Never Trust A Headphone Review
Jul 28, 2008 at 9:29 PM Post #16 of 47
Lets talk about smthg else...

I am bored of BOSE already.

Lets talk about Sennheiser..
Jul 29, 2008 at 12:53 AM Post #17 of 47

Originally Posted by mrarroyo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Has any of you three listened to a Bose headphone? I have and they do sound quite good, heck much better than what people on this site give them credit for.

No, I do not own any of the phones yet. But I am actually considering getting a pair.

**Rereads mrarroyo's reviews. Finds the amp he says is the worst. Buys the amp. Enters audio heaven.**

Jul 29, 2008 at 1:04 AM Post #18 of 47

Originally Posted by Nocturnal310 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Bose is luxury item for intellectually weaker consumers...who fall for marketing.

While I certainly do not vouch for buying a Bose headphone for a home hi-fi audio solution, they certainly have their place in the market - even for an audio enthusiast. Comfort plays a big issue and I once borrowed a friends QC (2 or 3 I forget) for a plane ride - it was the best ride I have ever been on. Forgetting the equipment and enjoying the music in a silent setting is certainly relaxing, even more so when it's compared to what it would be otherwise: Quote:

Originally Posted by Continental
vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Jul 29, 2008 at 1:38 AM Post #19 of 47
Maybe we should air these sessions on Comedy Channel's annual Roast: "Bose Incorporated". I wonder if Headfi is truly accomplishing anything meaningful by slandering and taunting one of the industry's 800lb gorillas.

Have any of the big wigs here on Headfi ever been in direct communications with BOSE R&D department to offer some legitimate, constructive criticism? Think of the benefits to our community if Bose, at least in part, started catering to our tastes in audio gear.
Jul 29, 2008 at 1:42 AM Post #20 of 47

Originally Posted by Usagi /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Think of the benefits to our community if Bose, at least in part, started catering to our tastes in audio gear.

They don't need to. Audiophiles are a niche market, and companies like Bose get away fine selling overpriced products to ill-informed consumers.
Jul 29, 2008 at 3:31 AM Post #21 of 47

Originally Posted by flashnolan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Never trust a Sicilian when death is on the line...


Originally Posted by Kirosia /img/forum/go_quote.gif
... unless there's iocane powder and a pirate involved...

One of THE absolute best movies of all time! Princess Bride
Jul 29, 2008 at 4:51 AM Post #22 of 47

Originally Posted by kwkarth /img/forum/go_quote.gif
One of THE absolute best movies of all time! Princess Bride

Thanks for the reminder. I can't believe I've never seen the whole movie my entire life.
Jul 29, 2008 at 6:26 AM Post #23 of 47
Everybody like to bash Bose headphones, but what Grados.

I can't believe people are paying $1,000 for those GS1000.

Man, what a total rip off. They have the same exact driver that are in the SR80 headphone, and because they are housed in wood and have an upgraded leather headband and better cabling. They are selling them for and $1,000-$80=$920 extra dollars.

And to top if off have you seem the crap of a headphone amplifier they are trying to sell.

Oh, I feel so much better.
Jul 29, 2008 at 7:05 AM Post #24 of 47
Before we continue with more Bose bashing, let me say that I think Bose people are the happiest people in the world, seriously.

Look at people on Head-Fi talking about their headphones. It's basically, "I got an Edition HD1000EB, but while I like this, it is missing that, and doesn't do this very well, so I'm thinking about getting X" - repeat n times, where n=Round( (disposable income)/(average cost per headphone) )

Now look at owner reviews of their Bose headphones: "Best in the world, won't need to buy another"; "Worth every penny and more"; "More than what I make in a month, but would sell my first born to buy another Bose".

The owner satisfaction of Bose headphones is stratospheric compared to Head-Fi people who buy equivalently-priced yet better performing headphones.

Maybe ignorance is bliss.

Before make fun of Bose people, realize that most of them are happy with their purchase and never upgrade - they stick with that purchase for the life of the product as they think it is the pinnacle of sound.

Many Head-Fi people find ways to not be satisfied a $1000 headphone.
Jul 29, 2008 at 7:45 AM Post #25 of 47

Originally Posted by trickywombat /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Before we continue with more Bose bashing, let me say that I think Bose people are the happiest people in the world, seriously.

Look at people on Head-Fi talking about their headphones. It's basically, "I got an Edition HD1000EB, but while I like this, it is missing that, and doesn't do this very well, so I'm thinking about getting X" - repeat n times, where n=Round( (disposable income)/(average cost per headphone) )

Now look at owner reviews of their Bose headphones: "Best in the world, won't need to buy another"; "Worth every penny and more"; "More than what I make in a month, but would sell my first born to buy another Bose".

The owner satisfaction of Bose headphones is stratospheric compared to Head-Fi people who buy equivalently-priced yet better performing headphones.

Maybe ignorance is bliss.

Before make fun of Bose people, realize that most of them are happy with their purchase and never upgrade - they stick with that purchase for the life of the product as they think it is the pinnacle of sound.

Many Head-Fi people find ways to not be satisfied a $1000 headphone.

That really works for any market that's three-level, though.

You have level one, the general consumer who might go out of his way to buy a set of $10 headphones at Circuit City while he's there buying something else because he lost his iPod headphones that were in the box.

Then you have level two, the people who typically have a friend who has a brother who's sister's boyfriend's dad's boss's drinking-buddy's son's school friend's cousin that told them that Bose was the "top of the line," they look at the marketing, and typically don't bother to actually research anything. They still listen to 128kbs music but think they hear better things because they use the trendy, more expensive headphones than level one.

Level three is the niche-market consumer who frequents forums and tries out different headphones with a specific end goal sound in mind.

Works the same way with cars. People who think their stock Civic is fast, then people who think their stock Maxima is fast, then people who sold their wife to finance their newest engine. You'll always have group one, which is a group happy with whatever comes in the box; then you have group two, which thinks that you can get the best stuff simply by blindly throwing money at something; then you have group three, which actually researches and tests stuff before they settle on what they use.
Jul 29, 2008 at 12:52 PM Post #26 of 47

Originally Posted by malldian /img/forum/go_quote.gif
While I certainly do not vouch for buying a Bose headphone for a home hi-fi audio solution, they certainly have their place in the market - even for an audio enthusiast. Comfort plays a big issue and I once borrowed a friends QC (2 or 3 I forget) for a plane ride - it was the best ride I have ever been on. Forgetting the equipment and enjoying the music in a silent setting is certainly relaxing, even more so when it's compared to what it would be otherwise:

Yes ..that i agree...they are very comfortable & sometimes look good too.

Thats why i said 'luxury' sedans are all about looks & comfort & not necessarily the performance of a lambho.
Jul 29, 2008 at 1:51 PM Post #27 of 47
I, as others above, say never trust a Cnet review!
Jul 29, 2008 at 3:11 PM Post #28 of 47

Originally Posted by Baines93 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Never trust a Churro eater?

Watch it, kiddo...your grass is playing with fire saying stuff like that.

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