New Jecklin Float QA !!!
Aug 6, 2012 at 8:20 AM Post #91 of 740
So what, in your opinion, are some negative points about the Jecklin QA?

We have to wait. So far, I could hear only the prototype. I can only judge concluded, when I listen to a serial device. When is comes, I can not say. I have the chance to hope that Manfred Stein sends a unit. But I can not influence. If he does, okay. If not, I can not change it. Then I'll get a glimpse at the latest next month. Quad meeting in Gering (Quad-Musikwiedergabe) 8/ 9. 09.2012
That would be the time to hear: What positive, what negative.
And if desired, can I keep the headphones friends on the current point. Only when it is desired by them. I would not force me. There should be information. No predetermination. I'm sure they have enough people at Head-Fi, which can make even the best image. No one needs me for it. That anyone can even very good. And there will come a time when the first sound information coming from other users. To give the whole thing a better objectivity. My main concern is, as always, a total comprehensive information possible. (Text and images) And yes, of course, I make my sound description. This should be a clue. No one is God. In the main it should be fun. They themselves will compare all the necessary review and correct - I'm sure.
Aug 6, 2012 at 9:00 AM Post #92 of 740
Different specs, different connectors (the Floats wouldn't plug in to the single XLR port on the TR2 and visa versa).
   If they are of different specs, we probably cannot do anything.   How's about the stax energizer?
   If the specs are similar , we may be able to use the adapter.
   I don't know whether the Jecklin Float QA can be driven by the KGSSHV or T2.   The takeT H2+ can not be
driven by the T2 or KGSSHV although in the beginning there were some threads that the T2 may be able to do that.
It seems to me that the new Jecklin Float QA is best driven by an amplifier with speaker post with its transformer. 
    I think the best way for me is that I will order the Jecklin Float with its transformer
Aug 6, 2012 at 9:06 AM Post #93 of 740
We have to wait. So far, I could hear only the prototype. I can only judge concluded, when I listen to a serial device. When is comes, I can not say. I have the chance to hope that Manfred Stein sends a unit. But I can not influence. If he does, okay. If not, I can not change it. Then I'll get a glimpse at the latest next month. Quad meeting in Gering (Quad-Musikwiedergabe) 8/ 9. 09.2012
That would be the time to hear: What positive, what negative.

Oh, but you've already said a lot of positive things about these. If fact you've been going on about how these sound better than anything else out there.
Yet when asked to share any negative points--- even a single one--- you're suddenly reluctant and playing it from an angle of "oh it's not the finished model so I can't say."
Uh huh. Right.
Aug 6, 2012 at 9:14 AM Post #94 of 740

[size=15.833333015441895px] In September, to be exact at the 8th and 9th (10 am to 6 pm,each) Quad-friends from all over Europe come together and meet at the head office of Quad Musikwiedergabe in Gering, which is in between the beautiful region called Eifel.

[size=15.833333015441895px] Quad is seen as a symbol which represents the best full-range-electrostatics worldwide. Products with the same quality level are very rare and probably the only one which is seen as equivalent in this field is an electrostatic designed the sound engineer Jürg Jecklin more than 40 years ago. Under the name of Jecklin Float he came out with a electrostatic headphone. Soon the Float became “the” tool to monitor classical and jazz recordings which have to be perfect.[/size]

Please click to enlarge.
[size=15.833333015441895px]This year at the Quadfest, the master himself presents the new 'Jecklin FLoat QA'. He also will explain why the new one is even better than the old. The new Float QA will be produced by QUAD Musikwiedergabe.[/size]

[size=15.833333015441895px]We are looking forward[size=15.833333015441895px][/size]
[size=15.833333015441895px]to see you here[/size]

Quad-friends from all over the world named them EIFELquad`s when they are talking about there electrostatics produced here in the German highlands.
Meanwhile it became more and more obvious that the great English traditions is going to be continued her e in the Eifel. Led by Marco Weber they produce both the original design and there contemporary versions. Visitors of the Quadfest will be able to listen 'the closest approach to the original sound'.

download PDF
Every year the number of visitors who are staying both days increases. Furthermore you are welcome to join us to dinner on Saturday evening at 7 pm. It's a good opportunity to meet other quad-friends in a comfortable atmosphere to exchange your experiences and get some new information. Booking fee is 30,-€ for dinner and drinks. We also help with accommodation.

It sounds like music
It is Henk Hompert who will let us hear how QUAD electrostatics can sing. As every year Henk has ready a collection of good CD`s and Vinyls.
Discussions welcome
The QUADfest is the place to meet “quadminded” music lovers. Learn details about the ideas behind the producds, exchange experiences, ask questions,…and all that in a nice surrounding having a glas of Mosel Riesling.
Visitors of the QUADfest will have the chance to listen to different lectures:
Christian Starke (Dipl. Tonmeister) 
... will talk about Friedrich Gernsheim, an early composer. Christian will deliver us details about the life and the work of Gernsheim and will give us some information to get a feeling in what time Gernsheim lived and about his network and friendships to other composers at that time.
Jürg Jecklin (Tonmeister & Prof. an der Universität für Musik in Wien)
Even if we all are familiar with electrostatics since many years, you should not miss Jürg`s lecture. Jürg delivers us the answers about the details behind and he will let us know why the electrostatic concept has been the best in the last cupple of decades --- and why we will not see any change in the future.

Actually the deep frequencies are not of high relevance. This is because only a few natural instruments are able to produce such deep frequencies.
Therefore in most cases a pair of Quad electrostatics will be the best to enjoy ones favourite music in a living room. However for a few cases a subwoofer can be quite useful.
Quad Musikwiedergabe found a way to produce a well considered design of a dipole subwoofer in  three different options. This way they do have a perfect solution to combine a subwoofer with nearly all dipole systems.
At QUAD Musikwiedergabe they don`t have secrets. Means you are welcome to take a look behind the curtain to get a feeling to understand what they are doing and how they restore and produce QUAD electrostatics.
Since decades Ortofon is the company which delivers the best pick up`s ever. We all remember the SPU which is still in production in various versions. At this years QUADfestt Peter Mühlmeyer, the head of Ortofon Germany, is available together with his wife to answer questions..
Aug 6, 2012 at 9:33 AM Post #95 of 740
Oh, but you've already said a lot of positive things about these. If fact you've been going on about how these sound better than anything else out there.
Yet when asked to share any negative points--- even a single one--- you're suddenly reluctant and playing it from an angle of "oh it's not the finished model so I can't say."
Uh huh. Right.

This is a misunderstanding. Yes, I have called positive points. Because they were heard. So I could call them. It's the same with the negative points. If they show up, they are called. If not, the better. Everything related to the housing, comfort, appearance, feel, I adjust back to the serial device - logical. Sonically, I could not see any negative points. Until now. When it does with the serial device, I'll write about it.
Aug 6, 2012 at 10:25 AM Post #97 of 740
. Until now. When it does with the serial device, I'll write about it.


Aug 6, 2012 at 11:30 AM Post #98 of 740
It's pretty rare to see a fanboy inadvertently assassinate the product of his own fanboyism.  It takes a combination of utter lack of subtlety, refusal to brook even the possibility of anything critical, and unwarranted verbosity in a language the writer clearly does not understand to turn the tide of public opinion single-handedly.  The path to such a singular achievement is treacherous - the traveler must be wary of the same fate as his predecessors - all along the side of the path lay the banned carcasses of innumerable shills who didn't have the unique blend of ignorance and arrogance that it takes to commit infanticide to the object of one's infatuation.  It takes the dedication of Rocky and the sanity of a rabbit in March to accomplish such a feat - we salute you.
Aug 6, 2012 at 12:43 PM Post #99 of 740
It's pretty rare to see a fanboy inadvertently assassinate the product of his own fanboyism.  It takes a combination of utter lack of subtlety, refusal to brook even the possibility of anything critical, and unwarranted verbosity in a language the writer clearly does not understand to turn the tide of public opinion single-handedly.  The path to such a singular achievement is treacherous - the traveler must be wary of the same fate as his predecessors - all along the side of the path lay the banned carcasses of innumerable shills who didn't have the unique blend of ignorance and arrogance that it takes to commit infanticide to the object of one's infatuation.  It takes the dedication of Rocky and the sanity of a rabbit in March to accomplish such a feat - we salute you.

It is also very rare to see that a negative attitude person is thinking positively. One would perhaps use the same approach when you get to know an interesting person. Perhaps an interesting woman to look all day, what is negative about her. If they are unlucky, a beautiful thing comes to an end before it begins.

Aug 6, 2012 at 12:59 PM Post #100 of 740
It's pretty rare to see a fanboy inadvertently assassinate the product of his own fanboyism.  It takes a combination of utter lack of subtlety, refusal to brook even the possibility of anything critical, and unwarranted verbosity in a language the writer clearly does not understand to turn the tide of public opinion single-handedly.  The path to such a singular achievement is treacherous - the traveler must be wary of the same fate as his predecessors - all along the side of the path lay the banned carcasses of innumerable shills who didn't have the unique blend of ignorance and arrogance that it takes to commit infanticide to the object of one's infatuation.  It takes the dedication of Rocky and the sanity of a rabbit in March to accomplish such a feat - we salute you.

That was brilliant. :D I was thinking about buying these, but now I think I'll pass. I fear they're too perfect for me and I would soil them with my mere presence.
Aug 7, 2012 at 4:53 AM Post #102 of 740
Complin has put the invitation side (Quad-Fest 2012) of quad-Musikwiedergabe in the forum. That is so far okay. But he has obviously used the German side and used a translation machine. This gets the sense and the text a little confused. On the Quad web site there is the invitation already in English. Here is the link:
 I asked him to change this please.
Aug 7, 2012 at 5:48 AM Post #105 of 740
From German forum
Wie bereits erwähnt, transformieren die beiden Transformatoren das eingehende Audiosignal auf eine höhere Spannung. Jeder Trafo für einen Stereokanal. Das Übersetzungsverhältnis liegt bei 1:60 und bedeutet beispielsweise: Wenn 1V Audiosignalamplitude ansteht, dann werden daraus hinter dem Trafo 60V. Sind es 3V, werden daraus 180V. Dieses hochtransformierte Audiosignal wird pro Wandlereinheit an die beiden Statorenhälften (-seiten) angelegt.
the question is how many watts from amplifier is needed for the transformer/psu to run the phones

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