New Schiit! Ragnarok and Yggdrasil
Jun 6, 2015 at 8:35 AM Post #7,981 of 9,484
Jun 6, 2015 at 11:24 AM Post #7,982 of 9,484
LLKMI, I enjoyed reading your review. My Yggy break in experience was very simular to yours. My Yggy has been on 4 days, and like a light switch, the strange upper treble glare vanished! I have never expereinced a break in that made that much of a change. Like you, I have never heard the super expensive dacs and probably never will. I must say the yggy is definitly a step away from my Meridain director and gunguir.
Jun 6, 2015 at 1:59 PM Post #7,983 of 9,484
  Now for some philosophical discussion
. I know everything I have stated needs to be taken with a grain of salt as I don’t have a mega bucks system like others. In my defense, I do pretty well at seeking out great used gear at a great price and ending up with a system that sounds much better than it should.  Comparing to a Dac a quarter of the price is not much help. For me to buy new at this price is a big deal. I am not interested in comparing Yggy to the MSB Analog or even the Auralic Vega as those price points are not really an option (after all, we need a well balanced system so all the money needs to be spread around components). Keeping the $10K dac over the $2k dac because it is slightly better is not really a concern for me (sorry Wino – love your posts btw – God bless that you can). What is a concern is whether the Yggy sounds better than a used dac in the same price range. I have heard dacs such as the PS Audio PWD II and NAD M51 but unfortunately not in my system. They sounded good but I can’t say anything jumped out at me to make me believe they were better than the Yggy - but again, without hearing them in the same system it is all conjecture.  Should I find someone with one locally who wants to compare – I may be game. So why did I buy new? Partly the direct pricing model which has served me will in the past with ACI speakers (who were way ahead of their time). Partly because a 5 year warranty vs luck of the draw with used. Mainly because it is a Mike Moffat statement dac for around $2K. For those of us who have been around a while, that is like Dan D'Agostino leaving Krell to open his own company and selling his statement Amp direct to the public for  $3k instead of $30K (or whatever his amps are going for these days). You bet I would buy it. While I never owned a Theta Dac, I did have their Data II transport which I liked a lot. (Paid well over $2k for it back in the early 90’s – kind of makes me cringe now). Regardless, he is legendary. I applaud the approach of Mike and Jason. I don’t need a piece of visual art, I need a piece of sonic art. Simple cases (which are still quite nice in person) are fine with me – make it sound good. No DSD – fine with me as long as it sounds good. By and large I feel like I have already spent too much on high res music which is also part of the rationalization for pulling the trigger on the Yggy. Last week I bought 51 CDs at an estate sale for a buck each. Simple math - $51 for CDs or $1k for high res downloads. CDs on the Yggy vs high res on the Zdac? No contest – Yggy all the way. Looks like I already have it half paid off
 Did I make the right decision – I have no idea but I am happy so far and am willing to compare more to give more objective feedback (but not until I am further along the burn in trail).

Nice write ups llkmi !
Thanks for your compliment…  glad to be joined by another speaker 'weirdo', haha !
Wish I could write 'reviews' so well…  Being new here myself, I'm not sure how… however I believe it would be great to combine your posts (w/ a little bit shorter paragraphs please) into a full (ongoing) review/chronicle…  Actually imo in a new thread !!  This one is getting too long & frequently goes off tangent… & also 'repeat' it in other threads on other forums...
As I've said before, my attempt was to see if all the 'giant killer' mega hype was true…  imo, it's NOT, when comparing specifically and directly to the MSB Analog DAC….  one of my benchmarks in the 'low upper-end' DAC category...
In my estimation, in my system (having no experience w/ other DACs in this price range), the Yggy is quite great-   I agree w/ many of your assessments so far… 
Being that you understand that break-in is real… trust me… Yggy keeps developing for the positive, up through 400 hours… on your break-in, may I suggest that instead of putting your files on 'jukebox' setting when not listening… 'repeat play' a very, very dynamic album, such as some bombastic orchestral, or some wild rock… you wanna beat the Yggy up a little, haha.. like breaking in a new Porsche..
At this point, I still find the Yggy to be detail forward… slightly 'clean' sounding, but not too 'clinical'…. meaning it's not fatiguing to listen to…  there is also a seamless quality throughout the bottom to top frequencies…  I do still hear a little to much 'glassiness' at the top, especially when the volume is pushed, when it get's a bit aggressive… the bass is really great too… obviously these thoughts are recording dependent...
Someone suggested the Yggy needs tubes to ameliorate what's going on w/ the upper end, which they too were experiencing... I'm using all tubes, albeit nicely resolving ones…  I will tell you what does help a bit (maybe 20%+)… and I would highly suggest you get used on Agon used… a Shunyata Digital power cord… about 500 new.. got mine for 240… you have to be quick though, they sell fast-
Also footers/spikes etc. make an improvement in SQ… I don't ever, though I'm sure not stacking hot amps, under or over, is a bad idea for SQ..
For me, the Yggy doesn't 'draw you in' as much as I've experienced w/ other (far more expensive) DACs… The Analog DAC (which was supposed to be slaughtered, along w/ any MSBs, by the clearly highly medicated, Koolaide drinking hype meisters) portrays all the detail of the Yggy, while also being more toneful…. it also has a must quality for myself & other audio buddies who've visited… a mellifluous musicality…. an ebb & tide to the music flow like a great turntable…  No one visiting, nor myself find the Yggy to sound like analog-
The Yggy is a fantastic DAC & I've really enjoyed the experience !  I wish it broke in faster though… believe me… it needs many, many hours to shine the most… Yes Mike knows what he is doing… I too had Theta 'back in the day'… the Data II I think.. the laserdisc transport & also one of the earlier DACs when it was new...
You can now find my Yggy for sale on Agon...
Now… for the meat…. how does Yggy compare to other 4-7K DACs that being used may be similar in price ?  I have no idea, other than hearing things in other unfamiliar systems…. BUT… a GREAT question indeed… one that other's should explore !
I unfortunately didn't try an audiophile fuse, nor an XLR to RCA adapter that Ric Schultz smartly recommended… his EVS company hasn't been around for decades, for no reason… I DO believe these two things would make a nice improvement… as Ric explained.. the Yggy is balanced, so the summing circuity to make RCA (SE) must have some sonic effect..
BTW… Dan D'Agostino left Krell a few years back… unfortunately your fantasy didn't come true though… he doesn't sell direct… and his monos are 55K, not 5K, haha...
From others experience I trust, your NAD & PS thoughts make sense-
The Yggy does indeed play DSD & HiRez, just not native…. via PCM… & it sounds great !  Make sure your JRiver settings are not downsampling though…. it'll convert to PCM too, obviously..
Also… yes Schiit appears to be direct only… but they're not exactly… most sales yes, however they do have distribution in Canada & the EU…. honestly, given their prices… not sure how they do that..
Would love to know what your system consists of !!
If you happen to be in the Bay Area… PM me… so you can pop over to listen..
Jun 6, 2015 at 3:14 PM Post #7,986 of 9,484

Very good read. I agree on many points. Also so many items are a matter of preference. A couple of comments:
- I think Mike Moffatt explained the design philosophy was to create a neutral realistic sounding DAC product, which to my ears this is
- If one is looking for the richer buttery smooth sound the Analog does (as one or two of my friends owning one describe it), it is fair to say the Yggy doesn't sound like that based on what I am hearing. 
- I don't hear any glassy treble at all after burn-in/warm-up. It was for sure there in the first days. I am using a tube amplifier and a highly resolving one at that. As well as a class A solid state.
- Your statements of the MSB Analog "portraying all the detail of the Yggy", but the Yggy being more detail forward, actually quite convinced me that the Yggdrasil is indeed sounding more detailed than the Analog. It could be a matter of terminology of how we describe things.
 I don't think it sounds like vinyl. But I am agnostic about this.
Other comments:
- on my solid state amp, yes the balanced output of the Yggy sounds better: more detail, better dynamics, more complexity and a bit richer body (but I just don't have the same brand of cables to be sure). The Atlas XLRs do sound with a richer body than my Audioquest SKY SE, but never more detailed or dynamic in 100 years.
- power cables could help. I use a thick Acrolink chord for the Yggdrasil.
Jun 6, 2015 at 4:01 PM Post #7,987 of 9,484
Very good read. I agree on many points. Also so many items are a matter of preference. A couple of comments:
- I think Mike Moffatt explained the design philosophy was to create a neutral realistic sounding DAC product, which to my ears this is
- If one is looking for the richer buttery smooth sound the Analog does (as one or two of my friends owning one describe it), it is fair to say the Yggy doesn't sound like that based on what I am hearing. 
- I don't hear any glassy treble at all after burn-in/warm-up. It was for sure there in the first days. I am using a tube amplifier and a highly resolving one at that. As well as a class A solid state.
- Your statements of the MSB Analog "portraying all the detail of the Yggy", but the Yggy being more detail forward, actually quite convinced me that the Yggdrasil is indeed sounding more detailed than the Analog. It could be a matter of terminology of how we describe things.
 I don't think it sounds like vinyl. But I am agnostic about this.
Other comments:
- on my solid state amp, yes the balanced output of the Yggy sounds better: more detail, better dynamics, more complexity and a bit richer body (but I just don't have the same brand of cables to be sure). The Atlas XLRs do sound with a richer body than my Audioquest SKY SE, but never more detailed or dynamic in 100 years.
- power cables could help. I use a thick Acrolink chord for the Yggdrasil.

Thanks for the compliment...
It is difficult to put into words (at least for me) to portray how the Analog has all the detail, yet also manages to be organic & flowing in it's portrayal…  otoh, this is what you pay 'the big bucks' for… no, haha ?  
The reasons I've kept comparing the Yggy to the Analog DAC is because I've directly A/B'd the two, for a week (& w/ others), I owned one for almost two years, & the number one reason… the three 'hypemeisters' wouldn't stop going on about how the Yggy kills it & one even insanely stated killing not just the Analog, but ALL MSB DACs…. 
I've owned other, more expensive DACs, although even the Wavelength Silver Crimson, I'd not consider to be in the uber tier even though it's quite fantastic !… I am lucky to have had lots of nice gear & currently have an enjoyable set-up, however I'd love to have a way better one !… working on it piece by piece… 
Ric's idea on the XLR/RCA comparison is based on an adaptor… Not only can I not afford to have 'extra' cables sitting around at High Fidelity costs… they don't do XLR… so even though a custom adaptor is cheap at 200 or so, supposedly the 'alleviation' of the summing circuit outweighs the use of the lower quality adaptor… didn't try it unfortunately…  You SHOULD !
Acrolink cables are nice I understand… the reason for my suggestion… is because the Shunyata Digital is made specifically for…. digital...
Mmmmm…. listening to a rip of the SACD (via JRiver converted to PCM) of Pink Floyd's 'Wish You Were Here' atm… holy guacamole… sounds groovy indeed !
Jun 6, 2015 at 11:55 PM Post #7,988 of 9,484
LLKMI, I enjoyed reading your review. My Yggy break in experience was very simular to yours. My Yggy has been on 4 days, and like a light switch, the strange upper treble glare vanished! I have never expereinced a break in that made that much of a change. Like you, I have never heard the super expensive dacs and probably never will. I must say the yggy is definitly a step away from my Meridain director and gunguir.

Thanks for the feedback! I am now just over 4 days in and the the treble issue seems to have resolved for me as well. The burn in does seem on the heavier side compared to past components but it didn't cause me too much concern - especially with all the warnings thanks to earlier posts.This one has been much more enjoyable for me than the last time around with the Zdac vs Moon 100 as I am just sitting back and enjoying the music. Last time was so much switching back and forth and trying them with different components since they were so close in sound that after several weeks my ears hurt and I just did not want to listen to anything anymore. I actually made my decision close to the 4 week point on that battle, initially thinking I would go with the Moon but the Parasound definitely pulled ahead at the end. So I would not be surprised with Yggy if it slowly evolving for weeks. 
Jun 7, 2015 at 1:03 AM Post #7,989 of 9,484
  Nice write ups llkmi !
Thanks for your compliment…  glad to be joined by another speaker 'weirdo', haha !
Wish I could write 'reviews' so well…  Being new here myself, I'm not sure how… however I believe it would be great to combine your posts (w/ a little bit shorter paragraphs please) into a full (ongoing) review/chronicle…  Actually imo in a new thread !!  This one is getting too long & frequently goes off tangent… & also 'repeat' it in other threads on other forums...
As I've said before, my attempt was to see if all the 'giant killer' mega hype was true…  imo, it's NOT, when comparing specifically and directly to the MSB Analog DAC….  one of my benchmarks in the 'low upper-end' DAC category...
In my estimation, in my system (having no experience w/ other DACs in this price range), the Yggy is quite great-   I agree w/ many of your assessments so far… 
Being that you understand that break-in is real… trust me… Yggy keeps developing for the positive, up through 400 hours… on your break-in, may I suggest that instead of putting your files on 'jukebox' setting when not listening… 'repeat play' a very, very dynamic album, such as some bombastic orchestral, or some wild rock… you wanna beat the Yggy up a little, haha.. like breaking in a new Porsche..
At this point, I still find the Yggy to be detail forward… slightly 'clean' sounding, but not too 'clinical'…. meaning it's not fatiguing to listen to…  there is also a seamless quality throughout the bottom to top frequencies…  I do still hear a little to much 'glassiness' at the top, especially when the volume is pushed, when it get's a bit aggressive… the bass is really great too… obviously these thoughts are recording dependent...
Someone suggested the Yggy needs tubes to ameliorate what's going on w/ the upper end, which they too were experiencing... I'm using all tubes, albeit nicely resolving ones…  I will tell you what does help a bit (maybe 20%+)… and I would highly suggest you get used on Agon used… a Shunyata Digital power cord… about 500 new.. got mine for 240… you have to be quick though, they sell fast-
Also footers/spikes etc. make an improvement in SQ… I don't ever, though I'm sure not stacking hot amps, under or over, is a bad idea for SQ..
For me, the Yggy doesn't 'draw you in' as much as I've experienced w/ other (far more expensive) DACs… The Analog DAC (which was supposed to be slaughtered, along w/ any MSBs, by the clearly highly medicated, Koolaide drinking hype meisters) portrays all the detail of the Yggy, while also being more toneful…. it also has a must quality for myself & other audio buddies who've visited… a mellifluous musicality…. an ebb & tide to the music flow like a great turntable…  No one visiting, nor myself find the Yggy to sound like analog-
The Yggy is a fantastic DAC & I've really enjoyed the experience !  I wish it broke in faster though… believe me… it needs many, many hours to shine the most… Yes Mike knows what he is doing… I too had Theta 'back in the day'… the Data II I think.. the laserdisc transport & also one of the earlier DACs when it was new...
You can now find my Yggy for sale on Agon...
Now… for the meat…. how does Yggy compare to other 4-7K DACs that being used may be similar in price ?  I have no idea, other than hearing things in other unfamiliar systems…. BUT… a GREAT question indeed… one that other's should explore !
I unfortunately didn't try an audiophile fuse, nor an XLR to RCA adapter that Ric Schultz smartly recommended… his EVS company hasn't been around for decades, for no reason… I DO believe these two things would make a nice improvement… as Ric explained.. the Yggy is balanced, so the summing circuity to make RCA (SE) must have some sonic effect..
BTW… Dan D'Agostino left Krell a few years back… unfortunately your fantasy didn't come true though… he doesn't sell direct… and his monos are 55K, not 5K, haha...
From others experience I trust, your NAD & PS thoughts make sense-
The Yggy does indeed play DSD & HiRez, just not native…. via PCM… & it sounds great !  Make sure your JRiver settings are not downsampling though…. it'll convert to PCM too, obviously..
Also… yes Schiit appears to be direct only… but they're not exactly… most sales yes, however they do have distribution in Canada & the EU…. honestly, given their prices… not sure how they do that..
Would love to know what your system consists of !!
If you happen to be in the Bay Area… PM me… so you can pop over to listen..

Thanks again for all the great feedback! I am new too so not sure I will get around to figuring out (or even can yet) create the chronicle you mentioned but time permitting will try. The impressions and comparisons to the Analog were fun to read. We all need to keep perspective. For now I am not going to try any tweaks. I am going to make it through burn in and then try it on my other equipment and in my other room. Not only do I find sound preferences subjective, I find system and room synergy to be very important. I like some gear in one room but not the other or with different equipment pairings. All the mixing up keeps me busy enough. After that, maybe tweaks (I remember the old days of painting all my CD edges green and using stabilizer rings, etc.LOL.)
I was aware that Dan left Krell hence the comparison. Too bad he didn't go the direct model although I still doubt it would be affordable. I find it funny that some people pay more for a custom color option on one component than I paid for my whole system
. Maybe Schiit will add some dedicated speaker amps to their lineup??
I agree with you on listening to DSD. I currently only have 2 DSD downloads, the rest are PCM from HD tracks and that is how I listened to them on the Zdac which is one of the features I really like about JRiver.
 My current system consists of a Krell KSP-7B preamp (that is the one I had in the old days and found a used one at a good price recently). The amp is a Luxman M-12 which was supposed to be a filler amp but liking it quite a bit so it will probably hang around for some time. Speakers are ACI Sapphire XL & ACI Titan LE  sub. Wires are my vintage Audioquest Emerald interconnects and Green Hyperlitz Speaker cables. Never got rid of them and still like them. I have a JPS Digital AC power cable on the Yggy, an old Noise Trapper (isolation transformer) and a Musician's Friend house brand power conditioner that goes for $30 on their stupid deal of the day (I now own 5 of them - nice for the price). For the other stuff I have but have not tried yet with Yggy are a Primare I30 integrated amp, Jolida JD102CRC tube integrated, Nakamichi TA-4A stasis receiver, Velodyne HGS-18 sub, and miscellaneous other speakers: ProAc super tablette, ACI Sapphire III, Thiel CS1.2's (speakers come and go) My Analog rig (I never went all in) is a Technics SL1301 with Shure V15 Type IV with Jico SAS stylus. On the road I use Shure SE535 IEMs with my HTC One M8 HK edition.
If I am ever in the bay area I would love to hear your set up!! Very gracious of you to offer!
Jun 7, 2015 at 11:57 AM Post #7,992 of 9,484
  +1. And is it different for the different country voltages? Oh and size as well, 5x20mm?
BTW, I like your new name for the Yggy. It's got a nice ring to it :xf_eek:)

Ooops... where did that silly little "a'' come from?   lol. 
Indeed looks like a 5x20mm fuse to me, and yes I would generally think that the fuse would be spec'd  different for different voltage requirements (regions). 
Jun 8, 2015 at 12:59 AM Post #7,993 of 9,484
Ooops... where did that silly little "a'' come from?   lol. 
Indeed looks like a 5x20mm fuse to me, and yes I would generally think that the fuse would be spec'd  different for different voltage requirements (regions). 

If you've looked, what are the specs for the fuse on the US model ?
Jun 8, 2015 at 5:09 PM Post #7,995 of 9,484
I would say I go to and add Yggy and Rag to my cart on an almost weekly basis.  One of these days I might have the balls to actually press buy

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