New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread
Nov 16, 2023 at 11:29 AM Post #106 of 1,210
Alas .. I will have to be patient once again ... Delivery for the IO-12 is scheduled for 14:00-19:00 today .. But I will have to leave to the airport around 13:00 for a business trip to Vienna later this afternoon ... That puts my first acquaintance with them squarely into the weekend :see_no_evil: :joy:
Have you had a chance to listen to these yet? Would love to hear your impressions. :)
Nov 16, 2023 at 12:49 PM Post #108 of 1,210
My decision on Thursday of last week is final about returning the iO-12 and keeping the excellent Solitaire T (ST). My plan is sending back the iO-12 on Monday of this week.

BUT last weekend (and in last few days) I'm using the 12 almost exclusively and only doing very few comparisons, meaning that I spending more time like I usually doing in my home and not thinking about comparisons or posting impressions in headfi.

So, this next comments are only about my VERY personal use of earphones and headphones.

Right now I'm not 100% sure I must returning the iO-12 (12) and selling my excellent Solitare T (ST). Why, after all my previous posts in this thread?

The number one reason is this: The volume control of the 12. With the 12 I have 32 volume steps, not 30 like I saying before (Sorry Fabik, you are correct is 32!) and I can changing the volume very quickly and having the exact volume I want -- I can't doing this with the ST, unfortunately. Volume control for me is EXTREMELY important, like I saying already, because I'm changing volume ALL the time. So, in last 5 days I'm having a great experience with volume control with the 12 that I don't have with my ST. This, I must insisting, is very personal and VERY important for me. Volume control in the 12 is very better than in the ST, and better, too, than in 5909, Bathys (this one is terrible!!), h95, px8 and many others BT/ANC headphones. I remember saying in the ST thread that I'm happy paying extra 100 euros for good volume control.

The second reason, not so important, but definitely is good having, is that the 12 having more maximum loud volume than the ST. With the ST this isn't a problem for me 97% of the time, but occasionally, when playing some old original masters (mastered with more low volume than today's masters but often having, by contrast, great dynamic range) I sometimes wanting little more max volume. BUT, this isn't really a strong reason, but is a good secondary reason still.

I rarely use my ST passively (headphone off with a 3.5mm cable) and I'm almost always using in BT "High Quality" mode 98% of the time, so this is other reason for maybe keeping the 12. If this being different, like is with several ST users that using the ST more in fully passive mode than BT mode, or even fully passive and balanced mode (a feature only available in the ST from any others BT/ANC headphones), then I definitely DON'T selling my ST. In difference with the 12, the ST's BT "HQ" mode is sounding incredibly close with fully passive mode. The 12 isn't. This is because of the ST's unique tech.

So, my big dilemma now is that I still preferring the ST's sound than the 12's. BUT the 12's sound is still excellent (with DSP on, not fully passive unfortunately) and very neutral /reference too. Like I saying before, the 12 is the second best BT/ANC headphone in sound quality I hearing in my life (only after the ST), and better, in my opinion, than the 5909, Bathys and very obviously than the h95 and px8).

If I keeping the 12, I will be missing the ST's excellent low-end extension. Is curious that some people saying the ST don't having enough bass!... then the 12 will having a little less for those people, even. The 12 is definitely NOT a basshead/bass lovers headphone because is very neutral sounding.

--ANC in the ST is better
--Fully passive mode in the ST is better
--ANC performance is (little) better in the ST (in my tests at home)
--Transparency mode is better in the ST
--Construction quality is better in the ST
--ST is better for travelling
--Personally I think the ST having better design aesthetically

If I keeping the 12, I have strong feeling that I will buying the ST again...

Terrible dilemma I have.
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Nov 16, 2023 at 3:38 PM Post #109 of 1,210
Volume control for me is EXTREMELY important, like I saying already, because I'm changing volume ALL the time.
Do you have an Apple Watch? The buttons on the Px8 to change the volume/songs really bothered me. The problem was solved when I realized that the Apple Watch is perfect as an alternative input device. Maybe that would be an option for you too (if I remember, you already have a MacBook and an iPhone)?

If I keeping the 12, I have strong feeling that I will buying the ST again...
Terrible dilemma I have.
Some thoughts. Perhaps it will help you a little in your decision-making process:

I don't know your local returns policy. But can't you return your new buy (the iO-12) and be "force" yourself to spend a few more weeks with the T+A and see if you miss the iO-12 again? I've actually just packed up my iO-12 again, convinced that I'll send it back. Only to unpack it again a few days later. At least I'm not constantly switching between headphones - you need some time alone with a device to make better decisions. I agree with this.

So I'm currently going through the same dilemma with the H95. I feel like I want to keep the headphones I have on. But if I'm honest with myself and look at myself, I realize that I'm more likely to go for the H95s. The iO-12s are still too expensive for me at the moment - so I'll probably send them back, but I'll keep an eye on the thread here, the software updates (in regards to the bass EQ) and prices.

And if you keep both: it's not a crime. Every hobby costs money and it's nice to spend it on enjoying music. You can spend your money much more unnecessarily. Both headphones are yours! Maybe one for outdoor, the other one for home listening? And I think it is also okay to take the time you need to find the right headphones.

Perhaps you could also consider whether you would rather sell the iO-12 or the T+A when a new high-end Bluetooth headphone is released? Of course, it's hard for us all to look into the future, but for me, for example, the H95s have a very high USP in terms of UX/operation and bass, so I'm less likely to assume that a new headphone release will quickly replace these USP and I'll be happy to reach for the H95s for a long time to come.
Nov 16, 2023 at 11:55 PM Post #110 of 1,210
Do you have an Apple Watch? The buttons on the Px8 to change the volume/songs really bothered me. The problem was solved when I realized that the Apple Watch is perfect as an alternative input device. Maybe that would be an option for you too (if I remember, you already have a MacBook and an iPhone)?

Thank you for the suggestion. Yes, I have iPhone 15 Pro and MacBook Pro and I know about how good is the AW for controlling the volume of your BT ear/headphones, but I still prefer using my analogue watch. (I trying the AW few years ago but isn't for me)

I don't know your local returns policy. But can't you return your new buy (the iO-12) and be "force" yourself to spend a few more weeks with the T+A and see if you miss the iO-12 again? I've actually just packed up my iO-12 again, convinced that I'll send it back.

When I changing from H95 to 5909 I missing A LOT the playback features of the H95, but the sound of the 5909 is clearly better for me and even if playback (including volume) isn't so good, is still better in the 5909 than in the ST (only the volume control is still little frustrating for me in the ST). So I have few more days for deciding if the volume control is sufficient strong reason for keeping the 12 and selling my ST. At least the sound quality of the 12 is excellent and sufficiently close for me considering maybe keeping the 12. But I insist, if, like other ST owners I using the ST in passive mode a lot, then the ST is very obvious choice, but this isn't my case.

So I'm currently going through the same dilemma with the H95. I feel like I want to keep the headphones I have on. But if I'm honest with myself and look at myself, I realize that I'm more likely to go for the H95s. The iO-12s are still too expensive for me at the moment - so I'll probably send them back, but I'll keep an eye on the thread here, the software updates (in regards to the bass EQ) and prices.

I think for you is more obvious that the H95 is better option for you right now. And you having the H95 EQ in the app so that can helping getting more close to your preference in sound too. And you paying a lot less for the H95 and this is making your decision more easy.

And if you keep both: it's not a crime. Every hobby costs money and it's nice to spend it on enjoying music. You can spend your money much more unnecessarily. Both headphones are yours! Maybe one for outdoor, the other one for home listening? And I think it is also okay to take the time you need to find the right headphones.

I already have several BT/ANC headphones. Keeping both ST and the 12 isn't an option. I don't like usually using BT/ANC in the street, only sometimes for going to bank or post office or a place that I know I will probably waiting a long time, and here I use my normal AirPods 3rd Gen (not even my AirPods Pro with ANC) because I want being aware of my surroundings and the AP3 is more comfortable too than the APP2 and very pocketable.

If I keep the 12, then for travelling I will probably using my APP2 that having excellent ANC and very good sound (better than px8 and many others BT headphones, in my opinion)

Perhaps you could also consider whether you would rather sell the iO-12 or the T+A when a new high-end Bluetooth headphone is released?

I know I will trying new BT/ANC headphones in the future and when that time is here, like now, I will deciding if I will keeping the new model or not. (I buying the AirPods Max, Bathys, PX8, Dali iO-6, and M&D MW65 for example, and those are not for me for different reasons...and before that I buying the h9, h9 2nd gen and h9 3rd gen, and others models by Sony and Bose but they aren't for me either)
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Nov 17, 2023 at 8:13 AM Post #111 of 1,210
Have you had a chance to listen to these yet? Would love to hear your impressions. :)

Not yet. I sent it back because DALI offered to send a pair for review purposes instead. That pair however has not been sent yet ...
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Nov 17, 2023 at 12:11 PM Post #112 of 1,210
Battery indicator and voice aren't reliable.

I starting charging and after 30 minutes more or less is showing a "solid green light", meaning is 100%. If I keep the charging cable connected and turn on the io12, the battery in my MacBook is showing 100% and the voice is saying "battery full". But then if I disconnect the cable and then switch on again the io12, the voice is saying 70% and my MacBook is showing 67%.

Not good.

So, multipoint connecting isn't working well, and now the not reliable battery charging levels. I hope Dali providing firmware update to iO-12 soon via their website like they doing with the iO-6. Right now in their website no updates are available yet.

More early today I putting my ST for sale here in head-fi because I deciding keeping the io12. I'm beginning having more doubts again...
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Nov 18, 2023 at 11:13 AM Post #113 of 1,210
So, I selling my ST already this morning and now is official that I keeping the 12. But, I still can't avoiding thinking that is possible in future I maybe buying the ST again...yes, the ST is a great headphone in many ways.

I know that some of my comments about the 12 aren't so great in this thread, but I want mentioning one more positive aspect.

I already saying that the 12 (in BT mode and passively with DSP on, and with USB-C cable also with DSP on), after the ST, is my favourite sounding BT/ANC headphone, and better than the 5909, Bathys, and clearly even more better than H95 or PX8. BUT I experimenting today a little more time with the "bass" mode on the 12. I must saying that Dali doing a really very good job here. Why? Because even when "Hi Fi" mode is my absolute clear preference, "bass" mode isn't exaggerating the bass lift that is so typical of 'bass' presets in so many headphones.

So, Dali are still deciding giving only a little more bassy sound but still sufficiently close with 'hi fi' sound. Yes, the bass is affecting the mids a little (giving more weight to low mids), but Dali doing this in very tasteful, not exaggeration, way. Maybe this mode is ok for people, like me, that preferring a more reference sound when playing some old masters that are missing a little mote correct reproduction in low frequencies because of the limitations of vinyl in those days in the low end and this masters are exact transfers made directly to CD keeping the same sound. This is why some new masters of old albums are very good and others (very) poor. (Hi-res making absolutely no difference here, by the way. Is the new master, in CD quality sound, that making ALL the difference when doing correctly, NOT the bitrate)
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Nov 19, 2023 at 6:42 PM Post #115 of 1,210
Two more positive aspects about the iO-12.

1. This is a (very) heavy headphone (if comparing with the standard weight of majority of ANC headphones), but Dali doing excellent job distributing the weight so that, at least in my case, after almost 4 hours using this headphone for first time (before today all my sessions are a maximum of 1,5 hours), is never uncomfortable. But is true too that I always know that I have a headphone in my head (I think the big earpads are contributing for this). Dali achieving the perfect clamping force, meaning that isn't too strong that is quickly becoming uncomfortable and at same time isn't so loose that the headphone is moving easily (with risk of falling even) with head movements of even reasonable force — I can moving my head and the headphone is staying in the same place, up/down or left/right (heavy headphones usually either moving easily or, if not, is because of strong clamping force and becoming soon uncomfortable).

2. When walking with the Dalis on, even with music in low volume, you can't hearing your footsteps (bone conduction). This is really very good. This is a problem with several headphones (heavy or not).
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Nov 22, 2023 at 11:49 PM Post #116 of 1,210
How can you say that? Do you know what headphones other people have heard or not?
I did take the opportunity to borrow a colleagues Solitaire T for two full days. Very nice headphones but didnt do it for me, sound-wise. Also I couldnt stand the plastic ear cups.
Here the Dali IO-12 is much more comfortable for me.
I know it is not ”helpful” to you but I frankly could care less.
The IO-12 cups look plastic to me in pics; are they not?
Nov 23, 2023 at 8:47 AM Post #119 of 1,210
??? Are the cups that hold the ear pads all metal?
No but at least the pads that touch your ear is real leather made from something with parents and not plastic.
Overall the perceived build quality of IO-12 is fine although not as good as the solid and much cheaper B&W PX8 or the almost as good B&O H95.
Nov 23, 2023 at 10:06 AM Post #120 of 1,210
I have a question for whoever owns a pair of these. Are they suitable to use with an external DAC/amp? So they bypass the internal DAC in that case?


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