New Beyerdynamic T1 (2nd Generation)
May 31, 2021 at 7:15 PM Post #3,647 of 3,939
All three T1's sound quite different honestly and are each distinctly different headphones.
If only Beyerdynamic bothered to make separate their designations...
Jun 11, 2021 at 1:43 PM Post #3,648 of 3,939
Not sure how I got here.. but started from the bottom now I'm here... lol

Just wanted to take a minute to talk about the T1.2 (black edition) on this thread after having owned my unit for a few months.

I am the owner of an Arya, MDR-Z1R, Ether Flow 1.1 and currently the T1.2 (not to mention countless flagships I've owned/tried over the years). Holy smokes.. I have been enjoying my T1.2's immensely. They have something going on.. I have no idea what it is.. but I am utterly addicted to them... so much so that my other headphones have been (sadly) collecting dust since the T1.2 appeared on my desk. I am driving mine off a balanced DX7 Topping (OG DX7, not S or Pro). All I have to say is there is some weird kind of magic happening with the T1.2's. I enjoy them far more than I ever did my HD800S which I had to sell after owning for 3 years. These are just so enjoyable.. from the lows all the way to the top end highs and these simply trade blows with every other piece of audio gear I currently own (and boy do they keep up). I feel like the Beyer T1.2 is a hidden "gem" in the audio world that most are simply not aware of. The price this can be had for makes it a real STEAL in my opinion. For the longest time, I was really put off and didn't try/buy one due to the 600ohm impedance and not having an OTL tube amp. I finally bit the bullet and purchased one (because I had a Jotunheim 2 on the way) and boy... although the Jot 2 was a horrible disappointment.. I was utterly blown away at how good the T1.2 sounded off my DX7 system.

If you are reading this and are on the fence thinking about trying the T1.2... I urge you to try it! They are efficient headphones despite the 600Ohm impedance and sound simply wonderful in every way I can describe. To my ears, they are very detailed but not fatiguing ( I don't get any peaks with my setup). The bass, mids, treble.. it's all like some weird audio drug. Cheers to those who are already enjoying their units! I'm so happy to be part of this club =D
Jun 11, 2021 at 2:08 PM Post #3,649 of 3,939
Not sure how I got here.. but started from the bottom now I'm here... lol

Just wanted to take a minute to talk about the T1.2 (black edition) on this thread after having owned my unit for a few months.

I am the owner of an Arya, MDR-Z1R, Ether Flow 1.1 and currently the T1.2 (not to mention countless flagships I've owned/tried over the years). Holy smokes.. I have been enjoying my T1.2's immensely. They have something going on.. I have no idea what it is.. but I am utterly addicted to them... so much so that my other headphones have been (sadly) collecting dust since the T1.2 appeared on my desk. I am driving mine off a balanced DX7 Topping (OG DX7, not S or Pro). All I have to say is there is some weird kind of magic happening with the T1.2's. I enjoy them far more than I ever did my HD800S which I had to sell after owning for 3 years. These are just so enjoyable.. from the lows all the way to the top end highs and these simply trade blows with every other piece of audio gear I currently own (and boy do they keep up). I feel like the Beyer T1.2 is a hidden "gem" in the audio world that most are simply not aware of. The price this can be had for makes it a real STEAL in my opinion. For the longest time, I was really put off and didn't try/buy one due to the 600ohm impedance and not having an OTL tube amp. I finally bit the bullet and purchased one (because I had a Jotunheim 2 on the way) and boy... although the Jot 2 was a horrible disappointment.. I was utterly blown away at how good the T1.2 sounded off my DX7 system.

If you are reading this and are on the fence thinking about trying the T1.2... I urge you to try it! They are efficient headphones despite the 600Ohm impedance and sound simply wonderful in every way I can describe. To my ears, they are very detailed but not fatiguing ( I don't get any peaks with my setup). The bass, mids, treble.. it's all like some weird audio drug. Cheers to those who are already enjoying their units! I'm so happy to be part of this club =D
That special something is why I love the T1’s. There is just something addicting and comfy about their sound. Outside the T1.2 and T1.3 nothing quite feels as comfortable to listen to long term for me. I don’t know what it is either but they just sound right. It only becomes more noticeable as you own them longer and have very long listening sessions. Neither of my T1’s are going anywhere. They are headphones for the long haul, you never get sick/tired of them, they may not wow you right off the bat, but before you know it they sunk their claws into you.
Jun 11, 2021 at 2:15 PM Post #3,650 of 3,939
That special something is why I love the T1’s. There is just something addicting and comfy about their sound. Outside the T1.2 and T1.3 nothing quite feels as comfortable to listen to long term for me. I don’t know what it is either but they just sound right. It only becomes more noticeable as you own them longer and have very long listening sessions. Neither of my T1’s are going anywhere. They are headphones for the long haul, you never get sick/tired of them, they may not wow you right off the bat, but before you know it they sunk their claws into you.

Hah I totally agree. They indeed seduce you more and more the longer you let them burn your ears in lol. As my ears have grown "tuned" to them, it's only made me want to spend more time with them.. not less. I actually loved them as soon as I first heard them.. in fact.. I WAS blown away immediately. I think you are spot on for comfort / long listening sessions.. there is something "comfy" about them indeed.. from physical comfort to how the sound produces so much detail, vibrant life, and dynamics yet.. not fatigue.. Magic indeed. Air, sparkle, beautiful mids, impactful lows, they seem to do it all.. at least for me..
Jun 11, 2021 at 2:17 PM Post #3,651 of 3,939
That special something is why I love the T1’s. There is just something addicting and comfy about their sound. Outside the T1.2 and T1.3 nothing quite feels as comfortable to listen to long term for me. I don’t know what it is either but they just sound right. It only becomes more noticeable as you own them longer and have very long listening sessions. Neither of my T1’s are going anywhere. They are headphones for the long haul, you never get sick/tired of them, they may not wow you right off the bat, but before you know it they sunk their claws into you.
Just curious.. Do your T1 3rd gen do anything your T1 2nd gen don't do? I'm just curious what the justification is for owning both.. they must clearly have different sound signatures / sauce. I would personally own both an Ether Flow 1.1 and Ether 2 because the sound signature is different enough and I enjoy both equally.. is it the same case with the T1.2 vs the .3 revision?
Jun 11, 2021 at 2:25 PM Post #3,652 of 3,939
Just curious.. Do your T1 3rd gen do anything your T1 2nd gen don't do? I'm just curious what the justification is for owning both.. they must clearly have different sound signatures / sauce. I would personally own both an Ether Flow 1.1 and Ether 2 because the sound signature is different enough and I enjoy both equally.. is it the same case with the T1.2 vs the .3 revision?
Different sound signatures, but both have that T1 magic to them so yes it's the same case with them. The T1.3 is dark, warm, and full sounding headphone with very nice solidity and dynamics. Some may find the gen 3 too warm sounding. The different impedance also makes amplification and system pairings quite different between the two.
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Jun 23, 2021 at 2:01 AM Post #3,653 of 3,939
After some more time I can tell you that I like them more and more.
They have something that none of my other headphones has: vertical soundstage and deepness of the scene.
It's a very odd feeling that I never experienced before. Maybe a bit with the Amiron...
Anyway very pleased with them :)
Jun 23, 2021 at 2:25 AM Post #3,654 of 3,939
After some more time I can tell you that I like them more and more.
They have something that none of my other headphones has: vertical soundstage and deepness of the scene.
It's a very odd feeling that I never experienced before. Maybe a bit with the Amiron...
Anyway very pleased with them :)
I know what you mean about the Amiron. I miss my Amiron Home. However, the T1.2 is superior in almost every way, depending on the amp of course.
Jun 23, 2021 at 8:33 PM Post #3,655 of 3,939
I use (and love) the T1p (AK designation). Are there 4 models: T1, T1.2, T1p, and T1.3?
Jul 19, 2021 at 2:28 PM Post #3,656 of 3,939
I just got the Schiit Jotunheim 2 amp and I have to say that I've never heard the T1.2 sound better. The treble of the T1.2 can sound bright if it doesn't pair well with the amp, but the Jotunheim 2 using the balanced cable is a great combo. The midrange is vivid and expressive and the treble is smooth and extended without getting bright or harsh.
Jul 19, 2021 at 2:31 PM Post #3,657 of 3,939
I just got the Schiit Jotunheim 2 amp and I have to say that I've never heard the T1.2 sound better. The treble of the T1.2 can sound bright if it doesn't pair well with the amp, but the Jotunheim 2 using the balanced cable is a great combo. The midrange is vivid and expressive and the treble is smooth and extended without getting bright or harsh.
LF on balanced out is something else! The outstanding resolution, impact, and timbre.
Jul 20, 2021 at 1:04 AM Post #3,659 of 3,939
That is a yes. T1 ~ T1p, T1.2, T1.3
The T1p punches higher than it's price tag. It competes with my much more expensive Abyss Diana Phi and only loses out in bass impact and resolution. It's a keeper.
Jul 27, 2021 at 10:10 PM Post #3,660 of 3,939
Plugged the T1s today and took a long listen. Haven't done this in a long time.

T1 has the most sweet/pretty sounding HF out of all the HPs I own. May not be the most accurate, but easily one of the most pleasing to listen to.

I wish I could dedicate more time listening to all my HPs.

Unfortunately, roughly 50% of my listening time goes to speakers, and about 15% to IEMs. So I'm left with a meager 35% if I'm lucky to listen to HPs. And I have to contend with nearly 25 of them.

I guess the only upside is that all my HPs are practically new and I don't need to ever worry about swapping pads.

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