My headphone collection is nothing, and I mean nothing!
Jan 31, 2007 at 12:58 AM Post #61 of 178

Originally Posted by Nasir /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't see a huge deal in this. Many speaker setups cost much more than this, and if he has the extra money to support his archive, I don't see why anyone cares to look at him in poor light. There are "weird" people everywhere who do "weird" things, who cares?

I don't see the big deal either


Originally Posted by Assorted /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wow... anybody cared to compile a price list of that?

he asked...

I replied...

nothing more...

I wasn't putting any negative connotations on it just gave a few very rough numbers.
Jan 31, 2007 at 1:57 AM Post #62 of 178

Originally Posted by m_memmory /img/forum/go_quote.gif
And it'd have to be to beat out Santa!!

Oh, it's not even close! That's what makes it so exciting from my perspective. Somebody has the headphone bug far worse than I do!

I can honestly tell you that it's nearly impossible to use all of the headphones that I have in a meaningful way, even 1 hour per month for each one, and I "only" have about 30 of them. Some are just so much better than others, so to really "use" them all, I'd have to be listening to headphones for well over 100 hours per month, and that's just not happening these days. For one thing, my speaker system has really got me by the short and curlys, so headphones have become my secondary listening choice again (as they used to be 4 or 5 years ago).

So unless he listens to music day and night, a lot of those headphones are there "just because" and (as far as I'm concerned, although I'm admittedly quite biased), there's nothing wrong with that. I think it's especially cool that he openly admits to being a collector. That's something that I'm still having a hard time admitting, although I do realize that there is an element of truth in it.
Jan 31, 2007 at 2:02 AM Post #63 of 178

Originally Posted by mrarroyo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
He also has 6,000 CD's.
To me that is more telling, in that he listens.

Only 2,000 for me and I can't listen to them all.
Jan 31, 2007 at 2:27 AM Post #64 of 178
Originally posted by 909:



Originally Posted by Nasir /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't see a huge deal in this. Many speaker setups cost much more than this, and if he has the extra money to support his archive, I don't see why anyone cares to look at him in poor light. There are "weird" people everywhere who do "weird" things, who cares?

I don't see the big deal either


Originally Posted by Assorted /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wow... anybody cared to compile a price list of that?

he asked...

I replied...

nothing more...

I wasn't putting any negative connotations on it just gave a few very rough numbers.

I'm with 909 on this one. Someone asked if "anybody cared..." to take a shot at the cost of his collection. He gave it a quick shot, but simply took an educated guess and nothing more. He wasn't being critical of the man in any way. Thus, there is no need of being ciritcal of 909 either.

In the end, it's a whole lot of money to spend but obviously on something that he enjoys very much. So in the spirit of my opening post, let's all try to avoid passing any value judgments and simply enjoy the collection for what it is.
Jan 31, 2007 at 3:15 AM Post #66 of 178
I just caught this thread, viewed his profile, noticed he is reading this thread as I type...and I'm sitting here thinking, I gotta get me on a plane to Europe and ransack his place
Quick while he's distracted reading Head-fi!
Jan 31, 2007 at 3:51 AM Post #67 of 178

Originally Posted by Wmcmanus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Originally posted by 909:
I'm with 909 on this one. Someone asked if "anybody cared..." to take a shot at the cost of his collection. He gave it a quick shot, but simply took an educated guess and nothing more. He wasn't being critical of the man in any way. Thus, there is no need of being ciritcal of 909 either.

Educated guess? You're giving 909 far too much credit. He's off by more than 10k.

Wayne, you started this thread. So I'll say, from a monetary amount, I'd rather have your speakers than WertherDVX's headphone collection. You and I both know your speakers are worth about the same. Forty thousand+ or there around abouts.

WertherDVX's collection is impressive, because it takes a lot of work to put something like that together. But from a pure dollar amount (and not time), it doesn't compare to your gear.

I know this is against the spirit of this thread. But from a pure dollar amount perspective, there's a right answer and a wrong answer. And if you want to incorrectly value the dollar amount of a collection... well, I suppose you could like 909 did.


Jan 31, 2007 at 3:54 AM Post #68 of 178
Buy every sort of headphone you can, keep them;

•Of the AKG after their kind,
•Audio-Technica of their kind,
•and of every Grado after its kind,
•of every Sony of their kindest kind
•of Sennheiser…

Thus WertherDVX's did…

Closest thing I’ve seen to a headphone Noah minus the ark…

Well, who know possibly he's got an ark too.
Jan 31, 2007 at 3:57 AM Post #69 of 178

Originally Posted by 909 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Buy every sort of headphone you can, keep them;

•Of the AKG after their kind,
•Audio-Technica of their kind,
•and of every Grado after its kind,
•of every Sony of their kindest kind
•of Sennheiser…

Thus WertherDVX's did…

Closest thing I’ve seen to a headphone Noah minus the ark…

Well, who know possibly he's got an ark too.

lol, you say this as if it's hard.


Jan 31, 2007 at 4:10 AM Post #71 of 178

Originally Posted by jjcha /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Educated guess? You're giving 909 far too much credit. He's off by more than 10k.

I know this is against the spirit of this thread. But from a pure dollar amount perspective, there's a right answer and a wrong answer. And if you want to incorrectly value the dollar amount of a collection... well, I suppose you could like 909 did.

I assume you read what I wrote right before I gave those figures…

Originally Posted by 909 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
a really quick and dirty tally…

It wasn’t mentioned or intended to be exact or even an educated guess. It’s beyond me how you can’t swallow that...


Originally Posted by 909
But based on your opinion my quick and dirt estimate over shot the mark.

Remember, I’ve copped to it a while ago. It really isn’t as big a deal as you are pumping it, but still you milk it.

And I’ll ask you again…

Originally Posted by 909
If he lost the entire collection, how much do you think it would cost to... replace everything?

Jan 31, 2007 at 5:15 AM Post #73 of 178

Originally Posted by jjcha /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wayne, you started this thread. So I'll say, from a monetary amount, I'd rather have your speakers than WertherDVX's headphone collection. You and I both know your speakers are worth about the same. Forty thousand+ or there around abouts.

WertherDVX's collection is impressive, because it takes a lot of work to put something like that together. But from a pure dollar amount (and not time), it doesn't compare to your gear.

Jason, I really do love my speakers. It seems like I've heard practically everything that I'd ever want to audition (except perhaps the Martin Logan Statements which are way too huge for my room, way too expensive, and out of production and thus unavailable in any event). So getting the MBL 101E's really was a dream come true, and a life-long dream at that. It would be silly to say that I'll never 'upgrade' at some distant point in the future because technology changes, so it's hard to say. But I can honestly say I've never heard anything that I'd prefer to have in my listening room, regardless of cost (and that comes as a big relief because there are a lot of speakers out there that cost way more).

Thankfully, because I live outside of the US and thus am not in any of the MBL dealer's territories, the US distributor was able to give me a very nice deal on the speakers as well as the 6010D preamp and pair of 9008A monoblock amps. But when putting together (for most people) a "one and only" 2 channel speaker system, your goals are very different than putting together a headphone collection. Your aim is to get it "just right" for your particular tastes and preferences as an (admitted in my case) audiophile who can be quite picky at times. There is a certain joy in getting it right because you know you're going to have to live with it for a long, long time or else lose a bunch of money (not to mention time and frustration) when going back through the sell and buy cycle all over.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I see my 2 channel system as being very different than my headphone collection. They serve 2 entirely different purposes, and much more is 'at stake' in terms of getting the 2 channel rig right, which thankfully, I've finally done. WertherDVX doesn't specify what components are used in his speaker system, and quite frankly it really doesn't matter whether it's a very modest system or an extremely over the top system, because (as I know you know) it's not a competition!

All I was pointing out in this thread is that someone out there has the headphones "bug" worse than me. WertherDVX is a self admitted dynamic headphones collector, and I've got to take my hat off to him because he sure has managed to do a great job at it. I'm actually of the other ilk (believe it or not). During these past 6-8 months or whatever it has been since I've had the MBL gear, it has become incrreasingly hard to pull myself away from my speakers to listen to any headphones, even the almighty Orpheus! Of course, they all still sound great when I do listen to them, so it's not that suddeny I'm too spoiled and thus can't be bothered with headphones. Instead, it's more of a guilt thing to see them sitting there, sometimes for several days, without being used. Were I able to admit that I'm a "collector" this wouldn't be such a problem. Not that it bothers me enough to sell any of them, but you know what I mean.

Headphones have such great utility and although they all do the same job, each one does it slightly differently. WertherDVX seems to appreciate this as well, and although I'm sure he just "looks" at some of them, with 6,000 CDs I'd imagine that he does a fair bit of listening as well. Collections of knives, watches, stamps, coins, beer bottles and the like, seem to be just that: collections. Things like headphones and cars shouldn't just sit there IMO because driving them can be so much fun! To my way of thinking, if I'm not using them (at all, as in never or almost never) then I really should sell them and allow someone else to put them to better use. Easy to say, but hard to do. Right about the time I sell a pair, I'll be wanting to reach for them again!

All of that is a long winded way of saying that perhaps I should have worded this thread title differently. It wasn't really supposed to be about who has the most stuff. Instead, looking at his list of headphones alone and forgetting everything else, it really is a remarkable list (to say the least). He might not have as many variations in terms of systems (amp, source and cable combinations) and he's not into electrostats at all, but this is simply because his goals are different. He may well think of headphones in the same way that I do about watches. Although I only have 2 nice ones, and neither of those is very expensive, if I were to get into the watches "hobby" I'm sure it would be as a collector. In other words, were I so inclined, I could have 125 watches without ever feeling the least bit guilty about not wearing them. Not so with headphones because I think there is so much to learn and enjoy about each one.

As for 909's estimate of the collection's value, please let that one go. It's not important in any event, and really wasn't intended to be anything to be discussed and debated at length. That, and 909 seems to be kindly asking to be given a break!

FWIW, I've just looked at my collection which is about 40 headphones and IEMs. I paid around $26k for all of them, and about 2/3rd's of them were new. My strategy is to seek the top models as well as anything else that I think I'll find to be interesting and thus likely to use frequently. Thus, for example, I've got the K701 but not the K601 or K501 (although they each have a lot of merit, I don't think I'd use them much). In fact, the only other AKG's I have are the K1000's. Qualia 010 and SA5000, but no SA2000 or SA1000, and so forth. I'm sure this serves to drive up the average cost quite a bit, but I don't think of it that way. My guess is that his collection would cost twice this amount, just at a glance. Of course, I've got no clue about what some of his headphones even are!
Jan 31, 2007 at 5:21 AM Post #74 of 178
A collection is only as good as it's weakest link, and I think that his source inventory and amp inventory are his weakest link. But then again, that's not his purpose.
If he was Afrikane or GoRdwings19, then the world would benefit from his collection. It sure beats collecting butterflies and stamps.

I have a hard enought time deciding which cans to use use during different sessions. Imagine if he was into watches and sunglasses too.

Like the famous scene from "This is Spinal Tap" I can see him pointing out most of the cans to Rob Reiner saying, "see this still hass the label on it...don't touch it" where Rob reiner says, "I'm just pointing " and he says. "Well don't point at it"!

Like i once said when fixing Xerox machines at a Kinkos who had hundreds of reams of Xerox paper..."If Xerox ever ran out of paper, I would know who to send them too".
Jan 31, 2007 at 5:50 AM Post #75 of 178
I can only dream about the day when I can dish out over 10K in audio equipment. Being in college really hampers my buying abilities. Anyway, I would probably get a nice speaker set up with the kind of money he has spent on headphones.

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