 of 56
I think the DCP-150 would come up more often but I think they're so rare that not many can discuss them using first hand experience. From what I can gather it's a shame they weren't manufactured in the millions.

Dec 30, 2005 at 3:34 AM Post #39 of 56
Not many people have managed to sample a DCP-150, so I imagine that's why it hasn't really come up. I don't know if it's really "the best" PCDP ever, depending on what you're looking for sonically.
Dec 30, 2005 at 5:40 AM Post #40 of 56
Seems relevant here, so I'll link my vintage pcdp pictures thread...

Sadly (for my wallet), this isn't even half of what I have on hand right now. So more pictures will be added eventually. Most likely well past New Year's though.
Dec 30, 2005 at 12:09 PM Post #41 of 56
I think you're right there Filbert, modern PCDP's haven't had sonic issues as a priority during development... however, I would say that many are no worse than most of the classic vintages. And out of the modern DAPs which enjoy decent sound and have a stable headphone/line out, I have yet to find a classic PCDP that is superior.

Fewtch, my opinions and the way I phrase it has not changed during the course of this, or any other discussion... rather, I think you've only just began to realise how much interest I've had in this area, what I've put into it and also that I've said more about it here than usual. Perhaps best not to take offence against eveyone who challenges your limited opinion as an ignoramous.
Dec 30, 2005 at 2:57 PM Post #42 of 56

Originally Posted by bangraman
Fewtch, my opinions and the way I phrase it has not changed during the course of this, or any other discussion... rather, I think you've only just began to realise how much interest I've had in this area, what I've put into it and also that I've said more about it here than usual. Perhaps best not to take offence against eveyone who challenges your limited opinion as an ignoramous.

I don't think you're an ignoramus, I think you're an egotistical jerk. In your own way, you're as bad as drarthurwells. Instead of actually using your supposed experience to establish or defend a position in a debate/discussion, you like to brag and wave around your ding-dong (in combination with insulting and belittling others) -- simple as that.

You have earned my disrespect, sir. I couldn't care less what interest or experience you claim to have, because you've given me no reason to believe a single word you say. You're all hot air and no substance, so don't even bother.
Dec 30, 2005 at 5:46 PM Post #43 of 56
I think we'll agree to disagree on that point

If you want to put up with that you believe out of your own practical, mid/long-term experience to be the superior Discman as of the moment and are willing to send it to me (at my own expense), I'm perfectly willing to wave my ding-doing around and purchase / re-purchase the 'best of current breed of hp/lo out' and have them compared by a bunch of UK/US head-fiers in a controlled test in which I set the benchmarks and methodology, which passes muster from some members here.

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