New direction for RudiStor!
Aug 23, 2010 at 11:59 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 123


Headphoneus Supremus
Feb 12, 2005
Hurricane Central, FL
While I do not currently own a Rudistor amplifier, I auditioned them at CanJam and have been hoping at some point in the future to add one to my gear collection.  I have followed with interest several of his amplifiers, always hoping to find a bargain on the FS thread, but alas, no deals to be found as yet.
Recently, Rudi has introduced some new products and it might be of interest to check out his new website and marketing letter to his customers. 
I would someday like to have the opportunity to audition his new portable amplifer.
I should mention that am not receiving any goodies or promotionals in exchange for starting this thread, nor am I in any way associated with Rudi or his company. 
Aug 24, 2010 at 12:39 AM Post #2 of 123

Aug 24, 2010 at 1:43 AM Post #3 of 123
What happened to the Chroma MD1?
Aug 24, 2010 at 4:02 AM Post #4 of 123

What happened to the Chroma MD1?

August 23.8.2010
[size=x-small]I hope to be able to announce the starting of sales of Chroma MD-1in the next days, I already can announce the sucessor of the RP1000 will be released in autums as well as the Egmont-2,  the new electrostatics driver.[/size]
Aug 24, 2010 at 11:04 AM Post #5 of 123
/me hope you get your hands on a RudiStor some day.
Aug 25, 2010 at 7:12 PM Post #10 of 123

$600 for a portable amp? Is it the magnesium?

Some versions, of the LISA and the Pocket Reference, and if I'm not mistaken some others from Larrocco Audio, while they had the relationship with Larry (of course those were among the best portables amps out there) were running for around that price and they were not made out of magnesium, so I think that this is not the main reason behind these prices, I think, and I hate to be wrong, that it is more becasue of the sound, but what do I know? In any case, I could tell you next week while I will receive my farewell package from Rudi with a few new toys...
And as a side note, from this point on, I will not longer be acting as Rudistor rep in US, all our commercial relationship will cease, he will be distributing and offering service directly from Italy ising the website, even while I will miss a few coins in my pocket, I know that will be good for his future, and given the friendship we have, I can not complain in having meet, and have a freindship with a very honest manufacturer, that is proud of having some of the best sounding amps around, and not all is bad, the good thing will be that I will be free to post as I wish, thing that I'm dying of doing it for so long, and given my status I couldn' the best is still to come!!!!

If any moderator is reading this please, would you mind to remove my MOT status...
Aug 26, 2010 at 8:10 AM Post #12 of 123
Al I am very sorry to hear you are parting from RudiStor.
I am very grateful for your advise and help, I hope you'll still be available to those of us who need and value your input.
Aug 26, 2010 at 6:30 PM Post #14 of 123

Al I am very sorry to hear you are parting from RudiStor.
I am very grateful for your advise and help, I hope you'll still be available to those of us who need and value your input.

I will always be...and of course any recommnedation on any Rudistor products, I could always offer my honest point of view. Anyway my relationship with him began based in the sound quality of his amps, and not based on any profits from his products, and later on, after some time of being a loyal customer from him, he asked me for some help in US, and knowing his products I did not hesitate.... 
Aug 26, 2010 at 6:35 PM Post #15 of 123

I wonder if the price has anything to do with profit.

Nope, sorry but if I'm not mistaken, a bird whispered on my ear last night, that from now on, all manufacturers will be selling the amps at cost, and just for the their time, materials, knowledge, etc...are completelly irrelevant, as all amps sound alike, right?...


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