New Audeze LCD3
Nov 27, 2011 at 8:40 AM Post #1,966 of 11,521

i am from sicily(and i´m not italian
i know that joe grado is from north italy but if grado say that is sicilian, this is the true
this is the flag of sicily

Nov 27, 2011 at 8:50 AM Post #1,967 of 11,521
With the arrival of the Rega Saturn, I can now confirm that the brightness I mentioned was due to the SR71B. I unplugged my CLAS / PB2 and connected the SR71B to the Rega via a RCA->3.5mm QED cable. The birghtness still persists. Once connected to the SR71A, however, the brightness is gone and the LCD3 presents very good sound. These will all be moot when my Liquid Fire arrives, but just thought it might be useful to those considering using the SR71B for the LCD2/3. Cheers.
Nov 27, 2011 at 9:07 AM Post #1,968 of 11,521



i am from sicily.
i know that joe grado is from north italy.
another place, another language

I have to take Joe's word for it. 
He could have moved from his birthplace before going to New York. 
Nov 27, 2011 at 11:59 AM Post #1,969 of 11,521
Has anyone done an A/B with the stock cable vs. aftermarket?  My question is how the 3's compare w/stock cable vs the 2's with aftermarket.  I remember back maybe it was Tyll comparing the 2's w/aftermarket vs the 2rev2 w/stock and not coming up with that big a difference as I recall (of course memory fails here).
Nov 28, 2011 at 1:54 AM Post #1,970 of 11,521

LoL...a great can the HP1000s. But talk about compressed imaging, mediocre sub bass response and still a bit too bright for me. But still, the best Grado's I've ever heard. If they still made drivers for them, I might be tempted to pick up a used pair. Makes me wonder why John hasn't asked good old uncle Joe for some help.

Wait, you think the HP1000 is too bright?  You've been using an RS1 for ages.  That sounds like product variation or John used your pair for beta testing his new sound.  I'm completely at a loss.....
Regarding LFF and dissenters of the LCD3 (which I had to include myself as),  I think the biggest curiosity he had, that we both share, was the distinct lack of criticism.  Ironically, this was exactly the same trend w/ the LCD2 threads waxing poetic about how superb the r.1 was as the best ToTL phone you could get still in production.  Then the r.2 came out, the best got even better!  Now the LCD3 comes out and these are leaps and bounds above that already perfect achievement.  From reading the r.1/LCD3 evolution you'd think Audeze had developed a cure for cancer and poverty.  I have no problem w/ anyone liking any set of phones or disliking them, but I find the lack of critical commentary suspect.  We're talking obvious things that should be rather easy to flesh out when talking about ToTL phones.  
Nov 28, 2011 at 2:39 AM Post #1,971 of 11,521
but I find the lack of critical commentary suspect.

I criticized them multiple times during RMAF until I heard them on the Darkstar/Boulder combo. That setup was near perfection for me, but on the other setups they were merely good.

Maxvla said:
33) iPod (then Luxman D-05), Eddie Current 2A3, Audeze LCD3
Not enough power. At maximum it was just barely loud enough to listen to. Sound is passive. This setup just doesn't sound good at all. (later Alex changed sources after my comments to him) Now Luxman D-05 - Much much better probably as good or better than Liquid Fire now. Could still be volume limited for some people, but I doubt it.

My first sit down with the LCD3 was with a really poor choice of setup. Apparently with the speaker room and the CanJam setup, Audeze didn't bring enough sources so they made do with an iPod. This was a mistake that persisted all day Friday and most of Saturday before I mentioned it to Alex. Soon after I walked back by and the iPod had been replaced by a Luxman. The sound was dramatically better due to the higher output voltage allowing for proper volume. At this point this was the best LCD3 setup at the table or at least tied with the Liquid Fire.

34) Unknown DAC, Red Wine Audio Audeze Edition amp, Audeze LCD3
Much better. Bass is full and powerful, but doesn't bleed. Imaging is good. Focus is not great. Fuzzy center. More treble than LCD2 for sure. Better? Not sure. I'd call it just a different flavor. Might be just a touch clearer (than LCD2). Bass is thunderous. nice, but not for me with this setup.

Worst combo at the table after the source change on the Eddie Current. Only the Pinnacle later sounded worse than the RWA Audeze amp. Sound was just flat and boring. Some good points, but not enough for me to recommend. This amp needs to be adjusted for the LCD3 or a new version for it.

35) iPad, Unknown DAC, Cavalli Liquid Fire, Audeze LCD3
Focus is much better. Bass is slightly less volume but better control. Voices are more natural. Highs still rolled a bit, but they are nice. Best combo at this table.

Catering to my needs, this might be the best pairing (at this table) for me specifically, but I think the Eddie Current might be better overall. Later I found the Darkstar to be an order of magnitude better than all of these. At this point I still was not all that much of a fan of the LCD3, but could hear it was a nice setup for others with different priorities.
Nov 28, 2011 at 2:44 AM Post #1,972 of 11,521
Actually I find the LCD3 receiving more critical comments than the LCD2. I also criticize the LCD3 TP mod for the ergonomics. 
  But the complaints mainly come from its price. Also the LCD3 really needs good and matching upstream stuff to shine.


Wait, you think the HP1000 is too bright?  You've been using an RS1 for ages.  That sounds like product variation or John used your pair for beta testing his new sound.  I'm completely at a loss.....
Regarding LFF and dissenters of the LCD3 (which I had to include myself as),  I think the biggest curiosity he had, that we both share, was the distinct lack of criticism.  Ironically, this was exactly the same trend w/ the LCD2 threads waxing poetic about how superb the r.1 was as the best ToTL phone you could get still in production.  Then the r.2 came out, the best got even better!  Now the LCD3 comes out and these are leaps and bounds above that already perfect achievement.  From reading the r.1/LCD3 evolution you'd think Audeze had developed a cure for cancer and poverty.  I have no problem w/ anyone liking any set of phones or disliking them, but I find the lack of critical commentary suspect.  We're talking obvious things that should be rather easy to flesh out when talking about ToTL phones.  

Nov 28, 2011 at 2:54 AM Post #1,973 of 11,521

I criticized them multiple times during RMAF until I heard them on the Darkstar/Boulder combo. That setup was near perfection for me, but on the other setups they were merely good.

I believe Anax meant criticisms from owners and people who have had them for a period of time at home under more controlled conditions. Your impressions from RMAF were from variety of different rigs, some with sources that most LCD3 owners would consider sub-optimal. Also, it was hard to get a picture about what you felt was wrong with the LCD3 independent of upstream issues (iPad and iPod don't cut it.)
Nov 28, 2011 at 2:55 AM Post #1,974 of 11,521

I believe Anax meant criticisms from owners and people who have had them for a period of time at home under more controlled conditions. Your impressions from RMAF were from variety of different rigs, some with sources that most LCD3 owners would consider sub-optimal. Also, it was hard to get a picture about what you felt was wrong with the LCD3 independent of upstream issues (iPad and iPod don't cut it.)

He specifically said 'lack of critical commentary'. He did not qualify it in any regard.

In any case having multiple rigs to hear them on should give more weight to my comments than someone who's purchased them and tried them on a single system. 'Meet conditions' or no, which I think is a bunch of BS. All 5 rigs with LCD3 sounded very different. The only two I thought were close were the Liquid Fire and the 2A3.
Nov 28, 2011 at 3:00 AM Post #1,977 of 11,521
So given your experience on all the different rigs, what are your overall conclusions of the LCD3? Compared to the UERM, HD600, and other stuff you've owned? Be specific. "Better", "boring", "different flavor", and "good points" are kind of vague.
Nov 28, 2011 at 3:02 AM Post #1,978 of 11,521

Both Enzo and Joe are of Italian descent FWIW.

So was Mussolini.  But I guess Joe is Sicilian so he's off the hook. 

Actually I find the LCD3 receiving more critical comments than the LCD2. 

Maybe a response to prevent a repeat of history?  


I didn't say nobody had, but many enthusiastic claims really seemed wildly exuberant and unbalanced.  As Master Kong (Confucius) said, "Lower expectation to avoid disappointment."
Nov 28, 2011 at 3:11 AM Post #1,979 of 11,521
At least the Big Four are unanimous as to the LCD-3:
Jude, Ttyl, Skylab, googleli. Ok scrap the last one I mean CurraWong.
Nov 28, 2011 at 3:17 AM Post #1,980 of 11,521

At least the Big Four are unanimous as to the LCD-3:
Jude, Ttyl, Skylab, googleli. Ok scrap the last one I mean CurraWong.

Easy to see how you could make that mistake.  What are they unanimous about exactly?  Please share, I'm sure they'd love to hear this.
Let me help.  They cost $2K, use Zebrawood, softer pads, offer some technical driver improvements and.......(your turn here).  


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