New Cavalli Audio Portable Amp officially in the works
Apr 9, 2016 at 10:31 AM Post #391 of 566
I'll have a chance to compare the L. Spark and Mojo tomorrow, shoot me a reminder Sunday and I'll let you know.

Look forward to reading your comparo.
Thanks!! That would be great. I don't own any CIEMs as I will mostly use it (the Spark) with a ZMF Omni (50R planar magnetic T50RP driver).
What's the per channel power output of the Spark (in RMS or peak value)?
If the pricing comes out 300$ lower (as gr8soundz suggests) and it has at least 80% of the Carbon's power (minus the balanced part) I think it would be quite a deal

That price came from this post after CanJam SoCal:
May 17, 2016 at 10:49 AM Post #394 of 566
  How do I order CA spark amp?

They're not officially out for sale yet.  I know Jason at The Source AV is taking reservations though.  You might want to shoot him a PM (@TSAVJason).
May 27, 2016 at 6:42 AM Post #396 of 566
May 27, 2016 at 11:44 AM Post #399 of 566
Thanks for the link.
TL;DR are taking reservations for the first run of Liquid Spark.

@TSAVJason is as well.  East coast and west coast so you can keep it relatively local if you want.  

May 30, 2016 at 9:35 AM Post #403 of 566
Jun 12, 2016 at 1:25 PM Post #405 of 566
Any release date for spark amp?

Not that I've heard yet.  I'll tell you that I was shown super secret drawings of the final design at THE Show and it's going to be BA (and I don't mean balanced armature!)  


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