New Portable Amp/Dac: iBasso D1 **with updates on the first page**
Feb 1, 2008 at 2:31 AM Post #2,341 of 2,626
I still think that the D1 with AD743 on 2>1 adapter and LME6655 makes the D1 amp equal to its DAC. There are a number of other opamps that also sound very good. The updated opamps that come standard are much better than the original offerings of the D1.

Keep in mind that the recommendations that are put forth on the forum are personal preferences only. It doesn't mean that there is one "best" combination that will fit everyones individual tastes.

We sometimes overlook that point as we attempt to describe the sound of various opamp combinations. There are, perhaps, at least a half dozen that are *very* difficult, if not impossible to tell apart in blind listening tests.
Feb 1, 2008 at 2:40 AM Post #2,342 of 2,626
Just got a bunch more opamps in: AD743, LMH6655, LME49720, AD8397 (for buffers with AD797), LT6234 and LTC6241HV for DAC

Per recommendations, am listening to AD743 with LMH6655 as buffers. GREAT for classical music. increased soundstage, that nice airiness to the sound the creates a life-like's like it's reproducing the air that would surround you at a symphony concert (sounds ridiculous, but that's what I'm hearing).

The instruments now have a more proper distance from my ears and I must say it feels much less like I'm listening with headphones. Only things left to try are AD797 with AD8397 as buffers and LME49720 bypassed. Something tells me I will miss the AD743 while I'm trying the others!

Not sure how much I'll be able to tell when I switch the DAC. Will I hear a difference between LTC6241 and LTC6241HV? I know it matters in the L/R channel, but is there ANY sound difference as DAC?
Feb 1, 2008 at 2:48 AM Post #2,343 of 2,626
To take a page from Hiflight, the AD743 and LMH6655 just "sounds right"

Unlike some of the others, I can't really describe a particular strength of it because it doesn't sound colored or unbalanced to me...just natural and right.
Feb 1, 2008 at 5:57 AM Post #2,344 of 2,626
LTC6241 and LTC6241HV <-- i do not think it will sound different. else they will have given it a different number..

for ad743.. either jn or jnz will do.. if i'm not wrong Z refers to lead-free version..

LMH6655MA <-- for 6655..
Feb 1, 2008 at 6:08 AM Post #2,345 of 2,626

Originally Posted by PPkiller /img/forum/go_quote.gif
LTC6241 and LTC6241HV <-- i do not think it will sound different. else they will have given it a different number..

for ad743.. either jn or jnz will do.. if i'm not wrong Z refers to lead-free version..

LMH6655MA <-- for 6655..

Think I got the LMH6655MAX. Not sure how it's different from LMH6655MA...the website doesn't show any technical differences. Sure sounds nice, though!
Feb 1, 2008 at 9:12 AM Post #2,347 of 2,626

Originally Posted by PPkiller /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i just received my ad743... i love it with lm6655.. :)

Hi PPkiller, i thought you are getting the AD797 instead of the AD743.

How's your impression for between the OPA627 vs AD743?
Feb 1, 2008 at 11:03 AM Post #2,348 of 2,626

Originally Posted by WatCult /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi PPkiller, i thought you are getting the AD797 instead of the AD743.

How's your impression for between the OPA627 vs AD743?

i manage to do a last min change before they proccess the order...

i didn't directly compare the opa627 with ad743.. i did a incremental comparison from opa627 vs lme49720 and lme49720 vs ad743...

from opa627 vs lme49720, i can notice that opa627 does not sound that natural.. in fact you can describe it as a very colored opamp (maybe that's how it excel above the rest)..

i didn't fully burn-in the lme49720 when i compare it with ad743... ad743 has the depth as HiFlight has mention it.. and on top of that it has more energy in the mids and highs. i believe when lme49720 has fully burned in, it will be similar to ad743 just that it will be a smoother and more tame version of it.
Feb 3, 2008 at 5:35 AM Post #2,349 of 2,626
Hi all,

Got my Meier Move today and am currently running my Iriver Ihp-120 through optical out to my D1...then out to the Move...then to my Senn 650s.

MARVELOUS sounds are coming into my ears. There is just no comparison between the D1 and the Move when it comes to their amps...even with all of my fiddling with opamps, there is an ease of sound with the Move that my D1 can't recreate.

But as fun as it is to praise the Move's amp, the important part of my testing is 'Optical to D1 to Move' vs. 'Analog out of Iriver to Move.' Really, I can't tell a huge difference, but it sounds slightly cleaner when going through the D1 and I think it also has a little more energy to the sound (highs and low at least). Certainly no expert at this, but (not surprisingly) I like the sound of the optical out on the Iriver better than the analog line out.

The D1 DAC is very good in my opinion. This is with stock 6241s in the DAC. I may roll to the 6234s if I get some free time. I also have the 6241HVs, but I assume they'll sound the same in the DAC as the regular 6241s (someone correct me if I'm wrong)
Feb 3, 2008 at 5:48 AM Post #2,350 of 2,626

Originally Posted by haymaker18 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
even with all of my fiddling with opamps, there is an ease of sound with the Move that my D1 can't recreate.

I can relate to this. The D1's amp is not its strong suit IMO. Its decent but not great even will upgraded opamps. The DAC is a different story. It is just excellent ! I paired my D1 with my Larocco PRII and the sound was just terrific. So I can relate to what you're saying about the amp.


Originally Posted by haymaker18 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The D1 DAC is very good in my opinion. This is with stock 6241s in the DAC. I may roll to the 6234s if I get some free time. I also have the 6241HVs, but Iassume they'll sound the same in the DAC as the regular 6241s (someone correct me if I'm wrong)

I remember reading that the move's sound is on the warm side, so I suggest you try the LT6234 in the D1's dac. The LT6241 was warmer compared to the LT6234 in my tests. So using the LT6234 in the D1 paired with the move should be a good combination.
Feb 3, 2008 at 5:52 AM Post #2,351 of 2,626

Originally Posted by musicmaker /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I remember reading that the move's sound is on the warm side, so I suggest you try the LT6234 in the D1's dac. The LT6241 was warmer compared to the LT6234 in my tests. So using the LT6234 in the D1 paired with the move should be a good combination.

So you're saying that you don't want BOTH a warm DAC and a warm AMP? It's better to pair up DAC and AMP with different strengths?
Feb 3, 2008 at 6:00 AM Post #2,352 of 2,626

Originally Posted by musicmaker /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I remember reading that the move's sound is on the warm side, so I suggest you try the LT6234 in the D1's dac. The LT6241 was warmer compared to the LT6234 in my tests. So using the LT6234 in the D1 paired with the move should be a good combination.

You know, the more I think about the 6241 being makes sense. Right now, with the 6241s feeding the move, my Sennheiser 650s sound a LOT like Grado headphones when the crossfeed is off on the move.

They are frighteningly warm and bright...I really thought I had the Grado 125s back on my head. My ears are bleeding from the brightness! HAHA

Time to pop the 6234 in and give it a listen.
Feb 3, 2008 at 6:24 AM Post #2,353 of 2,626
I have the 6234 as DAC connecting up to the Move. Definitely more neutral and my ears aren't wearing out as quickly as with the 6241. The highs are gorgeous with 6234. It's not quite as engaging or energetic, perhaps as 6241, but I will continue trying it out.

Musicmaker, you're right (as usual) that it's a great fit with the Move.

Since I had the D1 opened up, I threw in the LME49720 and bypassed buffers...I'm gonna leave it burning if over night. Want to see if this competes with AD743 and LMH6655 sound.

Anyone else tried AD797 with AD8397...I know HeadphoneAddict had. I have them both, so maybe that'll be my next experiment. I wanna give the LME49720 a shot first, though.
Feb 3, 2008 at 6:27 AM Post #2,354 of 2,626

Originally Posted by haymaker18 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You know, the more I think about the 6241 being makes sense. Right now, with the 6241s feeding the move, my Sennheiser 650s sound a LOT like Grado headphones when the crossfeed is off on the move.

They are frighteningly warm and bright...I really thought I had the Grado 125s back on my head. My ears are bleeding from the brightness! HAHA

Time to pop the 6234 in and give it a listen.

"frighteningly warm and bright" ??

You may not like the 6234 in the DAC if your 650's are too bright like Grados. You might try an LMH6643 in the DAC instead, with the 6241HV in the main amp. and then maybe a pair of LMH6643 or 6655 in the buffers too. That has been reported to be a good warm tubey setup.
Feb 3, 2008 at 6:30 AM Post #2,355 of 2,626

Originally Posted by haymaker18 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have the 6234 as DAC connecting up to the Move. Definitely more neutral and my ears aren't wearing out as quickly as with the 6241. The highs are gorgeous with 6234. It's not quite as engaging or energetic, perhaps as 6241, but I will continue trying it out.

Musicmaker, you're right (as usual) that it's a great fit with the Move.

Since I had the D1 opened up, I threw in the LME49720 and bypassed buffers...I'm gonna leave it burning if over night. Want to see if this competes with AD743 and LMH6655 sound.

Anyone else tried AD797 with AD8397...I know HeadphoneAddict had. I have them both, so maybe that'll be my next experiment. I wanna give the LME49720 a shot first, though.

I still have the AD797 with AD8397 buffers, and 6234 in the DAC, since 11/5/07 without needing to change anything.

I'm glad you like the 6234 in the DAC. I had the AD8656 in there before that, and the 6234 was a slight but clear upgrade. Everything seems to be better in the DAC than the 8616 that mine came with.

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